Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 110: Dabi start

Chapter 110: Dabi start

Biquge , update the latest chapter of Emperor Wandao as soon as possible!

"Haha, are you Lu Ming? I have heard many times that the little girl Lan'er mentioned you and wanted to meet you a long time ago. Uh, uh, now I see it. It turns out to be good. It's a dragon among people."

The dean of Suzaku looked at Landing Ming carefully, stroking his gray beard and nodding his head.

"The dean has won the prize!"

Lu Ming said modestly.

But after all, he was a sixteen-year-old boy. He was praised by such a big man, and he was still very happy, with a smile on his face.

"Grandpa, don't praise him. Look at him and laugh more proudly!"

Muran glanced at Lu Ming and said.

Lu Ming smiled slightly and said, "Sister Muran, aren't you jealous, haha!"

"Are you jealous? The kid, now on the bronze list, is he guts getting fat?"

Mourin gritted his teeth, glaring fiercely.

On the edge, Feng Wu, Pang Shi, Hua Chi and others could not help but could not help but almost laughed, his face flushed.

"Sister Muran, the dean praises me. What's wrong with me? This is the dean. Can I get the dean's approval? Shouldn't I be proud? Is it dean?"

Lu Ming said, and looked at the Dean again.

"Hahaha, little guy, true temperament, I like it, I should be proud of it, but wait for the enemy, but you can't underestimate the enemy."

Chief Suzaku laughed.

"Thank you Dean for reminding."

Lu Ming clenched his fists again.

"Damn it!" Muran gritted his teeth and left with the Dean of Suzakuin and returned to their seats.


After Muran left, the couple of wind dances could not help but laugh.

"Lu Ming, I tell you, Sister Mulan is very vengeful. You have to be careful later."

Feng Wu laughed while saying.

Suddenly, she saw that Muran had cast a vicious look not far away. She immediately looked straight, her smile disappeared without a trace.

The rapid change surprised Lu Ming for a while.

All around, other disciples at Suzakuin cast their envious glances at Lu Ming.

The president of Suzakuin actually came to see him in person and praised him in public. What an honour is this?

This shows that the Dean of the Suzaku House appreciates Lu Ming, but Cheng Feiluan, who ranks in the top ten in the Bronze List of the Suzaku House, has no treatment.

Uh! Uh...

At this moment, deep inside the core of the Xuanyuan Sword School suddenly flew a few rays of light.

The light was dazzling, traversing the void, and instantly reached the battlefield.

"Congratulations to the head!"

As soon as a few figures arrived, the deans of the four courtyards, as well as the elders in silver robes, all got up and got their luggage.


Lu Ming and others were startled, and it was actually the head of the team. He quickly got up and said, "Congratulations to the master!"

More than 50,000 disciples shouted in unison and shook the world.

"You don't have to be rude, sit down!"

A gentle, clear voice sounded.

The sound seemed to come from the air, but it seemed to sound from the ears of everyone. It was very wonderful.

Lu Ming looked up, there were seven figures in the air.

The headed person, who is about forty years old, has a handsome face, black hair like a waterfall, and a snow-white gown standing in the void, as if the entire world is centered on him.

There was no trace of breath on his body, but it fell in Lu Ming's eyes, like an endless sea, unfathomable, and gave a terrible pressure.

"Is this the head of the Xuanyuan Sword School? One of the overlords of the entire Sun Empire, Feixue Excalibur, Lin Xueyi."

Lu Ming moved.

Behind the head of the Xuanyuanjian faction, followed by two golden robe elders, and four silver robe elders.

Immediately, the head of the Xuanyuan sword faction and six elders flew down and landed on the highest point of the northern grandstand, where they were specially prepared for the head.

"Everyone is here, let's start now!"

The head of the Xuanyuanjian faction was very simple, and he waved and announced.

As soon as the leader's voice fell, a silver-robed elder flew onto the battle platform and began to introduce the rules of Darby.

The rules are very simple, a total of 60 people, according to the previous ranking, assign numbers.

Lu Ming had previously killed Yao Tianyu, and naturally replaced him, ranking 51, and the number was 51.

Sixty players played against each other, drawing lots to decide their opponents.

The winner will enter the top 30, and the loser will be eliminated.

But after determining the top 30, there will be a challenge.

The elders of the four courtyards and the elders over the head discussed together to select ten talents of high strength and challenge the thirty talents who had been promoted before.

As long as you win, you can replace the opponent into the top 30.

This is for the sake of fairness, because some people may be very strong, but at first they have bad luck, and the genius who has drawn the top few draws has lost some grievances.

This kind of challenge can avoid the strong genius as much as possible, because of bad luck, was eliminated early.

This is related to the interests of the four courtyards and it is natural to be fair.

The same goes for the next thirty to fifteen, until the top ten are selected, then play in turns to determine the final ranking.

Entering the top ten, there are a lot of rewards, not to mention, Lu Ming is very jealous just for the rewards of contribution points.

"Okay, the rules must be clear to everyone. Now, the disciples of the bronze list come up to draw lots."

Elder Yinpao announced.

Lu Ming got up and went to the battle platform.

In the four compound areas, there were people on the battle platform, and finally, a total of 60 people.

All the eyes of the audience gathered on these sixty people.

They are the protagonists of these days.

"Look, that's Zhang Muyun, Zhang Muyun in the bronze list of the Qinglong Academy, so handsome, talented and handsome, if I can marry him."

"Don't dream, it is said that Zhang Muyun and Zhuo Yirong ranked seventh are a pair, you don't have to dream."

"Ah? Well, you see, that's Lu Ming, this year's newcomer king, and he made the bronze list in the first year. It's amazing and handsome. He should have no girlfriend? I decided. , I'm going to chase him."

"You? Why did Lu Ming look at you?"


On the court, the female disciples of the four courtyards tweeted and talked enthusiastically.

Suddenly, some male disciples were upset.

"Huh, although Lu Ming has a good talent, it is not his time now. I don't think he can pass the first round."

"That's for sure. I thought about the first round and entering the top 30. It's impossible. Even if he is lucky, he will be challenged and replaced by someone else."

Those male disciples said uncomfortably.

In the area of Baihuyuan, there were two people staring at the land and croaking.

A young girl, a white dress, glamorous and unforgettable, is Lu Yao who disappeared from the moment she joined the Xuanyuan Sword School.

Beside her, is her father Lu Yunxiong.

At this moment, Lu Yao looked at Lu Ming's tall figure on the battle platform, and his face was somber.

At that time, the Lu family's Dabi battle, she suffered humiliation, hated Lu Ming, and wanted to revenge Lu Ming, so after she entered the Xuanyuan sword school, she closed her hardship.

This practice took almost nine months, and he was the fiancee of Duan Mulin, a peerless genius. The Duanmu family naturally does not stingy resources.

With the help of a lot of resources, Lu Yao's cultivation progressed by leaps and bounds, breaking the way all the way. When she left the customs a few days ago, she had reached the level of martial arts.

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