Eternal Thief

Chapter 998 Life is Coming to an End! (3)

Chapter 998 Life is Coming to an End! (3)

The darkness was quickly spreading throughout the golden sky world, and the edge of the forbidden sea boundary was still normal. But, even from this distance, one could see the incoming darkness like a dark curtain, and it wouldn't be long before it reached this place.

At this moment, two figures appeared. One of them looked like a beggar, while the other was wearing black robes with a hood covering his head.

Damien finally snapped out of his daze. He quickly looked around and saw the endless wall of the Qi radiation giving him the chills, and in front of him was nothing but an endless sea.

However, he didn't have the heart to pay attention to this place as he angrily questioned the beggar beside him who brought him here without even waiting for his consent.

"YOU… why did you bring me here like this?! What about my comrades? They will think I've abandoned them. Send me back!"

Under the furious gaze of Damien, the beggar remained nonchalant as he impassively said, "Feeling is for the weak; they will only hinder justice. Besides, they are not your comrades but soldiers you neutered to promote justice. But it appears, which means your time is up, and now you have gathered experience, it's time for you to serve your purpose."

"Bullshit, they are not my soldiers!" Damien trembled with fury, "What's the point in seeking justice when I'm abandoning my comrades the first thing in the face of danger? No, it was you who decided this for me; I'm not going to agree with this. Send me back, I don't give shit about your purpose if you don't care about my feelings!"

His tone was unyielding and filled with agitation. He knew that voice and darkness were bad news, but he didn't want to abandon his people. He had formed a bond with them in all these years, and they were the closest thing to a family for him.

Not only that, but he has also experienced love and just thinking about her all alone and thinking he had abandoned her, making him crazy.

He had already experienced the feeling of being abandoned, and his whole early life was a lie. He didn't want to do the same thing to others, especially this woman. He would rather die than abandon her.

Furthermore, he was indignant towards this mysterious master of his, he appeared out of nowhere and always gives him strange mission to do and then vanished for months even years.

The forming of the Thieving World Society was also his master's idea so he could seek justice with the art of thievery. So, when he was investigating the lower lands, he founded the Sky Stealer Society and made it the foundation of the Thieving World Society.

But even he never expected that he would fall in love with the previous founder of the Sky Stealer Society. He didn't know when, but he just fell for that headstrong woman who was fearless and wanted to change the world just like him, and she was also abandoned and lied to by her own kin.

Yet, now his master had brought him away, and he knew she might not think that it was his own choice and not hate him for this, but he was unwilling to do such a thing.

Furthermore, from his master's abrupt appearance and bringing him away like this, he knew that darkness was not something he could handle, and even his master seemed to be apprehensive of it. So, she might die, which makes him even more agitated, and he feels like his heart might explode from worry.

The beggar suddenly turned his head away from the faraway darkness and looked at Damien, "Stop hypnotizing yourself, boy. You know better than anyone if you really think of them as your comrades. As for that woman, it is nothing but your lower body messing with your head.

"She might have a fantastic soul physique and good skin, but she will only be your weakness and slow you down. Besides, if I'm not wrong, she never answered your feelings, and she's always been waiting for the Sky Stealer. Isn't that the reason she was willing to work with you, so that she could search for him? Furthermore, if I'm not wrong, she's so gentle with you and shows you some goodwill all because she still thinks you are the Sky Stealer in the guise of Nightmarish Thief." His words were sharp and without any warmth.

Damien's expression twisted with turmoil, and he felt like he might explode, but he couldn't refute it because his master spoke nothing but the truth. He was never able to come clean with her about this misunderstanding because he was afraid that she would reject him, and this was the most painful part.

"You don't know anything! She's not like this, and she just admires Sky Stealer since he seemed to have helped her in the lower lands when he was there. Enough with this nonsense! Just send me back, or I'll go myself!" Damien's aura began to claim as he was ready to fight or flee if he didn't get what he wanted.

The beggar deeply looked at stubborn Damien, who seemed to have been completely blinded by his emotions.

"Since you told me they are your comrades, I'll give you a choice, you can either save that girl or everyone else. Trust me when I say everyone will die once that darkness reaches this place; every living thing that exists in this place will die no matter how powerful they are, no matter how tiny they are, no matter where they are hiding, no matter how fast they run, death is all that left for them.

"Furthermore, do you know who brought this calamity upon everyone?" The beggar's voice turned profound.

"Who?" Damien was shocked as he squinted his eyes with killing intent since he knew all of this was happening because of that damn voice. If he could, he would skin that bastard alive for doing such a thing.

"Sky Stealer! He unsealed something he shouldn't have, and all for what? Just for a treasure! He was even warned that something like this would happen. Still, he chose himself over everyone else, and now he's somewhere this darkness can't reach, completely safe and sound with his bevy, while everyone here is going to die without any corpse intact." The beggar's voice was like a thunderclap in Damien's ears.

He was in utter disbelief as he even forgot about his anger. Many people admire Sky Stealer, especially those weak and helpless ones. Even he himself admires Sky Stealer and considers him as his goal and a hero of justice. That's why he took in the Sky Stealer Society.

Yet, now, after hearing this calamity was brought upon them by none other than his hero, he felt suffocated.

"You're lying! No human could do something like this!" Damien furiously shook his head, completely denying this possibility.

"Heh, boy, I'm pretty sure if a God gave you a choice to choose between the world and your woman, you would choose her without hesitation because you don't have the power to go against the god.

"Sky Stealer is someone who has nothing but greed, and this world is nothing but a stepping stone for him. He may appear a hero when he steals from the rich, but tell me, is very rich wicked? Some rich people become rich because of their own hard work and spending their entire lives to accumulate their fortune and live an honest life.

"Sky Stealer is not like you who discriminate between good and bad, honest and wicked; for him, everyone is a victim. Even Heaven is nothing but a giant treasure trove for him to plunder, and the consequences of his action will be toiled by people like you and this world.

"Even right now, when you're fighting for those people, he's still nonchalant about this and thinking of how to benefit from this situation and especially over you. If you don't believe me, see this." The beggar waved his hand and the next moment a projection suddenly appeared.

In that projection appeared a tan skin handsome demon sitting in a room and holding a cube.

"Demonic Hands?" Damien's eyes opened wide as he instantly recognized this newly appointed vice leader of the Thieving World Society, and he also had a very good impression of him.

But at this moment, Demonic Hands spoke, and Damien's face went deadly pale as if he had seen a ghost, and he took a step back.

"Brother Ace, something is happened in the Thieving World Society…"

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