Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 851 Attacking the Labyrinthine Facility

851  Attacking the Labyrinthine Facility As Rudy descended through the lower floors of the labyrinthine facility, he encountered a distinct challenge on each level. The facility seemed to anticipate his every move, as if it knew he would come for its secrets. Each floor was guarded by soldiers wielding different superpowers, making the battles more intense and diverse.

On the second floor, Rudy faced soldiers who could manipulate fire at will. Flames danced in their palms, swirling around them like protective shields. But that was nothing compared to Rudy's powers, and his powers were not to be outmatched. He created a counterforce, manipulating the elements around him to extinguish their flames and rendering their powers useless.

Further exploration brought Rudy to chambers filled with ethereal beings—fairies, their delicate wings now tattered and fragile. Rudy's soul stirred with compassion for these diminutive creatures robbed of their natural essence. A surge of energy radiated from Rudy's body as he vowed to end the abhorrent practices that had so callously toyed with the harmony of fantasy realms.

As Rudy advanced, their powers intensified, a tempest of abilities swirling within them. Walls crumbled, security measures shattered, Rudy continued to destroy everything that came in his way.

As he progressed to the third floor, Rudy found himself facing soldiers with the ability to control the very fabric of time. They slowed down his movements, attempting to overpower him with their temporal manipulation. However, Rudy's mastery over his abilities allowed him to resist the time-altering effects. He swiftly moved through the temporal barrier, neutralizing his adversaries.

Of course, Rudy had no idea what types of powers the soldiers had. He simply let his wild fighting instinct get the best of him and did what he thought was the best.

With each subsequent floor, the battles grew more intense. Soldiers with super strength and invulnerability clashed with Rudy, but he used his telekinetic powers to exploit their weaknesses. Soldiers with the ability to manipulate plant life attempted to ensnare him, but Rudy effortlessly commanded the elements to his advantage, turning the plants against their wielders.

But amidst the battles, Rudy discovered something even more heart-wrenching. On each floor, there were chambers containing one mythical creature alongside the humans who had been subjected to experiments involving their genes. The creatures were trapped, their spirits broken, and the humans were suffering from the effects of these cruel experiments.

Upon witnessing the horrors in front of his eyes, he suddenly remembered that he was once in the same, or perhaps a similar facility where he was experimented on. The pain he had suffered and the torment he had gone through made him sympathetic to the test subjects in the facility.

Filled with a mix of rage and compassion, Rudy made it his mission to not only defeat the soldiers guarding each floor but also to free the creatures and release the tormented humans from their anguish. He not only vanquished his foes, but also to unlock the chambers, releasing the captives and vowing to bring them to safety.

With each floor he conquered, Rudy grew more determined to dismantle the clandestine facility, liberate the captive creatures, and ensure the survival and well-being of the humans who had been subjected to these unethical experiments, and the beings of other races.. The battles became not just about his own survival, but about bringing an end to the suffering inflicted within the labyrinthine walls.

As Rudy continued his journey through the lower floors of the labyrinthine facility, he encountered a diverse array of mythical creatures with human-like features. Each floor was designated according to the race of the creatures held captive.

Rudy named the floors so he could remember the exact layout of the labyrinthine facility.

1. Floor of the Centaurs: On this level, Rudy encountered the powerful and noble centaurs, beings with the lower body of a horse and the upper body of a human. The centaurs, once majestic and free, were now imprisoned within the facility, their spirits crushed by the cruel experiments.

Soldiers with incredible speed and archery skills, firing arrows with unparalleled accuracy while galloping through the battlefield.

2. Floor of the Nymphs: Moving to the next level, Rudy entered the realm of the ethereal nymphs. These graceful and enchanting beings, associated with nature and beauty, were now confined in the chambers of the facility. Their innate connection with the natural world had been exploited, and their powers diminished.

Soldiers with ethereal beauty and nature-based powers, able to manipulate plants, control wildlife, and heal wounds with the power of nature.

3. Floor of the Satyrs: On this floor, Rudy confronted the mischievous and lively satyrs, creatures with the lower body of a goat and the upper body of a human. These free-spirited beings, known for their love of revelry and music, were now subject to the cruel experiments, their joyful essence tainted by despair.

Soldiers skilled in agility and wielding dual weapons, evading attacks with nimble footwork and striking with precision.

4. Floor of the Sirens: As Rudy descended further, he reached the haunting domain of the enchanting sirens. These alluring beings, with the ability to captivate with their melodic voices, were now trapped within the facility, their songs silenced and their enchanting powers turned against them.

Soldiers with mesmerizing voices and illusions, luring their enemies into a state of trance before striking with deadly precision.

5. Floor of the Harpies: Moving down to the next level, Rudy confronted the fierce and winged harpies. These half-human, half-bird creatures, once known for their wild nature and soaring freedom, were now confined in the chambers, their wings clipped and their spirits broken.

Soldiers with the ability to soar through the air and unleash razor-sharp feathers as projectiles, attacking from above with aerial superiority.

6. Floor of the Lamia: On this floor, Rudy faced the enigmatic and seductive lamia. These beings, with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a serpent, were now imprisoned within the facility. Their ancient powers and mysterious allure had been used against them, leaving them trapped and powerless.

Soldiers possessing snake-like agility and venomous strikes swiftly coiling around their opponents to deliver deadly blows.

7. Floor of the Selkies: Descending further, Rudy found himself in the watery domain of the enchanting selkies. These beings, able to transform from seals into humans, were now held captive within the facility. Their freedom in the sea had been stripped away, leaving them yearning for the waves.

Soldiers with enhanced swimming capabilities and control over water, utilizing aquatic combat techniques and summoning tidal waves.

8. Floor of the Gorgons: Finally, Rudy reached the treacherous domain of the fearsome gorgons. These snake-haired beings possessed the power to turn onlookers to stone with a single gaze. Imprisoned within the facility, their powers were controlled and their formidable presence reduced to a mere shadow.

Soldiers with serpentine features and the ability to turn their enemies to stone with a glance, employing petrifying gazes and swift strikes.

With each floor representing a different race of mythical creatures, Rudy dealt with the super soldiers and freed the captives. He ordered them to wait for him outside while he dived deeper into the lower floors.


A/N- The list is to show for how many years these supergene experiments were happening and how vast the diversity of the experiments is.


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