Erotic RPG: I am in the Game world, But My Heroines are Villainesses

Chapter 43 Night Talk With Diana

When I finished writing things that I needed to do and instructing the maid to buy them, I started reading a book regarding the history of martial arts in this world, just to pass the time.


Around that time, I heard the sound of door knocking.

"Brother, are you there?"

Following that was a quiet sound of a familiar girl.

"Yes, Diana. You can enter."

Hearing me confirming, she entered the room and closed the door after.

A shiny platinum hair, cute looking nightgown, and slightly downhearted blue eyes.

That was the scene welcoming me when I turned my head to the door-side.

"Diana, is something wrong?"

Seeing her downhearted expression, I asked, albeit I knew why she was upset.

"I wanted to see you."

"Is that all?"

"Do I need another reason to see you?"

"No, you don't."

"See. It is not that hard to admit it."

With a triumphant expression, she said, albeit that little sadness was still there.

"It is also not that hard to admit that you are feeling lonely since you will leave the house tomorrow."


Hearing me say that, she flinched.

"Brother, you shouldn't say that bluntly. It is fine if it is me, but other people would get agitated if they heard such a thing."

"So, you don't mind me saying such things to another woman?"

"If that is the case, I just need to make her disappear, no?"

"It was a joke."

"I wasn't joking at all."


"Puffft! Hahahaha, that was funny…. It has been really a long time since we have talked like this, hasn't it, brother?"

Seeing the speechless expression I tried so hard to convey, she burst out laughing.

However, to be honest, surpassing my traits in front of Diana was not that hard; somehow, I feel like the original Callius also hadn't wanted to look that strict in front of Diana. That also explains why he was able to joke from time to time.

"Is your mood a little lifted now?"

"Uhm… Yes, a little bit. But it would be better if you hugged me."

"You know, I won't do that."

"Why? I am leaving tomorrow, and we won't see each other for a while."

"You know, I am not comfortable with touching other people."

"Am I just an 'other people'?"

"No, you are not."

"Then, it is okay if I do this, right?"

"Sigh… Do whatever you want."

Hearing me giving her permission, she came closer and hugged me, putting her arms on my neckline.

'Putting a pitiful expression and a low voice to gain my attention, reminding me of old times to gain my sympathy, comparing herself with others to set the mood, you are getting better and better in this with every day passing.'

I thought with a smile on my face, seeing through her strategy at once.

'However, I will let it slide for just once. You can charge through your heart's content for today since we won't be seeing each other for a while.'

Remembering the things the future holds for me, I decided to let her do whatever she wanted just for today.

"Can we stay like this for a while?"


Surpassing the tingling sensation going through my whole body because of my traits, I decided to ask.

"When are you going to leave?"

"I will leave at dawn."

"With the portal?"

"Yes. Master herself will fetch me. She said she had some business in Nightlance's territory."

"I see. When are you coming back?"

"If another incident…. Another incident like this occurs. I won't be returning back for a whole year."


'Such a naughty kid. Sniffing me while maxing it with the sudden sad mood. Did you think I wouldn't notice?'

I thought, seeing her naughty side.

"Brother, somehow it feels like your body is changed?"

"Hmm, how come?"

"It feels like, your body is now getting color."

"I don't think it changed that much."

"It certainly changed, trust me."

Saying that she looked up at me from below while putting changing her position, putting her body on my lap.

"Somehow, I feel like this is not a hugging position."

"It was uncomfortable hugging you from the side. My back hurts."

"Sigh… You act like a spoiled child, you know?"

"And you like spoiling me, you know?"

"Look at this kid, now talking back."

"Hehehe. I am not a kid anymore, humph."

"You are still a kid in my eyes."

I said with a joking tone with a teasing smile. Somehow I feel like the traits Callius tried so hard to suppress are coming out the more I talk with Diana. I feel like I can become myself in front of her.


Hearing me say that, she suddenly got agitated.

"Humph, then if I do this, you won't get mad?"

"Do what?"



The moment she said that, she bit me on the right side of my neck, leaving a mark.

"This is payback for calling me a kid."

"Are you sure you are not a cat trying to mark her prey?"

"Humph, think whatever you want."

"Okay, okay. You are not a kid. Are you satisfied now?"

Saying that I patted her head with my right hand while stroking her cheek.

"Hehehe, I am."

She said with a brightening smile. I have seen a lot of expressions from Diana, but looking back, this is the brightest smile she has shown me so far.

'Did you like my affectionate eyes?'

I thought while keep patting her. Somehow, it feels like she is purring under my touch.

"Brother, can't I stay with you just for tonight?"

"No, you can't."

I said with a firm attitude.

'Giving her this much space is enough for now. More than that would make me in a disadvantageous position for our future relationship. I need to pull the carrot for now.'

I thought while releasing my suppressed traits. Now, it is time to get this over with.

Seeing my firm attitude and cold eyes returning, she understood it was now time to stop.

"Okay. Let me stay for just a minute longer."

"No. This is enough."

Saying that, I pulled her from my lap and put her on the bed. Standing up, I said with a commanding tone.

"Now, leave. You will wake up early tomorrow. Don't show those prideful elves a weak side, and don't make us lose face."

"Okay, brother. I will work hard."


Nodding my head, I gestured for her to leave, and she started leaving my room.

"Good night, brother."

Returning her head to me, she said. For a moment, I could see the glance she threw at my neck, and her mouth curled slightly.

"Good night, Diana."

Hearing that, she left my room, closing the door.

After she left, I changed my clothes and went to the bath to wash my face and freshen up.

'This girl…. She left a mark. Albeit it is not that hard to get rid of it, I won't do it for now. Let's allow her to have a good mood before she leaves.'

I thought while going to bed. I read a book until sleep finally came in.

Giving up to sleep, I closed my eyes…


Waking up early in the morning, I first got rid of the drowsiness of the morning by doing some light stretches and ordered my classic morning tea.

After that, I went to see Diana off. Although she was a little sad, seeing me coming to send her, she got happier.

There was also the fact that I slightly let her see that I had yet to get rid of the mark she had left.

Anyway, after sending her off, I went to the training grounds just to repeat the same training I did yesterday.

On my way there, I have seen some maids running there and there again. Mansion was just as lively as before.

Since Diana left the house for her training, everything will become a lot monotonous, now with the absence of my last close person.

Aside from Diana, I won't be able to surpass my traits…

Anyway, entering the training room, I instructed Aura to make the environment a little cold this time. Today I am not in the mood to listen to the noises coming from nature; I want a quiet atmosphere.

After the environment changed to a mountain typed one, I started doing some 'hiking,' albeit it was more like a mountain marathon.

As I ran in the mountains, I also did my body workout there. There was a famous movie about a boxer I liked watching, and there was a training scene in it, just like that.

"Good old times…."

Mumbling like that, I finished my body training and started repeating my sword routine.

First, watching the last day's records and correcting mistakes, and finally, I trained with my swords while paying attention to those things.

Finishing my training, when Aura informed me that breakfast time had come, I left the room.

After taking a shower, I went to the breakfast room just to have another meal with a dull atmosphere; I went to my room since the things I had ordered were all there.

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