Epic of Bee

Chapter 162 The Timeduss

"Timeduss are tenth generation Renicarnators. This means that they have walked ten unique paths, ten full and glorious lives! That is not to say that they were not filled with strife and pain, some even worse."

Suddenly I was thrown into a scene of battle on an open plain where humans fought massive demonic creatures in robes like Shaolin Monks. I watched from just outside the battle, but I could clearly see the men and women fighting with their bare hands.

It was mesmerizing to watch, but it was also a full-scale battle, and people and creatures were dying on both sides. I didn't understand the point of showing me this, I had learned what this looked like on a smaller scale, but then I noticed someone among the Human ranks.

Unlike the others, the strikes that she made were blasting the creatures back into the other one.

This woman was a terror on the battlefield, and she was starting to move faster now. The Demon ranks were being decimated.

"This was the tenth path that I walked as the Monk System. During this time, I worked with another Renicarnator, and it was my fifth life on this world," B311 explained as it appeared as a light orb floating beside me.

"Fifth life? But does that mean that out of the ten paths that you walked, five of them were here?" I asked, turning to the orb in confusion.

"No, the Paths are the worlds, the lives are the number of times we fail to achieve the most glorious end. I lived countless lives before ever reaching this point," B311 explained, and I felt my heart hammering in my chest.

"Wait, so if I don't do it right the first time, I have to keep being reborn?" I asked as I could feel panic starting to rise.

That would mean that if I failed, I would be stuck like the other gods, and I would have to watch my friends grow old and die. I understood dying and moving on, but I didn't want to be like Hilda and Beezli.

"Yes, that is why it is important to leave a lasting impression on the world, or you will become Fallen. Those that waste the lives they are given are placed as Fallen for the crime of wasting the second chance that they received," B311 explained, but we were no longer on the plains.

The scene was strange, but I was sure that I knew what it was. I was in space and floating over a massive planet, but it looked nothing like the original earth I was from.

"This is Kadeon and the planet that you reside on, for now. The world is a construct and runs autonomously without any outside help. There are others, but those are far outside of your technological reach in this world," B311 explained, but I wasn't satisfied with the explanation of the Fallen.

"Wait, back to the Fallen. Why are you putting these people in place of gods? Are you blind to what they are doing? Why are you putting these spiteful people in places where they can do so much damage?" I asked the glowing sphere that floated with me as we drifted around the massive white marble that was my current home.

"I do not know their reasons for this, but the Fallen are a kind of Balance on each world, just like the Risen are there to guide you and help. You have to understand that we, the Timeduss, are not in control; the Ten are. Who, what, where, why, and even when are not known about these, and even if I did know, I would not be allowed to speak of it," B311 explained, and I felt more than heard a tone of weariness.

That was more than troubling, but there was a list of troubling things. Even without The Ten, there was more than enough to become stressed about.

"So, you don't know or can't say anything about them, but then what is the point of trying to become a Timeduss? Besides repeating rebirths in the same world, why do I want to become a Timeduss?" I asked, but then I was thrown up, and I left the body I was in, and I felt myself being torn through reality like a tearing pressure to my soul.

Then I was on an island, in the middle of a black ocean. There was only white light in the sky, but it was not blinding; it was just white.

"I am sorry for the pain, but to show you why you should continue to fight, I had to bring you to the Island of Pinnacala, home of the Multiverse. If you look down, you will be able to see what I am talking about," B311 told me, and I looked; well, I pointed my orb-likeness down and couldn't believe what I was seeing.

,m At first, it looked like the entire island was made up of colored marbles, but I could see that these little things were so much more as I lowered myself. I looked into one of the small marbles, and I was immediately aware of what I was looking at.

"Each of these is a different Universe, no two are the same, and there is no way to properly count them all. Once you become a Timeduss, you will have access to all of them, and you will be able to live any life of your choosing. To be a Timeduss is to have the ultimate freedom," B311 said, and I could feel the excitement, and I understood it.

That was a reward that was worth fighting for, but why?

"What about the Ten? Is there no way to go higher?" I asked.

"Higher? Why would you want to go higher than Pinnacala? You can literally have anything that you want! A1 and B2 ensured this! Be careful of what you say!" B311 said to me, and this time I felt panic, so I decided to leave it alone.

This would be a concern of mine, but I had a very far road to travel before it would be relevant. It also looked like The Ten held a lot of influence with the Timeduss, even though they claimed to be free.

"Fine, I will drop it, but if you are so free, why are you here now? Does that mean that I will also be a liaison for the people that are constantly coming through?" I asked and felt… laughter?

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