Elder Cultivator

Chapter 233

Chapter 233

... what? Anton squinted at Everheart. Whats better than ascension?

If I knew that, I would have done it, Everheart said. Besides, do you think I know everything? Im just making wild conjecture. It doesnt really matter though, if you reach the peak of Life Transformation while keeping up with your Fleeting Youth training youll kick the ass of anyone below Ascension. And thats all that you need. Everhearts teenage form leaned against the wall casually, Though youll die of old age pretty quick, I bet. Hows your lifespan holding up?

Anton shrugged, Ive got at least two decades in me right now.

Not bad, Everheart said, Should have another fifty though. That late start really made things hard, huh?

I suppose so, Anton said, But I have nothing to compare to.

Yeah, well, Everheart shrugged, Look, I dont actually know everything, even everything Everheart knew. But I do know that you have to carve out your own path. And I had a thought that maybe ascension wasnt the only one. The only way to find that out for sure is to do it, or die trying. Though it may do you some good to hang around for a while

Because of the ascended individuals coming to attack, I presume, Anton said with as much casualness as he could muster.

You know about that? Everheart said. Others too, I hope?

Yes. We found the secret realm of the Luminous Ocean Society, and sifted through their ruins to find some techniques that can combat ascension energy.

Good, good, Everheart continued to nod. Then you might have a chance. Not at winning, of course, Everheart quickly clarified, But of not being completely wiped out.

Will you help us? Anton asked.

Im just a projection. Besides the knowledge and crap contained here, I cant really do anything.

I mean Everheart, Anton said.

Im dead, Everhearts projection said. Everyone knows that.

Or you ascended. You should have a pretty good idea of whether or not that happened, Anton said. And given this place, I cant imagine you got close enough to guide others without taking that step yourself shortly after.

Everheart shook his head sadly. You make the assumption that one precludes the other. But I know you know that even if I ascended, Im dead. Too many enemies. And, if, just if I survived somehow do you think Id help? I may have messed around with these stupid tombs, but Im ultimately just a self-serving asshole. This was a fun little side project. If it lets you all kill a single person when they come, well thats just a little revenge I set up for myself in advance.

I dont believe you, Anton said. This is far too much work to go to, too much expense, just to maybe kill someone who might have killed you.

I appreciate your optimism kid, but you know what they say. You cant take it with you.

... Anton found Everheart very difficult to read. His flippant nature was certainly an intention affection to a certain extent, but some parts of him were genuine. I have it on good authority that you can, in fact, take it with you. Otherwise there would have been a pile of stuff left behind whenever people ascend, and these raids would be pointless.

Crap, Everheart said. His expression looked genuinely upset. I didnt think of that.

Anton couldnt help but laugh. Because either Everheart had really missed the fact that he could bring his wealth with him, or hed set up a whole lot of complicated places for the sake of pushing others onto a path for their own protection and never once tried to get anyone to appreciate him for it.

Dont laugh, Everheart stomped his foot.

One of us has to, Anton said. And I figured it wouldnt be you. He walked forward, looking at the pedestal. You cant actually get these crystals, can you?

Nah, Everheart said. But one guys coughing up blood every time they disappear. Its hilarious.


Everheart left in short order after the conversation finished. Anton hadnt gotten anything but a better understanding of his conscious and unconscious thoughts about ascension, which he supposed didnt count as nothing. But he didnt get anything to help boost his cultivation, after the forest at least.

He didnt end up with any more questions, eventually arriving in a room where several Life Transformations cultivators stood, looking at the wall. On the wall was a large circle, with two needles protruding from it and hanging parallel. One pointed directly upward, and one slightly to its left. If Anton recalled correctly, it was similar to a timekeeping device. Most cultivators had no need of them, and few people had need for precise timing. Such devices were usually large and clunky, though most didnt take up a whole wall. Anton felt it with his energy senses, and instead of the expected formations running, the thing sensed a large collection of metal rods and gears.

Any idea what this is? one of the Life Transformation cultivators asked as Anton entered. He was the one Anton knew was from Crunching Hippo River, though he didnt know the mans name. The large man waddled over to Anton, and Anton knew he wasnt just asking, he was demanding to know.

I dont know, senior, Anton said. Except that it might be a timepiece.

For what? the man asked, though he clearly didnt expect Anton to have that answer.

Anton looked at it anyway. I hope its not until the next potential invasion. Because if so, it doesnt appear we have much time.

The man squinted his eyes, grabbing Antons shoulder before he could even sense him moving. Invasion by what? What do you know?

Senior, Anton explained calmly. Information from the secret realm and ruins of the Luminous Ocean Society indicated an attack in the past. One enough to erase them, and probably other very strong sects, from the history of the world.

The grip on his shoulder relaxed, though Anton himself did not. Foolishness, the man said as he turned away, though his worry was plain for Anton to read.

Though the hands on the clock seemed to be completely stationary, Anton could feel them moving. It was ever so slow. If it was actually a measurement from the last incident, then there was less than a tenth of the time in between remaining. Though given that it had been several centuries at least, Anton thought they might have a few decades. At least that thought was slightly comforting. It didnt look good though.


More and more people ended up at the end of the final trial, speculating on what it might be. Among those people was Grand Elder Kseniya, who raised an eyebrow at Antons presence before her, but didnt say anything more. He could have simply been closer or chosen answers more quickly, though Grand Elder Kseniya knew that not everyone would arrive at the end. His eyes indicated he had things to say, but also that they would best be said in private. She also looked at the doe he brought along with him, but had little to say about it.

Another hour passed before Everheart appeared, his annoying teenage form leaning next to the clock. This is good enough, he said. Im sure many more people can make it here, but all the high ranking cultivators are present. Now, Im sure some of you might be wondering what happened to those people who didnt make it through the doors. You might presume they were taken back to the beginning, to be returned down below. But actually, theyre dead.

A pile of equipment suddenly appeared in front of him. Everheart judged the reactions of everyone in the room, which ranged from apathy to disbelief to a little bit of anger.

Now, Im sure you all are wondering why they would be dead. Some of your sects are missing a few members that bolstered your numbers, it seems. Except you arent. Only fakes are missing, cronies for those who think themselves better than you. Everheart shrugged, Hell, they might even be better, but the point is they were lying to you.

There were a few whispers among the crowd, and Everheart picked up on them.

Thats right. The Twin Soul Sect among others. Tainted by those not from here, traitors now and in the future. Willing to give up their lives for the promise of one somewhere better.

How foolish, one cultivator said. Nobody can help you in your next life.

Oh, I dont know about that, Everheart said. Im sure someone could. I dont know if they were actually going to follow through on the promise, but whoever is involved definitely could, if they chose to. Everheart looked at some of the people in the room. Tempting, right? Its not so hard to find someones soul after theyre dead, if you know where to look. You can help it along, guide it into the right new birth or any number of other things. Everhearts face blackened as he glared at them. Or you can tear it to shreds and make sure that theyll never live again. Everheart spit on the ground. Dont even think about following through on that temptation. If you seek out those from beyond this world, I promise that when your fellow cultivators tear apart your body, Ill do the same with your soul.

Anton wasnt sure if he Everheart could actually do that. Oh, he absolutely believed Everheart had the ability, and that everyone who had been brought into the deathtrap would have had it happen to them after they died but outside this place of control, Anton grew more skeptical. But he wasnt going to contradict the man either.

So its true then, Kseniya said. Influences from beyond ascension who somehow influence people here.

More than that, Everheart said. They can come for a little visit. Sometimes. He gestured towards the clock. Shouldnt be long now. So in addition to what you know so far, heres what I have to say about Ascension. Screw it, and everyone who dips their filthy hands into our world. But on a more practical note, Everheart said. I know you found the Luminous Ocean Society. Good job.

Anton wasnt going to mention that Everheart had learned that tidbit from him. That seemed a bit unnecessary and likely to get him in a pointless squabble.

I saw their place too. They had some nice techniques for fighting ascension energy. And they still got wiped out to the last man. Because lets face it, none of you are strong enough. All of you together, and your sects, and everyone who didnt make it here Everheart shook his head. Probably also too weak. And Im going to say this. If you know any techniques that can fight them, they wont let you live. Theyll stomp you out and remove you from history. Anton realized he couldnt move. So thats why none of you have the choice but to learn it. Everyones going to know how to fight them, whether you like it or not. If you dont want to get wiped out, youd better make good use of it.

Anton had never felt so intimidated by someone telling them he was going to learn something, not even when Grand Elder Kseniya dragged him off for training. Now, he found himself being pulled into a different place. At least his mind.

Information bombarded him from every angle. Some of it hurt less, not because it wasnt dense but simply because he had some idea about it. He had the feeling that he was being inundated with a bit of ascension energy as well, but he actually had experience with that. Along with his beginning study of the techniques to fight it, he was actually not all that harshly affected. At least that was what he determined later when he was returned to his body and found only passed out individuals all around him, while he himself was able to sit up off the floor briefly and look at them before he passed out for a good twenty hours.

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