Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 29: "I'm a Cultivator"

Chapter 29: "I'm a Cultivator"

Like a released spring, Lee jumped up on his bed. With only seconds away from the notification.


4 A.M.

450 Essence harvested.



[Morning Lee. I'm a little surprised as I've never seen you wake up like that!]

'We've something to do. First, full status!'


Name: Lee

Age: 20

Title: Grim-reaper, Soul Liberator

Fame: 712

Essence: 7920


Health: 280

Strength: 280

Vitality: 280

Agility: 280

Defense: 280

Endurance: 280

Sense: 280

Intelligence: 120

Resolve: 120


Greater Poison Immunity (1/1000000)

Medium Lightning Immunity (2580/10000)


Lesser Poison Affinity (1/100)

Medium Lightning Affinity (3/10000)


Cultivation: Peak stage Core Formation realm

Qi: 0/1100

Mana: 0


Innate Skills:-





Curse Remover








'My Intelligence and Resolve is relatively low. So increase both by 150 points.'

[Ok, this might make you dizzy for a moment.]


Before he spoke to D, Lee could feel his head vaguely spinning. After a second, it all came back to normal.

'D, why did I feel dizzy?!'

[No matter how strong you become, the Brain will always be a delicate part. Sudden upgrading caused a momentary dizziness. But it has its own merits. The Foresight will be much detailed and slower. Your problem solving capabilities have gone up by a great amount.]

'Back to where we left yesterday, explain things that can give elemental affinities and immunities.'

[As I said yesterday, pills and potions are available to obtain them temporarily. They can be stacked over with the system.

Taking a pill or potion will not readily start the progress. You'll have to actively channel it to your body and use it in your attacks.]

'Now, my biggest doubt. Can I remodel my body to have fire and ice glands or put gills behind my ear to breathe underwater?!'

[Yes, you can. But the change will cause uneasiness and pain accordingly.]

'Perfect. If I can make those, then why would I need the Immunity and Affinity?!'

[Creating elemental glands can help you in many ways. But Immunity and Affinity are entirely different things. You see, elemental glands will help you actively create and manipulate respective elements at any moment, but you can still be hurt by those if you don't have immunity to them. Even if you are immune, they may not go the way you want. Affinity increases your proficiency in an element.]

' it. How good is my Defense?! what can it be compared to?!'

[Nothing below the Higher Silver grade can hurt you.]


[A punch can make web-like cracks on a crystal sphere.]


[About 70% match of a Necrunner]

'What's a Necrunner?'

[If a quadrupedal carnivorous skeleton that is dead for at least 60 years is exposed to Death Energy for 11 years, that's a Necrunner. It has nothing apart it's supernatural speed. Best for reconnaissance and spying!]

'Ever came across one when you were alive?!'



[I freaking ran for my life. That thing is a carnivorous skeleton with teeth and claw!]

'Ok, open the 'Re-model' interface.'

A pale grey screen opened up. A black and white figure that resembled Lee was slowly rotating in it. It had no buttons or bars on its sides. Just a plain screen, with half an inch border.

'Why's all black and white?!'

[To show that this is your 'stock' body. Any changes made will be in color.]

'Where are the buttons and sliders?!'

[You've been using the system for above a week and still asking for buttons?]

'...sorry, I'll use my mind then.'


'D, zoom on my face.'

The figure stopped rotating and the face was zoomed in. The facial features were accurate, but a black and white.

'Add night vision.'

[Increasing the count of rod cells to that of cone cells........and done.]

'My hair's a mess. Make them long, straight, elegant and silky smooth.'

[How long?!]

'14 inches.'


Lee checked his hair and found that it was not changed at all. He frowned at D.

'Why didn't my hair change?!'

[Look at the bottom-right corner of the screen, stupid.]

Lee looked where he was told to and saw the number 34 in black colour.

'I assume that's the cost in Essence.'


'Then how much will it cost to have a set of wings, capable of flight and retractable to the inside of the body?!'

[Basic cost is 2300 Essence, and a lot of pain.]

'No thanks. Proceed to pay.]

Lee paid the Essence and the change on his hair was visible. It became super smooth and beautiful. Ladies would die to have hair like those.

'Essence left?'



[4.29 A.M]

'Let's go out.'

Lee jumped out of his bed and went out of the room. The aisle had 6 rooms, 3 on right and 3 on left. The door next to Lee was occupied by Freya and Fenfang. Lee went and raised his hand to knock, but hesitated and backed off. He went down to the diner, and as he went down he glanced through the window and saw that the stars were not up. But he could see everything clearly. He suddenly remembered something and went back to his room, twice the speed he came down with. He closed the door behind him and glanced at himself. His rural attire was a downer.

'D, outfits!'

A screen opened up and Lee scrolled down through the outfits. There were cultivator robes, medieval 'Earth' dresses, outfits for other races, etc.But what caught his sight was a denim-colored jean, a white tee and a black long jacket. Those three cost a total of 570 Essence, not to mention that they are outstanding in that world. He quickly stored what he wore in the Inventory and changed to what he bought. After feeling the fresh smell of the clothes, he slowly opened his door. For his surprise, Fenfang was about to knock on his door.

She was surprised to see him. But she was awestruck to see what he wore. Her eyes went wide as she had never seen such a unique dress.

Lee saw her amazement and cooked up a lie about an old man gifting him when he lived in the forest, but was afraid to wear it as someone would come to snatch it. She did not believe it completely and was about to leave when she saw his hair. A need to touch it overtook her. She pounced on him and they fell down stumbling on the floor.

Fenfang didn't care what he or anyone would think, because she was in dire need to touch it. After feeling his hair's smoothness and beauty, she came to realise that she's lying over him.

"Can you two keep it low? Or are you both in a hurry to mate?!"

Freya's voice rose from the aisle. Lee glanced at the door and saw Freya struggling to cover up her laughter. Seeing her, Fenfang quickly got up.

"It's nothing like that. She was-"

Lee couldn't complete his sentence as Freya had stepped forward and took his hair in her hand. She too was charmed by his hair. Fenfang saw it and walked downstairs with a puffed face.

Lee could only follow her to the downstairs. As Lee walked, Freya was checking his 'different' outfit.

July was cleaning the table downstairs. She was happy to see three of them coming together. But sadness soon enveloped her as she realised that she hadn't cooked.

"Aww, guys, I haven't cooked anything. I'm sorry. Could you three wait for ten minutes?!"

July apologised and asked for a few minutes. Lee intervened-

"It's okay, ma'am. We can manage."


5 A.M.

450 Essence harvested.


'About time!'

Freya's eyes sparkled upon hearing this. She knew what he meant. Fenfang, on the other side, took a few seconds to realise what he meant. Lee went near a cleaned table and waved his hand over it. 10 loaves of Honey Bread and 5 bottles of Horned-Mow milk appeared on the table. 25 Essence was deducted from what he had.

July nearly fell down as she stumbled backward. This surprise was more than she could endure. Seeing the Honey Bread loaves, she stuttered-

"Honey Bread?! So much!"

She took a bottle and sniffed. Her eyes went wide as she looked at Freya-

"Yes, Horned-Mow milk."

July supported herself and sat on a chair with amazement. These were things that even noble families ate once in a week.

Lee placed them and Fenfang and Freya pounced on the table. July watched as they stuffed their mouth with half a loaf in one go. She looked Lee and he replied-


The breakfast thus became a happy moment. They spoke and ate. Fenfang spoke less and Freya spoke lesser. Lee had to buy 5 more loaves from the Shop.

July and Lee talked about themselves. Lee shared his life experiences of being 'separated from the group' and surviving in the forest. July told her experiences as a wizard. From what she told, Lee deduced that she is at least a Veteran Wizard. He decided to ask her guidance on Mana mastery in future.


6 A.M.

450 Essence harvested.


The notification brought Lee back to track. He glanced outside and saw the streets faintly brightening up. July noticed his glance and thought that he may be in a hurry. She scolded herself inside for making someone who helped her late.

"It's okay. I didn't have any urgency at dawn."

His words that didn't suit the atmosphere distracted Freya and Fenfang from their actions. Freya glanced at July and saw her gloomy face.

"Don't worry. She's like that. It's her habit to get worried over small things. You'll get used to it."

Lee nodded on what Freya said. July realised that it was already dawn. She excused herself and went to the kitchen. Her two helpers came inside through the backdoor and greeted their boss with respect.

Lee ate one loaf and drank one bottle of milk. Freya and Fenfang had eaten the majority of what he bought out. After finishing everything, they left for the Guild.


As the trio came near the Guild building, a familiar face greeted them. Lee was surprised to see Darwin at this early time. Darwin replied-

"We were out of town on a mission, and arrived just now. We were about to go inside when we saw you."

Lee was happy to see him and narrated what happened yesterday. Darwin's expression changed as he was screaming inside.

'DA FAAK, HE KILLED OL OF EM?!?!' (Darwin)

They walked inside as Lee spoke. As Lee finished, Darwin stated as his brows rose sky high.

"Boy, I'm telling you. You're not human. I'll tell Changchang to conduct a full-body inspection on you! And your dress is strange today."

Lee chuckled on Darwin's reply. They reached the desk. Changchang greeted them.

"Adventurer Lee, here's your Guild ID. This will show your name, age, rank and cultivation/mastery if you have any. Please drip a drop of blood on it."

Lee nodded his head. Freya, Fenfang and Darwin came close to him to see what his ID will show.

The blood was dropped and the following words showed up-


Name: Lee

Age: 20

Rank: 4

Cultivation: 9th stage Core Formation realm.


A moment of silence clouded them. Including Changchang, all four looked at the ID and him. Darwin came back to his sense and raised his doubt-

"You're a cultivator?! How come I never sensed Qi from you?!"

Freya and Fenfang nodded in agreement with Darwin's question. Changchang was also interested in his secret.

"Oh about that, I don't know. It stays hidden from senses. But I can release it somewhat like this!"

Lee closed his eyes and held his breath. All three took a step back. He made a huge sigh as he internally said-



A wave swept across the hall with hardly any noise. The silent wind made them take a few steps backward. It alerted the other adventurers as they stood here and there. Darwin's heart skipped a beat-

'A cultivator's aura!'

Lee noticed their expressions and said softly with a smile-

"I'm a cultivator!"

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