Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 254: Ruin Expedition (18)

Chapter 254: Ruin Expedition (18)

Quickly selecting a path, Gillian led the students. Lee Shen followed the students as they moved forward like a bunch of ants. Even though they were descending the stairs, he saw the students displaying an extraordinary sense of attention to their surroundings.

[But how did you control that Kunai?]

Hudson was waiting to ask this question.

'Look at my Mana reserve.'

Now the reason was clear to Hudson. Lee Shen's Mana reserve which was supposed to be 48,019,991 was now reduced to 48,019,250. The stunt which lasted for only a second demanded 741 Mana.

[Still, how did you->

'The Kunai was the kite and the Mana was the thread.'

Lee cut off Hudson as he indirectly gave his answer. After conversing enough with Hudson, Lee was sure that he could understand the meaning of his words.

Hudson could not help but applaud the sense of control Lee had displayed while precisely slicing the cultivators' heads. The repeated push and pull sequence which resulted in the shape of a large circle was efficient in saving the time by some milliseconds.

The Kunai was not a weapon fit for cutting. Thus to chop with it was equivalent to slice meat with a partially worn knife. But Mana showed its efficiency in this feat.

Hudson sighed as he felt sympathy for those poor souls. Though the quickness was beyond expectations, the sensation of their neck being torn by a kunai was indescribably painful. Hudson was sure that those 19 fellows have gone through excruciating pain before falling dead.

The surroundings began to thicken with trees and plants. Gillian found that the stone blocks have disappeared inside the bushes and are on their own. But the fact that he brought this on him made him walk with confidence.

Fortunately, the group entered a relatively less suffocating area inside the forest. There were no trees in the immediate vicinity and the clear blue sky could be seen.


Lee summoned the Map but his facial expression changed grim.

"D, what is this blank screen?"

He unconsciously mumbled at the sight of a blank screen when he summoned the Map. His voice was very low and it dissolved to the surroundings before the students could hear it.

[The Map function is originally calibrated to show the planet Utopia. The System does not have any information regarding this unnamed sub-space. A scan is currently undergoing to locate the boundaries and measurements of this Lureland and also to map out the territories.]

Lee heard the explanation and felt relieved. At least he had a way to prepare a map of this sub-space.

But he could not relax and be at ease as the scan may take hours. D also gave out a possibility that it could take days to chart out the sub-space completely if it turns out larger than expected.

The party ventured further and found that they have completely lost trail of the path. They could only look around themselves in confusion. Gillian who led the team was receiving piercing stares of his companions.

"Students, give a concise report."

Lee walked from the rear of the party and stood at the centre. His words attracted the attention of the students.

"The Ruin is a forest type."

"We have not encountered any kind of monsters. So either we are in the safe zone or there are no monsters in this Ruin."

"I think we are in a safe zone. All Ruins will have monsters."

"Death energy has thinned significantly."



The students gave their honest review of what they had observed and felt. All 13 of them spoke in a low voice to not give themselves away to any potential predators.

Lee rubbed his chin as he compiled these pieces of information to a sensible fact. He can tell that their observation skills are exceptional and they are only lacking in combat.

After pulling out his bow, Lee activated Flight and floated upward. After he broke through the dense vegetation, he could see the aquamarine sky with no clouds. Turning around, the vastness of the forest was not a joke.

Within a few seconds of observation, Lee Shen spotted an empty grassland in a distance. He keenly observed that particular portion and saw that a few beasts were roaming.

An idea came up in his mind and he quickly descended.

The students were all dumbfounded by Lee Shen flying with ease. They could not think about anything else but his accurate control of Mana. Lee's previous words resonated in their ears and they felt a compelling urge to control their Mana as fast as they could.

"There is a grassland not too far away. There are also a few beasts roaming so prepare for combat."

Lee pointed in the direction of the grassland and the students gripped tight their weapons. Their hearts picked up the pace and pumped adrenaline into their bloodstreams.

Without a delay, the students walked in the direction. Their alertness was over the roof and the forest had an eerie vibe.


Periodically, the bushes around them would rustle and alert their souls. The absence of a visible path made them walk on any available direction. Sometimes fear would overcome them they would slow down beyond expectation.

Lee Shen did not comment on any of these changes as he silently witnessed the students. When students glanced at him for help, he would shake his head in disagreement.

"I am here for observing. After all, you are my students.

But that does not mean that I would spoon-feed you till the end. I need to know what I am really nurturing.

So get your ass off and move forth!"

The plain and audible was serious as usual. But his last sentence gave off a sensation of anger. The students felt this fluctuation and stepped forward. Though they walked steadily, their heads were filled with their display of incompetence.

Not long after, Lee could feel a faint sense of energy originating from them. Lee Shen's words had made them aware of their lack of real-world experience.

As the students tightened their grip over their weapons, a new resolve had born in them.

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