Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 242: Ruin Expedition (6) Shawarma

Chapter 242: Ruin Expedition (6) Shawarma

The students silently witnessed the tent unveiling itself in front of them. Lee promptly pushed the lightning rod suspended in the air towards the rising tent, while gesturing the students to walk near to it.

When the students came near the tent, it had completely acquired the actual form. Lee stood near the tent and knocked the fabric which gave off a dull sound heard when you knock against a metal block.

"This is quite a sturdy tent which I acquired while travelling through the continent. I rarely use this as it is too big for a single person."

Pulling the veil which covered the entrance of the tent, Lee Shen non-verbally asked the students to enter inside. The students promptly entered inside and the Lightning rod also followed their company.

The inside was somehow bright and illuminated, unlike the outside. The absence of any sort of illuminating devices confused the hearts of the students. Though confused, they could feel a sensation of safety and comfort after stepping inside.

The inside was, however, empty. Even though Lee demonstrated the sturdiness of the tent and students did test it after his display, the vacancy inside disheartened the students.

But Lee was prepared for this!

"Here, these will give you a good night sleep."

Lee passed a thick woollen folded object as he walked past every student. When the students unfolded it, they came to realise that it was a bed. Unlike they have ever seen, it was so soft and comfortable to even hold on to it!

Some girls found it hard to refrain themselves from hugging on to it. A few boys were no different from these girls.

While they were busy with inspecting the received bed, the Lightning rod was dispersed. Its absence did not make an impact in the illumination on the inside.


7 PM.

5,976,500 Essence harvested.


The hourly notification came up and updated Lee of the present time. The Foresight came up lightening up the sight with vivid markings and decorations, and it displayed the current Qi and Mana reserve.

[They are probably hungry. Give them something to eat.]

'Can you make something and place then in the System Storage?'

A dozen of seconds later, the students had settled down inside the tent. Their faces reflected a positive vibe from the pleasant temperature. Some had placed their weapons aside and had started talking.

[Hey, I prepared 15 Shawarmas. I hope that will be enough.]

Lee poked his attention into the Storage and saw 15 Shawarmas floating around. They were unwrapped and made to eat as soon as possible.

"Anyone hungry?"

Lee flipped his right hand and a Shawarma came appearing in his hand. The students who were talking and checking their equipment saw the unique shaped food appearing in the hand of the professor.

Like a reply, someone's stomach grumbled aloud. The sound resonated inside the tent and a burst of laughter almost broke out instantly.

Lee walked to the nearest student who was seated on their bedding and handed him over a Shawarma. The peculiar and alluring smell penetrated his nostrils and he unconsciously bit on it with the speed of light.

*nom nom nom*

The sound of vigorous chewing and swallowing could be heard and Lee walked to the next one to hand over the food. He continued walking to all 12 students and gave them all a Shawarma.

The delicacy of Earth proved its might! The students were sure that it was edible and tasty as they witnessed the first student who ate it licked his fingers.

One doubtful bite and the rest 12 were floating on clouds! The Shawarma was unlike any other Utopian dish and had a strange shape. The ingredients and constitution were literally otherworldly. But none of these mattered as the student gobbled up their food.

A sense of regret enveloped their faces as they realised the loss. The irresistible taste had made them eat their roll in a second. After licking their fingers off of the remaining sauce and mayonnaise did they come back to reality.

[Thank you D.]

Lee thanked Dnekewy in his mind as he bit onto his Shawarma. A nostalgic feeling dusted off a few memories of Lee and he slowly recapped those events.

Lee was probably 7 years old when he went to a newly opened restaurant with his grandpa. The owner who was a man hailing from Abu Dhabi presented their Middle Eastern dishes to the locality. Shawarma was one among them and he remembered how he grinned ear-to-ear as he chewed down each bite of the heavenly delicacy!

When he came back to reality after the recap, the last piece of the roll had disappeared down his throat. To his surprise, there was not a speck of mayo on his fingers.

It was a casual glance as he had the smile still worn on, but he definitely saw the 13 students looking at him with discontent and dissatisfaction.

The confusion as to why these kids were glaring at him was solved as Zona raised her curiosity.

"Professor, what was that tasty food?"

Now the reason was clear as daylight.

"Umm... I don't know its name."

The students were about to feel disheartened when Victor, one of the students asked-

"Professor, can you tell us how you got this food?"

Lee was about to say something when D said to him to repeat what he is about to say. Lee nodded in the inside and followed the prompter's words.


Dnekewy, a crafty and crooked cultivator who lived for centuries due to his cultivation, provided the creation and processing recipe of Shawarma to the students. Due to his vast knowledge, he was able to substitute Earthly ingredients with appropriate Utopian ingredients.

Somewhere deep within Lee Shen's mind was the recipe for making Shawarma. He did not know how he learned that or he did not try to probe any information related to it. Though he did not care much about any such information, D dug up those memories to test the might of Earthern delicacy.

And the Middle Eastern delicacy of Earth really shook the students to their core!

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