Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 224: Responsibility Of The Field Experience Head

Chapter 224: Responsibility Of The Field Experience Head

The second detail was more surprising. Fero seems to have an affinity with Darkness!

It was faint, but Lee noticed it's fur turning pitch black at some point. When Lee teased the beasts to chase him and catch him if they can, the beasts put their everything into it, and Lee witnessed this vague transformation.

His heart was filled with joy, as he had never expected his two familiars to develop two lethal affinities. Lightning, as we all know, was capable of disintegrating it's opponent. Darkness enables anything to be one with the shadow and darkness, and to execute silent killing sprees!

[It is 7 AM, and two students are approaching the stadium.]

Lee took a glance at the Map and two boys approaching the stadium door. One had a magic staff in his hand, and the other had a spear. They were dressed appropriately for training and their intention was found friendly by Lee.

Lee slowed down his speed, and let the beasts catch him. They showed their affection by rubbing their heads to his torso, while attempting some playful bites.

About twenty seconds later, the door was opened and two students entered the stadium. The next moment, they were stunned and raised their weapon as a precaution.

"Don't worry. They will not harm anyone."

While remaining seated cross-legged on the floor, Lee assured the students that these two beings are harmless. But his assurance was never enough to let their guard down.

All the departments teach a few basic information that one should know about the world, and its beings. In the 1-10 scale of danger, the Perrafin is at 5 and the Split-jaw Hyena holds a score of 4.5. A human is 1, and the stoutest mainstream race called Orc is slightly above 4.

The students held their ground, while staring at the two beasts. The sudden appearance of the students made the beats go cautious, but Lee told them that they are students and they do not mean harm.

Listening to his words, the Perrafin lowered its head and placed it on Lee's lap. It closed its eyes in her master's reassurance. But Fero was cautious. The students were holding their weapons up and it made him reluctant to back off.

"Fero, come here."

Seeing the hyena's adamant behaviour, Lee called him. It immediately turned around and walked towards him. Like a toddler, it slipped down on his lap, next to Perrafin's head. Yet, both of the beasts' eyes were partially open and were observing the students. No hostility arose from them.

The students calmed their vigorously beating heart and lowered the weapons. Seeing their fear to come forward, Lee reassured-

"I promise you both. They are completely harmless. Come near."

Taking the professor's words to consideration, they cautiously stepped forth. The duo was on alert, because they can see the muscular physiques of the beasts. But they encouraged themselves, as it was the academy professor calling them to walk forward.

As the duo reached a distance of about forty metres from Lee, the hyena suddenly raised its head. The students jumped back by a metre by this action. Surprise was for them, as Fero laughed at them. It's voice resonated in the stadium, and the students found it amusing.

"Are you here to spar with each other?"

The two averted their eyes from the beasts' beautiful fur and stared at Lee for a second, and then nodded. They added their name and their element in their response.

"Casper Row, Fire Element, Spear."

"Zachary Folk, Wind Element, Staff."

The Fire and Earth always gave a good match to witness. Being projectile, both had short and close range uses in a battle. Lee found that they sparring with each other, would never give an opportunity of real battle, thus he said-

"Wind and Fire. The Wind would fan the Fire, and increase its destructive capabilities. The Fire can embed itself into Wind and can create scorching winds."

Lee took a pause, and asked-

"Why don't you form a pair, and fight one of these?"

Lee placed his hands on the beasts' heads, as words exited his mouth. The students were stunned by this question. Their face clearly depicted their hesitance to agree.

Seeing their expressions, he spoke-

"I am the head of the Field Experience department, and I am supposed to give you battle experiences, so that none of you becomes a coward in the future. Get me?"

The students were disclosed to his intentions. They understood that he did not mean any harm by his words, but the betterment of the students. It took a minute for them to decide, and they nodded.


Fero, stand up."

The hyena stood up at once, and sat. Lee rose up on his feet and said to the students-

"You two, go and stand at the centre of the stadium. The hyena will run around you in random directions. It will not harm you in any way, I promise.

You are supposed to hit him with all your might. Don't worry about wounding it, you won't."

Promptly, they walked to the centre of the stadium. There were gridlines on the ground, so it was easy to spot the position. Lee kneeled near Fero and gave commands. The hyena was told to run non-stop around the students like in Brownian motion, and at a fixed speed.

"Casper, Zachary, are you ready?"

The two students nodded and replied-

"Yes professor."

Lee walked to the side, and stood about 25 metres away from the students. The students were so nervous by witnessing the fierce hyena in front of them. As Lee commanded, it did not bare its teeth or showed hostility. Fero also refrained from instilling fear in their minds.


Lee spoke, and Fero began to jump here and there. The students almost lost their composure, but the presence of the professor invoked them to give their all. Fire and Wind spells began to shoot at Fero, who easily evaded the projectiles.

Even after three minutes, the students could not chant the spells, or swing their weapons, without trembling their hands. Lee found this as the lack of exposure to wildlings, and asked Fero to provoke them.

And he nailed it!

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