Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 206: Snow Meets Flame

Chapter 206: Snow Meets Flame

'Okay. Make your dramatic entrance.'

A faint growl came out of the portal and some faint noises could be heard. Then two large claws extended out of the fissure and caught the edges of it. The size of them made the lion beast frown as it peered into the darkness.

A cloud of fog flowed out to the ground and a terrifying head followed it. The twisted horns were not at all intimidating, but the size of the monster made many go pale.

The Snow Wyvern kept his promise and made a dramatic entry. A thick mist escaped its nose as it exhaled heavily. The beautiful pale blue pupils were in harmony with the smooth skin texture. Though it was not much, the appearance of the large hooked claws gave a gist of the upcoming beast's size.

"Mamma mia, is that a Snow Wyvern?"

Sulphur lost his cool and jumped up from his seat and these words exited his mouth. Those who heard him were as if they had seen a dead alive. For the first time in their lives, the students saw a live wyvern in front of them.

Erikko was puzzled by Lee's identity. When he assumed him to be a physical augmenter, he turned into a summoner. The principal thus deduced that more tricks Ganga would disclose, more Lee would introduce himself.

"How about you admitting defeat?"

The Snow Wyvern was 6 metres tall, and that was thrice the size of the lion beast Ganga had summoned. Not only was it taller, the entire wingspan and the enormous body gave the lion beast a hint to concede.

But, was Ganga ready to admit? NO! She was excited to see her seemingly harmless opponent becoming a summoner, and bringing out a Snow Wyvern. She wanted to put her lion beast's strength to that of the wyvern, but her summoned monster showed resistance.

'No, you don't.'

Gnaga glared at the beast, and it found itself in a dilemma. Reluctantly, it stepped forth and powered up. The narrow orange stripes on its royal blue fur began to burn and began stripes of flame. A mocking smile crept up her face, and she said-

"This beast is pure fire. It will not fail to snow."

"Then let's see it for ourselves."

Lee replied to the arrogance and overconfidence she displayed, and threw a glance at the wyvern and said-

"Don't freeze them to death."

The wyvern growled in agreement and the students in the gallery were astounded. The summoned beast had a rather good relationship to Lee, and it verbally replied to his command. It was unseen among the summoners as they treated the beast as a tool to fight and defend.

The lion beast was enraged. Though it was initially ready to admit defeat without a fight, now it felt insulted, as Ganga translated his words in a 'different' way. The flames burned with vigour and Ganga had to step back for her own safety.

The wyvern stood up on its feet and rose its torso. It displayed its dominance in the fight by spreading its large wings. The wingspan which easily surpassed 30 foot was massive. Then, it's mouth opened and a large amount of snow was shot at the lion beast.


The very sight of the wyvern spewing snow and mist was majestic. The large frame supported by the hindlimbs were lowered and the wings were brought down to support the upper torso. Adjusting its head as it was lowered, the Snow Wyvern continued to spew its breath.

The heat of the Flame Lion beast was equal in strength with the chilliness of the snow. The Flame Lion beast was a less powerful version of the Fire Lion beast, which can stand at minus degree temperatures without flinching or discomfort. The diluted lineage caused the beast to revert to a Flame Lion beast. But whether it would grow into a Fire Lion or not, was disputable.

After about two minutes of continuous streaming, the wyvern took a break. It showed tiredness, because it had never faced a necessity where it needed to spew out its energy for so long. The beast took a step back and stared at the lion beast.

The opponent was more or less in the same condition. A lot of its flaming orange stripes were extinguished. The Flame Lion felt a faint chilliness around it, and shivered a little. But it was not injured in any way. The continuous cloud of mist and snow enveloping it, forced it to burn its energy to great heights. The exhausted beast placed its legs slightly apart from its normal position. In case it feels like losing balance, the new stance would help to stand upright.

Like an old diesel engine struggling to start up, the beast slowly accumulated its energy and flames. The faint snow particles on its fur began to recede rapidly as the orange stripes caught on fire. While the lion was charging itself, it detected an ominous presence.

Due to its stable posture, it was not able to evade the incoming ice particles. In fact, this attack stunned the beast as it was sure that the wyvern was tired. But, when it caught a glimpse of the beast, and the person standing next to it, the outline of the situation was guessable.

It was an experiment, but Lee succeeded in imbuing Ice attributed Mana into the wyvern. The same experiment was run using the Workshop's simulation algorithm, and the result was 75% positive. Lee imbued very low quantities of Ice Mana and found that the best is responding positively.

The audience only saw Lee gently placing his palm on the smooth scales of the wyvern. The wyvern looked back at him, as it felt invigorated. Lee mentally conveyed that it was his doing, and to absorb as much as it can.

The overflooding Ice affinity was intoxicating and the Snow Wyvern was filled with energy. Regulating his Mana flow, Lee gave ample time for the wyvern to fill its tummy.

And as a result of Lee's 'gentle touch', what wyvern shot forth was not snow.

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