Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 319: Death is my guest

Chapter 319: Death is my guest

Out of concern for his family, Yunan immediately made his way to where the intruder was spotted, he found a reaper calmly hovering over mother Theresa, with a look of melancholy in his eyes. This reaper actually looked much better then the reapers Yunan just finished beating up, it had a complete skeleton, it had blue pupils in the eye sockets instead of empty holes and it had emotions, it did not react to Yunan even though it knew he was there, looking at it with murderous intent, Yunan swung the reaper scythe in his hand and the reaper hovering over his mother turned to stardust.

For the next week or so Yunan had to use invisibility to stay beside his mother, he really did not want her to die, and could not trust anyone else to protect her, he tried negotiations, threatening, called the death gods he had taken divinity from and did the same but the answer always was the same, "death is a promise that everyone must fulfill even the creator god himself has to die, that is the way of things".

Eventually, Yunan dropped all pretensions and just slew any reaper that arrived at his home, this situation lasted for a full month before no reapers arrived any more, one more week and Hephaestus asked if he could bring a gentleman to visit the house, Yunan did not need to ask who it was because it was obvious who would the visitor be, so Yunan met him armed with his newest scythe, uncharacteristic of her, Fortuna organised a party to meet the gentleman.

He arrived with Hephaestus, wearing a black formal, 3 piece suit, he had an air that indicated great and endless knowledge as well as uncounted years of experience, the man was courteous and observed his manners in a way that made Debauchery party feel a bit of shame and they even acted properly for the rest of the dinner party, the man was well spoken and had many stories and fables to tell, everyone in the house was fascinated with him, all except Yunan who could not help but hate him.

"Do you hate me" the gentleman asked Yunan a rhetorical question, and Yunan could only answer with a bitter voice "no, i have no emotions towards you, i just developed a strong hostility lately because you want to take away my mother". The man laughed, not too hard and not too slow, it was an amused laugh that someone might show when the a cute animal in the petting section of the zoo shows hostility. "You see, in this world, in every world, most fear me, some hate me and some really don't care until i breath on their necks, those who truly do not care, will welcome me and treat me as a friend, the rest will panic and try anything in their power to stop my arrival".

At this point the table was silent, even the dumbest ones knew to listen carefully to this conversation, for some reason the words said by the gentleman had an effect that commanded attention.

The gentleman turned towards mother Theresa who shied away from his gaze, she wasn't very keen on meeting strangers ever since she retired. "I am death, i shall claim all, the stars will burn out under my gaze, the green will wither and the stone will turn to dust, life itself flees in my presence, i was born before your universe, long before your creator, and i will outlast them both, I shall claim this universe like i claimed many before it, it is my curse to see the end of life".

Gasps were heard, some drew their weapons some looked away and Theresa looked up "is it my time yet?" There was no fear, some small hints of regret but nothing too major, she was not brave, hostile or panicked, she didn't care. "It will be soon" responded the gentleman "you may call me Death, i have forgotten my name and claimed the life of all those who knew it". Theresa then looked at Yunan with his scythe in hand, she formulated an idea about why would Death personally come to visit but she did not say anything, she just looked as tenderly at Yunan as only a proud mother could.

"Death" called Yunan "why are you here? We all know that you do not need to come here to claim us all, even my little interruption is meaningless to you". Death moved his eyes away from Theresa to Yunan, there was a weight to them but Yunan did not try overpowering it, it was futile anyway. "I came here to take your answers, recently, many deities under me have been complaining about you, the man who caught gods in their own trap, even the viewers were not spared, the man who made friends with the next creator in line, the one who reined in the goddess of luck and turned her docile. Your rsum is rather impressive for a mortal, so i came to see who's mother i was about to take away and if you are going to be a nuisance about it or not".

This blunt type of speech meant that even death gets the annoying avenger now and then, even if it was nothing serious, a buzzing fly can drive a man to rage. This way of speaking also implied he looking forward to an answer. Fortunately Yunan was not mad nor was he delusional, his grip on the scythe relaxed somewhat, there was no malice in Death personally, it was loss that he hated. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths

"I don't want to lose her" said Yunan sadly, he opened his eyes to see only himself and Death in some kind of space, the man looked at Yunan with pity and asked "would you welcome me at your home, knowing i would take away your dearest?", "I would welcome you knowing that you are going to take even me, my only regret is that i could not make them happy for longer" Death smiled at Yunan and snapped his fingers.

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