Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 315: First mission

Chapter 315: First mission

With the return of the battle fortress, it was time to upgrade the robot with the ability to cast magic, literally, the mech prototype was fitted with a sizable mana core that can store twice as much as Fae and it had the ability to syphon mana from the user to regenerate it, it was hard to give the mech a direct syphoning system, however, being linked to the user it could rely on the user to provide external mana, as for how it was done, the answer may shock you, Yunan and Balin basically fused as many enchantment pearls together as possible with the help of luck, dragon flames and phoenix flames, the result was a pretty magnificent elemental core that could be attached to the mana core and allow the mech to cast simple spells at a high capacity, in return for faster drainage on the side of mana.

The first target to feel the wrath of a battle mech and floating battle fortress was the faction that decided to kill off Yunan and have been hiding ever since they failed, thanks to the membership rings, Yunan did not need to travel to the faction headquarters, he could just teleport there and then begin a serious assault, unfortunately Yunan was still not in reach of the 80s thus he had to watch from the control room while Leader smiled her way into piloting the mech.

After more than 30 years together with Debauchery party, Yunan still could not understand how could such a beautiful smile make men and women who braved death on regular basis shrink like frightened mice, he had to experience it at least once but his luck was warning him to never ever try to get that smile aimed at him, not even trying to know about it was acceptable, and with this Yunan dropped the idea completely, it was not worth it if even his luck detector was shooting off alarms at the mere thought, it has been a while since that alarm actually went off, so this must have been something fierce.

Inside the mech, linked and ready, Leader closed her eyes and let her mind escape the body and inhabit the mech, the mech shuddered for a moment before it took a slender shape, well proportioned and very lady like, the armour plating was then affixed on it, anti-magic armor looked like it was made from obsidian, dark and foreboding, the floating battle fortress then teleported the mech inside one of the docking stations and then disconnected from the mana supply station, the members of Debauchery party were all teleported to the control room of the ship where each of them took a seat and controlled a weapon to attack with.

Balin as co-engineer and co-creator of the battle fortress took the commander seat, and announced the start of the operation, all proper and captain like, he had even gotten Reina and Ophelia to tailor a suit for him, they did him a better one and made outfits for each member of the family, three outfits in total were made, the captain's uniform was black and gold in colour, the mech pilot's uniform was blue and silver while ordinary crew's uniform was red and bronze.

Since the girls went that far, the uniforms were given a few extra enchantments to help with the linking process with the battle fortress and the mechs. The battle fortress was a floating castle with more than 50 types of adjustable cannons, some aimed up, some aimed down under and some aimed at the sides, it was built like an actual fortress with all the defences as well as the siege weapons and siege breakers installed. With the ability to float, resistance to damage and ability to just cause a catastrophe on its own, it was the perfect gift for a 10 year old, the mechs are for 8 years olds, so childish when compared to a magnificent flying castle of doom.

"As captain, i hereby declare the beginning of first official trial mission of this still unnamed mothership, the goal is to eradicate the target faction headquarters and loot as much as possible, phase shift on my mark, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, MARK!" almost everyone listening facepalmed at the childish way Balin set off the first official mission, it worked though as the battle genie immediately used the phase shift and the fortress appeared up in the sky of the target faction headquarters, Leader and her mech were dropped off and the landing signalled the start of the attack.

The moment Leader and her mech hit the ground she extended her arms in an eagle pose and blasted lighting out of her palms blasting out a zone for herself to move freely, she then switched from lighting to physical bullets using the arms like a minigun with the fingers spitting out red hot metal that tore through construction and flesh alike, not even a hint of struggle was present as the dumbfounded adventurers could not believe what they were seeing.

A hulking metal giant that was 10 meters tall and looked very feminine, fell out of a floating castle and started dishing out destruction like it was a game of some sort, by the time a response was organised and in order one fourth of the headquarters was in ruin and Leader was out of mana, she had used it all on shooting fireballs, raining bullets and lighting as well as the occasional hurricane level wind blades, since she had played to her heart's content she was recalled back by the battle fortress that still have not made a single move.

The next pilot in-line was Fae, she met Mary who was radiating too much in the changing room where each put on the uniforms of their next job, Fae did not even need to ask how much fun Leader had, she just jumped in the mech when it was ready and was dropped off too. To those in the ground, the feminine chunk of metal changed somewhat, this one had a very sinister smile to it, it did not smile but they could see it prancing around in ecstasy as it dished out annihilation, both by magic and by ramming through building like they were made of paper, these people did not imagine that their horror was just starting.

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