Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 306: Revenge seekers

Chapter 306: Revenge seekers

Yunan, to the two ladies, newly named Lana And Rana, was shining brighter than ever, he was as gentle as he was cruel, and he took them as part of the family, now that they sat on the same table, they feared him greatly with strong reverence mixed in but for some reason, they could not imagine the same man, who was torturing prisoners for any and all information, be as gentle and playful as he was, the worst part in the paradoxical man was his open mind, he treated monster, awakened, and sentient beings like they were the same.

Treating every entity inside the house the same way felt completely normal when Yunan did it, because he did not discriminate to begin with, people like Debauchery who were less discriminatory than others would give out the same feeling, but it would be obvious that this indiscrimination was acquired, but still acceptable nonetheless, both the little bird and the awakened cat felt comfortable at home, comfortable enough to act like they were in no danger and enjoy the place.

The same could not be said for other people, if they show indiscrimination in public, it would be painfully obvious they were biased towards this race or that species, and that would create a whole host of problems if they were to create a haven like this one. Yunan had only one bias, his loved ones, one could immediate feel the difference between themselves and a family member when placed in this place, Lana and Rana were rather happy to feel such bias because it meant he had no ill will against them.

Who in this world would just take a look at a prisoner, understand their plight and just employes them to work for him, going as far as to give them a new name and have them share the same table as his family. It was the red flag for something fishy for the two girls, however, after meeting Yunan and being part of this party, they understood that if Yunan had a harmful thought for them they would know it, for now Yunan only needed them to work as receptionist and gather simple information about who was using the trade post.

The feast was cut short when Yunan was teleported to the bright palace suddenly, he was brought out to the study under the throne room, after being teleported he was told by the genie that there was a sudden invasion, and that it was leading the intruders to this place in order to capture them faster, After all Yunan himself was a portal to the private dimension. When Yunan asked to look at the faces of the invaders he started to laugh suddenly, that level 40 something braggart was back but this time there was someone who looked to be strong enough to fight against Yunan.

The genie had some authority in the bright palace but only because Yunan linked the palace to the portable dimension, it was possible to perform small things like maintenance and monitoring, but needed Yunan or another person with authority to be able to defend the bright palace, therefore when the two invaders were detected entering the vicinity of the bright palace, the genie led them immediately by opening doors and guiding the two towards the underground study room.

The genie did the correct thing, the bright palace should be indestructible but the raucous brought up by the two trying to break the gate would bring the guards who will die miserably and causes needless casualties, also, being led inside the moment they got close to the gate meant they were detected and recognized as being no threat, giving the two a mental disadvantage before the fight even started, making their actions much more predictable and the state of their minds easier to foresee.

Yunan did not just sit there, he too started to prepare, he changed to an obviously sleepy look with a night robe made out of silk, he took out a pot of fragrant tea as if he needed help waking up, he even told his family to continue the party because he was only making preparations for the after party, and started to act like he was doing some paperwork while waiting for his two visitors. when the two arrived they took another mental hit. The target they were here for was bored to the point he started making tea and doing paperwork, that was a grave injury to their pride, the man was evidently not even worried about getting harmed, he was wearing a night robe that could be torn by a bit of wind, and the tea kettle was still boiling.

Yunan looked at the two as they stepped inside and watched them getting fidgety when the door closed behind them, he then fixed the level 40 braggart with a very nasty look saying "so you found out who humiliated you last time and want revenge, bravo, did you bring your mother's new boyfriend to get you your revenge?" Yunan clapped all the while showing exactly to what degree he did not even put either of them in his eyes.

The assassin was frothing at the mouth from rage but he didn't charge forward, he grit his teeth and started threatening Yunan in a bid to take back some of his dignity, while his helper was more concerned about finding the trap that gave Yunan his confidence. "Listen here and listen well, struggle or not, we will capture you, we will hurt you and we will make your humiliation a lesson for those who went against us, we will not only keep you living forcefully, we will let you see as your wives suffer, how we will turn them into sluts that will crave anything phallic, you will not close your eyes, you will not pass out, and you will live to be the absolute example of what happens to those who try to cross me".

"Very good indeed, what marvelous ideas have you given me, i will make sure to fulfill them for you" Yunan clapped again in the same sarcastic manner before looking at the helper. "Mister helper, i know you are here because his mother is a good lay and she asked for her son to be avenged, just like any other normal man, i can relate, the thing is, you can not avenge him, you can not punch me even if i stood here and did nothing, because his mother is not worth it, so, i can open the door for you to leave, give you enough gold to buy a harem of super hot slaves, and you leave this place like nothing happened, however, if you are the kind of bitch in the bed that likes domination, well, i do not cater to your style, hence, i will make sure you live to tell about what happens when someone even thinks about hurting my family".

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