Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 292: Troubleshooting Dreamscape

Chapter 292: Troubleshooting Dreamscape

After making love to his lucky wife Yunan stood up and left kisses for his other wives, he then walked towards the back-yard mountain climbing towards the peak where the spiritual cave was sitting in serenity. During his walk, Yunan was looking at his own status, he thought long about the magical memory limit and decided to keep the rest of the space he has free, learning anything more would just be useless as he already has enough to make his way through the dungeon unhindered.

Name: Yunan the wise prowler

Title: Lucky bastard

Attributes : Strength: 17k, Constitution: 17k, Dexterity: 17k, Wisdom: 17k. (k=kilo=1000).

Skills: combat mastery: grand master. heavenly smithing: level 80, appraisal: level 90, ranging: level 70, multi-wielding, multi-casting, lucky cover, tactician, leader, scholar, invulnerable body, true sight, voice control, sound mastery, cooking, cleaning, therapeutic massage, traceless casting, mapping, regeneration, climbing, water breathing, flying, draconic presence, magical body, elemental body, aerodynamic, hidden(upgraded), absorption, shapeshift, detection(upgraded), metallurgy, beast taming, toxicology(upgraded), pathology, navigation, puppetry, weaving, enhanced senses, riding, artist, assassination.

Spells : healing, all attribute buff, all attribute debuff, toxin flush, pyrokinesis, automated looting, negative status effect application and removal, teleport, spatial shift, spatial lock, cryokinesis, electrokinesis, aerokinesis, geokinesis, spell break, elemental coating, mana syphon, maelstrom, camouflage, invisibility, Illusion, extra sensory perception, hallowed light, twisted nether, divination, shape, raise undead, summon, memory manipulation, biological creation.

Pets: Drogon, Ignis, Sapphira.

Armour: Dragonification, level: 80.

The status did not look too much different from the last one, and there were so many omitted information, most likely because Black Fate was being stingy, it didn't even add in the new bloodline nor the perfect divinity Yunan received, still Yunan knew himself better than to need to know his status, he wanted to confirm the thing about his magical memory upgrading existing magic instead of occupying new space like it is with everyone else, and the fact that the new magics he learned concerning the creation of toxins, viruses and other types of biological materials were listed as a one entity called biological creation.

Also having 17 thousand in all four stats must be from the help of Drogon, a bloodline like the phoenix should be skewed towards wisdom and the disparity would have been too big if he had to compensate for it himself, he thanked Drogon for his consideration in his mind, he should repay the Dragon somehow, maybe help it evolve into its next phase would be a good thing for the dragon.

Standing at the entrance of the cave and bathing in the spring of spiritual energy seeping out of the cave Yunan stopped thinking about unrelated things and focused on the task at hand, he walked inside slowly trying not to subject himself to too much pressure very fast, however the pressure he felt was not only suppressing him, it was also nurturing him. Thanks to the phoenix bloodline and the spirituality it entailed, Yunan could convert spiritual pressure into bodily growth, the higher the pressure the better the results.

Walking to the room deepest in the cave Yunan did not feel much hindrance, he could also feel the dream divinity reacting to alleviate the pressure he was feeling, it even felt good being in the room, it was like being inside a warm bath, not indulging too much in the good feeling Yunan lay down on the simple bed and focused his mind on the dream divinity, once he established a connection he commanded it to take him to Dreamscape, moments later Yunan was standing outside a wooden cabin, on his right was a small flower garden and on his left two old trees with a hammock swinging between them. Surrounding the garden was a white picket fence, and beyond it was a turmoil of monsters and beings throwing attacks at each other, it was a melee with no winner in sight.

The amounts of emotional energy was rampant and it was making the beings living in Dreamscape going berserk, this surge of emotions was the cause of the problem, the levels of the energy was too high for the ordinary being with each type of emotional energy affecting the opposite kind of being and making them act in a way to help consume or decrease the energy in any way possible.

The downside to this thing is that for the next few years, the population of Burkan will suffer from the effects of insomnia, being unable to sleep and enter Dreamscape would make their lives harder resulting in much more paperwork for the gods to deal with, other than that, this surge of energy can be seen as a good thing, it helps balance the power of emotions in Dreamscape and influence the lives of the people of Burkan to a better emotional state and stability.

Once inside Dreamscape the dream divinity gave Yunan what he needed to do, there were to choices, first, he could conquer the beings that are affected by the energy surge making it so that they would calm down after their numbers are reduced, secin, he could absorb the surging emotional energy to create a divinity, that would also cause the created divinity to absorb the rampaging monsters, effectively dealing with two problems facing Dreamscape at once.

Yunan chose the second choice, he told the dream divinity to absorb the rampaging energy and refine it before feeding it to the other shards in his sea of soul, as a perfect divinity, the dream divinity could not grow more powerful by absorbing such low level energy, it needs pure faith power from those who literally worshipped dreams, and not too many beings did that in the current age.

While waiting for the absorption to finish Yunan decided to tend to the garden and the cabin, he took his time to clean, water, and fertilize the plants, since he was in Dreamscape everything he could think of was part of someone's dream therefore ready for him to use at anytime, after he finished cleaning the cabin and was airing it, he found Ignis outside the cabin looking at him in a weird way. He wanted to ask her how she got in but was surprised at what he could feel from her. She had accepted him as master fully, and was now angrily staring at him as if she wanted to deny the situation. "Why did you come to this place without telling me, i am your master, do you understand".

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