Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 286: Kingly exotic taste?

Chapter 286: Kingly exotic taste?

The morning work was rather tiring for the girls, although Lili and Kitty did nothing but look ready to protect Reina and Sarah, keeping that intimidating factor up for a long morning was draining on anyone. As for Reina and Sarah they were exhausted by the amount of thinking they had to do as well as their inexperienced handling of matters, luckily they provided functional solutions that had low repercussions and could be implemented until better solutions where agreed upon.

The afternoon was mostly spent having a lazy time in the portable home, even a picnic was arranged later that evening for some star gazing. Yunan thought it would be nice to have a fresh air sortie with some good snacks and drinks to spend a fun evening. The one who benefited most from the star gazing eve was fae who seemed to have returned to her usual self and was no longer down or depressed, Yunan even spent a bit of his luck to cause a meteor shower, further uplifting the mood and turning the quiet time into a contest for who could wish the most and the loudest.

After dinner Yunan went to the holding cells to try and pry out some loot out of his newest prisoners, he wanted to practice a bit of his torture techniques, if he got some good information it would be a good bonus. Even if torture was inhumane and ultimately nothing but sadistic behaviour, they tried to kill him first, thus signing their own death warrants, and giving Yunan the right to practice on their bodies.

Inside the prison he found Fae there with Lucian, they were looking through the memories of the prisoners to see what they might find, upon seeing the two, Yunan, who has been wanting to learn memory magic immediately changed his mind and decided to ask for a lesson on the magic he had never gotten from Tartarus.

"Hello there, did you guys find anything useful?". Yunan announced his approach to his two teachers, it has been a long time since they last taught him something but he still had that respect that only teachers can elicit from their students. He might have been casual with them but he always knew that he had to show them respect no matter how strong he got.

"Yunan, you came just in time, wanna practice some torture with me? It has been a long while since we did something so sexy together" Fae winked at one of the prisoners when she responded, the woman visibly shuddered in her cell and crawled as far away as she could from the bars of her cell. Lucian just replied with a "hello" and kept looking at the expressions of the prisoners trying to see who looked most likely to be hiding something or stashing a treasure trove or two.

"I was coming to practice a little bit but since both of you are here i have a favour to ask, i want to learn memory magic but i have not had the luck to find a book so far, so i was thinking you maybe able to teach me the old fashioned way" Yunan was thinking that him Learning memory magic immediately was never an issue nor did he need to use it ever, unlike Bai, Lucian or Fae he never really needed to learn that mgic at all, after all, he was a solo adventurer and never needed to fight in a faction against another, not in his adventuring days anyway, and all his conflict with other adventurers was mostly solved immediately and never grew to a faction war.

"The old fashioned way? The magical construct is rather too complicated, even for you, i suppose that you think you will kill a few while trying to get a grip on it but you might kill yourself as well" Lucian always struck the heart of the matter "you let us worry about finding you a magic book for memory magic, if the guild does not have one there are many others that would keep such a book when one is available, so forget about trying your hand at it half-heartedly and getting yourself killed doing so" Lucian then walked to some prisoner to scan their memory leaving behind Fae and Yunan alone.

"No need to feel discouraged my boy, look at how many girls we have! What say you? Shall we go help you relieve some stress? I think they would be so happy to serve a king like yourself, if not there was never a woman who called her king a rapist, they call it exotic kingly taste". Both Yunan and Fae cringed at that word and shook their heads, they remembered the time when they found the ugly side behind the twisted lordly exotic tastes and they did not care to join that club, Yunan preferred to be called rapist then be put in the same category as those people who have been twisted too far by lust and "exotica".

"Nah, i prefer to be a rapist" responded Yunan before looking at one of the females prisoners, she had a look of someone who did not even care about herself, her worry was projected on another female, so Yunan approached her with Fae following behind him. Fae has always found the way Yunan acted was more interesting than it really was, she was fascinated how their best attempts at turning him into someone like Debauchery members have failed.

To Fae Yunan was an unpredictable enigma, he was a cross between an unfeeling goal minded person and a gentleman with borders that must never be crossed, he never shied away from inflicting pain or causing death but he also stood for his values and never broke them, he always had that mindset and that made him all the more entertaining to watch and observe. Lucian did not share the same fascination because to him Yunan was just a normal guy that did not care to learn how the world view or reacted to him, his close family and friends were all that really mattered and that was why his actions were obvious to Lucian, they were almost kin.

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