Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 243: Shard acquired

Chapter 243: Shard acquired

Unlike other adventurers, Yunan was used to rushing around while gaining power, but this party who had enough stats to take on the boss without buffs had been avoiding it for sometime.

When Yunan asked why they were avoiding the boss he was told that the boss was rather hard to deal with, it had the ability to one shot magic users in the midst of chanting, something that made them fear it, this is what happened to the last mage that was with them, he was hit by a peculiar magic that detonated all the mana he was preparing to use and that turned his body into an unrecoverable mass of flesh.

Yunan almost had his brain glitch and stop working when he heard their complaints, if the boss killed by detonation of the prepared mana then don't use too much mana in one big attack at worse it will only take longer to take him down and you have to heal a bit more,at best the injuries would be so negligible you won't need any, therefore Yunan asked them to join him in fighting the boss while leaving all magic attacks to him, even healing.

The party reluctantly agreed to join the boss fight, after all Yunan was taking all the danger on himself and even giving them a way out if things went the wrong way, and so after a small rest Yunan led the party back to the location of the boss after it respawned and they had some hard time believing what would happen next.

Yunan himself drew aggro by using a small bit of mana to create a weak mage light, otherwise he used his traceless casting to hide his mana and the chanting needed for the spells, the boss could not deal any damage that his ordinary regeneration could not heal, while the party was watching and forgetting to fight.

Yunan had to actually remind them that he was okay with killing the boss alone if he got all the loot, that brought the rest of the party back into the fight, those who were greedy enough to cast spells, were taking most of the damage, unlike Yunan, they still had to chant and couldn't hide their mana as well as he did. The boss did not last too long because Yunan still used mana syphon on it with discretion, gaining a bit more mana thanks to that.

When it came to the looting of the boss, the the party were very organized, everyone gets what they need most, or in this case what they want most because they didn't need much. The golden book that Yunan asked for was passed around everyone before handing it over, since Yunan said he only wanted the book the rest of the loot was divided amongst the rest. The only reason Yunan got the book was because no one could read it or open it.

The book was another path to nirvana, but was on the same level as the first one not adding much to Yunan's library, but something inside the chest drew Yunan to it, it was a shriveled talon that looked like that of a hawk, as soon as Yunan laid eyes on it, the talon flew to his hand and embedded itself in his palm, moments later the pain of rejection hit Yunan hard and he had again to feel his blood boil and his body tear itself apart.

Having been in this situation twice already, Yunan managed to keep his consciousness and resist the temptations of passing out to escape the pain. The party became flurried and did not know what to do, the healing magic was useless and they have never seen anything like this before, therefore they opted to wait for the convulsive Yunan to either die or return to normal. And after a few minutes he regained his usual demeanor, in his hand rang a notice from the status "phoenix talon absorbed. Debuff reduced to 15%. Compatibility with phoenix bloodline increased to 30%. mutual rejection of bloodlines decreased to 90%. New ability gained. Spirit absorb can alleviate the bloodline rejection debuff by absorbing a spiritual monster or its remaining ectoplasm. Legacy shard acquired."

Seeing Yunan regain his composure the party chose not to ask about what happened and resumed their journey around the floor, during which they never once mentioned about how Yunan got his hands on both the talon and the golden book, they thought that the convulsions were enough pay back for the talon even if the book was something only Yunan could open.

"Bloodline rejection" Yunan started talking while they were sitting around a campfire, "whatever drew that claw to fuse with my body made things worse, now i have a permanent 15% debuff until the talon is fully digested, approximately 100 years, there is also the chance that my body would start to reject itself after completely absorbing the talon, in layman terms my lifespan has shortened to 100 years thanks to the talon, so of you want compensation just ask for it, don't get all awkward amd keep your thoughts to yourself, i hate secrets the most".

The way Yunan put it had the party in awe, they never thought the kid keeping to himself would be so frank about something like this with others especially something like losing his life span, as for Yunan he just had enough keeping his mental energy on his party members during the fights and saving their lives without them even noticing, he did not have anymore mental energy to worry about them working with less efficiency because they were bitter about some loot.

The mental energy training Yunan was going through was particularly effective, his new party was ard working and very in tune with each other but they had too many gaps in their defence, gaps that Debauchery would kill him if he did not cover, just those gaps were enough to engage all the mental energy that was left over, Yunan was even operating on autopilot sometimes because they had too many openings to cover during a fight, especially between the healers and the rogues who sometimes even got healed by Yunan in critical points, this party was rather good for training Yunan since any worse and they would be annihilated before long.

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