Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 234: New palace

Chapter 234: New palace

Yunan looked around the palace and found nothing of worth, it seems whoever left that palace behind has taken everything else, including the population and left, even so, Yunan could not help but exclaim at the craftsmanship of the palace, it was truly a place of light, even though it had no light sources inside, it was still full of light and brightness.

During his tour of the palace, the party stumbled upon a sealed room made of exquisite black marble, it was pitch black inside and the only light came from the open door that the party used to come inside. There was a pedestal with a transparent crystal ball that looked like it was filled with water, the pedestal was grey marble, and the crystal ball rested effortlessly on its crown.

When everyone entered the room the door closed shut and the fluid inside the crystal ball became luminous enough to let everyone see vaguely in the room, out of curiosity Reina placed her hand on the crystal and it projected words on the black marbles walls, the words seemed to be floating in the darkness for the party.

"Oh fated one who has found our legacy, we have fled the 45th floor and can no longer live peacefully here anymore, the sentient ones who have once been our guests have turned on us, we monsters who have attained sentience can no longer tolerate their aggression. We have chosen to leave this city and bury it in the sand, so as to see that neither monster nor explorer can further defile its hallowed grounds."

"We will follow the great builder, and we will leave this place that we once chose over the outside world, the benevolent builder has always been good to us and our kind, even though we refused his aid multiple times he continued to care for us, thus we have decided to follow him to where those who awakened live in the outside world. This city has been home and refuge for millennia but is no longer capable of such a role. This palace was built as a lighthouse to all those in the darkness, a place of respite and hope. Alas, the vision can no longer be sustained, both the awakened and the sentient no longer tolerate each other, and thus we chose to bury our hope to safeguard it for future."

"Oh fated one who has found our legacy, this palace, must never again be buried in the dark, let it gloriously drink the light of Tartarus and if possible, let the sun of the surface world nurture its halls, let it be refilled with joy and laughter, let the world see the splendour that was once the palace of light, let this palace once again be a beacon of hope and tolerance like it was once before."

"Oh fated one who has gained our legacy, fulfil our wishes and our blessings shall bring the favour of the gods unto you, oh fated one, never let the throne of light be buried in the dark again, sit on the throne as we did and bathe in the light of the gods and their eternal blessings, fate, have brought this palace to you and with fate we bind you to it, it shall serve you and your own for as long as it lives, oh fated one, drop your blood on the ball and take it with you, make our dreams come true, and the gratefulness of the awakened shall forever be yours"

Yunan and the girls looked at each other with tacit understanding, their beautiful little kingdom has just got itself a new place, Yunan told the girls to drop their blood on the crystal ball and claim ownership over the bright palace but they all rejected. Ther excuse a very flimsy but romantic one "only a king's order must resonate in his palace, we dare not take that right from the man we pledge ourselves to".

Since none of the girls wanted the palace, Yunan turned to Sapphira, as an awakened, she was the next best candidate to take over the palace, yet she refused with a flimsier excuse "the awakened failed this palace once already, maybe the sentient will fail too, only then will the awakened have the right to try again." seeing as it was not working Yunan proceeded to stand over the pedestal and pierce his finger to drop his blood on the ball and claim it but something else happened.

What came out of Yunan's finger was not an ordinary drop of blood, it was the drop of Phoenix blood that has tormented him, as soon as the drop fell on the crystal ball turned blood red and a voice sweeter than the chirping of birds filled the room and the palace was fully absorbed into the crystal ball as it hovered at chest length before Yunan.

The pleasurable voice said something in a language none of those present could understand, it then sent all that bloody fluid inside it into Yunan's body leaving behind only the crystal ball with a palace floating inside of it, as for the rest of the city it turned to dust the moment the crystal ball absorbed the palace.

Inside Yunan however, was a raging battle as the new blood took a greater part of the body resulting n the increase of the debuff to 25% to all stats, it was painful enough that Yunan had to grit his teeth and endure as sweat filled his forehead. By the time his body acclimated to the new blood, he had almost fainted, causing the girls to feel concern for him, the only benefit of this new addition to his blood was the higher chance at 20% of assimilating the Phoenix bloodline without problems.

Now that the event was over, Yunan took his harem and went to his newly bought kingdom. After a year it still looked as beautiful and as happy as it was when he bought it, there were more tourists wanting to catch a glimpse of the legendary Yunan, the new king of the twilight pearl and son-in-law of the kitsune.

Yunan did not like to make a scene in his first visit to the new kingdom so he used the government to make a path for him where he could safely go to the old royal palace and replace it. The old palace was mainly a tourist spot or rarely the residence of foreign diplomats or the occasional king that rents the place when taking a vacation in the twilight pearl.

Since it was so, the palace was easily cleared and Yunan removed all the plot of land and replaced it with the bright palace and a piece of the garden, the old palace was placed in a nearer position to the gates of the royal city to function as reception and residence for the foreign diplomats and those who can afford to rent it, as for the bright palace it would be used as the new government building and also a tourist attraction.

Since Yunan wanted to see how the populace received this change and how they felt about it, he thought he might as well introduce himself and his queen to his subjects, even though he knew he was king only in name, having a king show himself and not having any were two different things.

Thus it was decided that the palace will accept visitors the next day and as his first official appearance, Yunan would sit on his throne for all to see, he also decided to give away some small trinkets he can mass produce using pearls and some precious metals to those who arrive and congratulate their king.

First, the reception only had limited time from 10 am to 3 pm, each group had 5 minutes with the king and his queen where they would be able to leave behind questions or demands to the new king if there were any, as for gifts he made breast watches for the men and a vast array of jewellery for the ladies, his goal was to give the people an idea that their new king was not there for their wealth and hard work, he just liked the place.

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