Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 227: Fighting at deaths door

Chapter 227: Fighting at deaths door

Shopping for a kingdom was rather fun when it really came to it, most of the kingdoms in Burkan could be bought if one had enough money, some of them were already private property by the oldest and strongest mortals, therefore, when the young looking Yunan, Leol and muscles asked the clerk in the guild headquarters to see someone about buying a kingdom, they got the 'it 500 years too early for you to make that much money' look.

Still they were taken to a private room as per protocol and another clerk arrived to help them in their shopping, this guy was a professional and first asked what kind of kingdoms are they buying and after establishing a type he asked about the price range, he was rather happy when Yunan told him it was not a problem, so the man happily brought out all the pretty, well-functioning kingdoms with good laws and well-behaved population and high rate of happiness.

When Muscles gave him the name of the kingdom she was from the clerk frowned, according to the guild, it was a den of corruption and dissolution, law was money and money ruled, the popular was under oppressive regime and there was basically no prospects in buying it, it was actually on sale because the king had bankrupted the land and most of the money whales have gone to other kingdoms because this corrupted kingdom had nothing left to offer them, even the thrill of breaking the law and being the law died soon, all that was left were some old noble families that were even more corrupt and vile than the masters of the hanging palace.

All in all the kingdom was rather small, most of its lands were sold, it had the coastal royal city and 4 more medium-sized cities, the rest of the land was farmlands where landlords ruled, the kingdom was a rather small only at a quarter of a million square kilometres in surface, it had only one marine route monopolized by some company or the other.

Yunan bought the kingdom, he bought also an army from the guild and bought a very proficient group of officials and employees from all kinds of trades and walks of life. His first order of business was to get rid of the festering tumours called nobility and rich, he basically gave an order, follow the law or die, death for breaking the new laws of the land was excessive but necessary, those ignorant of the law like commoners were to be educated in the laws of the land first before being punished, crimes that are universally condemned were punishable immediately, like thievery and murder and kidnapping and so on and so forth, Yunan also asked the church to make as many branches as possible to help the masses come to understand the new rules and rulers.

The laws were rather simple and aimed at the happiness and development of the people, Yunan was not a lawmaker, but he knew how the lower classes felt and thought. He also introduced mandatory education as well as mandatory work, anyone without education or a job is forced into one of those two or banished from the kingdom, it worked as follows, the whole kingdom is to be rebuilt up to certain standards that make renovation and maintenance easier in the future, and those who are jobless can be educated into a job, and then thrust into the renovation of the kingdom, and since social work is never-ending Yunan made sure to create a base of well educated professionals in each area, although these changes would take years to come to fruition, it was still possible.

After dealing with the army, the supplies, the lawmakers, and officials, his first step was to drive away the corrupted class, either by exile or seizing all their assets and leaving them to rot like the rest of the population, he also brought Leol's grandparents and family to the kingdom and had them become the rulers. The mild nature of Leol's family showed itself almost immediately when the family arrived, even the unrest among the citizens was reduced by the well-spoken new king, and thanks to dealing with the roots of corruption, the new kings were hailed as saviours. After a short 10 years, the kingdom turned into one of the most prosperous and beautiful ones in the continent, the new generation of well educated and trained adventurers served as the foundation of a good kingdom.

Let's return back to our time, with the new kingdom dealt with and Leol officially becoming royalty, a king of a nation, it was time for Yunan to return to the grind of the dungeon.

With 20% power removed from him Yunan was now barely a level 40 and that was a big blow to his natural stats, however that did lead him to use his buff to counter the debuff, instead he went back to the 43rd floor to challenge himself, it has a very long time since he was naturally weaker to the enemies he was facing.

That being said, by the end of the first day, Yunan had returned home in a very bad state, apparently 1260 points difference per attributes was a bit too much and with the reduced healing he had to push himself to the limit, strangely the pain was not as bad as Yunan thought and most of the wounds were superficial and they only looked terrible because they accumulated for a long day, as for his terrible state, 20% loss in all stats included stamina and endurance, making Yunan haggard and desolate by the time he finished the day, Yunan kept training day in and day out simply because it was the best way to lift his battle sense back to being equal to his true level or higher, not his level being higher than the battle sense.

The boss fight almost killed Yunan about 35 times, the lizards were speed and fire types, and the boss used lighting cloak to grow even faster and wind attacks to generate more of an edge to the already sharp and deadly claws. Yunan escaped by a hair's width each time. Most of the near-death experiences came from when the boss made a retaliatory strike after taking critical damage, and Yunan was very bad at avoiding those because he could not predict how an explosion of mana will behave, sometimes it was pure lightning, sometimes it was pure wind and sometimes both, only one thing was sure, Yunan had to get close to the boss to even think about killing it and there was a retaliation every time he snuck in a good hit.

In that fight Yunan drank enough lava wine and queen bee honey to drown in, luckily his battle consumption has been rather high and he could eat and fight without any problems, Yunan used every spells in his book and every skill he knew how to use, and every near-death experience would prompt him to change strategy to a more efficient one, eventually he killed the boss after 30 hours of struggle, the thing he did after dealing the killing blow was to take the reward from the chest and step inside the 44th floor with the boss in his storage space, after that he teleported to the infirmary for Ophelia to patch him up and left an order for Kitty and Sarah to clean him up and let him sleep, and then let his tiredness take over and dove into deep sleep in the hands of the smiling Ophelia.

Once he woke up, it was the morning of the next day, he body felt as good as new if not for the dull pain from rejection of the phoenix blood he would have been in a perfect condition, he took his time enjoying the presence of Kitty and Sarah who sleeping beside him, he did not know what Sarah was thinking, she had not taken an oath on the master brand and was simply keeping herself around without appearing to much or catch too much attention, therefore Yunan decided to make love to her when such rare chances came to be where she willingly slept by his side.

Sarah also enjoyed her current lifestyle, especially her being free to do whatever she wanted thanks to the new housekeeping crew Yunan bought, she would occasionally bring herself to him when her lust took over her, otherwise she would find a quiet corner in the house and just watch the happy atmosphere thinking she was fortunate enough to be here to witness it, but Yunan was the reason why she still stayed in this place.

Not only did he not force her to do anything, he would always make sure she was satisfied when she crawled into his bed, he also cared for her feelings and never talked about her position in the house or her family since she arrived here, and even though she was in the same status as the other slaves she still enjoyed the princess treatment because Yunan told the new servants she was one a princess so they cared for her and helped her with anything she asked for.

As for Kitty, she felt jealousy because of her, Kitty was the honest type, just like Yunan, and she never hid her lust for him whenever Sarah joined them in bed, even when Yunan told her to leave them alone Kitty would just ignore Yunan and proceed in instructing Sarah on how to please the master. And Sarah was jealous mostly because Yunan himself could not help but favour Kitty and somewhat ignore Sarah, even though both were slaves.

Yunan was not aware of this train of thought, but he still took care that both he and his mates enjoyed their mating and copulation.

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