Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 221: Waking up

Chapter 221: Waking up

Yunan had fallen for a honey trap at the hand of the sweetest one of them all, a freaking love goddess. it was too late when he noticed that her charm was masking something else that was targeted at him, he felt drowsiness and before he could muster enough strength to break out from the spell he felt the ample bosom of Venus break his last barrier and he fell into deep sleep.

It was a moment and an eternity in the darkness of the dream, there was no time nor was there space, just his formless consciousness floating into an endless abyss. In the darkness there was a presence, so familiar yet so distant and mysterious, it was like meeting a new person and feeling familiarity with them upon first glance.

A sting to Yunan's arm brought him out of limbo and back to reality, the light was too blinding so he squeezed his eyelids shut and knitted his eyebrows, a hoarse dry groan escaped his throat as another sting made him flinch.

"Hey girls! Jon doe just woke up, call the doctor asap, easy there, don't open your eyes yet, let me lower the light intensity, you have been sleeping for almost a week, thanks for waking up now, one hour later and i would have lost the bet" on and on rambled a soft voice beside Yunan's bed talking about things and saying words that Yunan thought were exclusive to himself, Anne and Ophelia.

The girl had a gentle touch to her as she tousled his hair and parted his lips, she helped shield his eyes from the intense light in the room, he was naked under a linen cover with soft linen sheets and a very comfortable foam bed under his body. He tried to move his hand to touch the place of the sting but found he was too weak to even do that, only blinking was with in his power.

It did not take long before Yunan could fully open his eyes and look at a gentle face that reminded him of Reina, it exuded comfort and the soft smile made him feel at ease, it was so contradictory because it was the first time he had his life under the hands of a stranger and he was powerless to even move, he wanted to run, to teleport home but he could not sense his power, the rings of communication and the medallion were missing, there was no mana in this place, and there was no mana in his core.

As Yunan was trying to close his fist and sense his limbs and other parts of his body, the room was invaded by the over enthusiastic nurses in pink dresses, behind them a doctor was pushing them aside trying to get to Yunan. She first checked for any auditory and visual impairment, she made sure he could feel his toes and fingertips before asking bravely "do you remember what happened to you? Your name? Any information so we can contact your family or friends? Yunan nodded and made a parched noise that passe for a "yes".

"First, let the nurse give you some water to drink, and wait until morning, then she will join you once more to take your information and then we can take it from there, so take it easy and try to sleep some more it will help with your powerlessness." With that she sent out the nurses and closed the door, the light dimmed behind her and Yunan drifted into sleep, he did not wake up until morning.

His throat felt much better and he could formulate thoughts much easier, this slow thinking speed was almost torture to a guy like him who, could make a plan between the time it took a bolt to fly from his crossbow and hit a target 1 meter away, his sense of powerlessness was not there anymore but he felt like when he was mortal, before meeting Debauchery and becoming an adventurer. Light was not as blinding as before, and the sunlight through the window felt strangely tame and weak.

The nurse from last night came around ten in the morning, Yunan was still having trouble with his muscles and could barely speak, the nurse started rambling about things he did not really understand, however, she gave him two sips of water to ease his thirst, and changed the solution besides his bed, according to her that solution would keep him from feeling hunger and thirst, what he was feeling was due to a dry throat and had nothing to do with dehydration, Yunan wanted to scoff at her but his facial muscles were not cooperating so it looked like a smile

"Alright mister handsome lucky charm, thanks to you i don't have to pay a dime on my next trip with the girls, so as thanks i will let you kiss me on the day you leave the hospital, for now let's fill this form and contact your friends and relatives, they must be very worried about you". "Anything is okay as long as i get to leave this place and meet my friends, so ask away"

"Name?", "Yunan", "last name?", "no such a thing, you know that no one had a last name in Burkan since 300 thousand years ago in the first race war". "Are you serious?", "Yes", "give me a moment I need to record this, and get the girls to witness this". The nurse left in a hurry and returned moments later with a camera, and a cackle of giggling nurses.

"This camera is fitted with a lie detector, if you lie to me it will make a beeping noise, try making a lie to see if it works or not". Yunan was intrigued by the curious device so he humoured the lady "my dragon is named Sapphira". The camera beeped at the name Sapphira not at the mention of a dragon, which brought endless entertainment to the nurses swarming around the bed but they were pushed away by the first nurse, it was time to start again.

"Name", "Yunan", "last name", "none", "age", "20", "hight", "180cm", "weight", "90kg", "address" "i live in my portable home, if you need to send me mail do it through the guild, address it to Yunan the wise prowler member of the Valyrians subsidiary of the Debauchery party". "Which guild?", "the adventurers guild", "living relatives", "adopted mother, she can be found in the orphanage in Mar Sara city, her name is Theresa", "phone number to contact your mother?", "Again with the weird questions! it has been more than 700 thousand years since the last phone was used after the first mana war". "Any friends or close companion we can contact?", "Just send any mail you have through the guild to any member of the Valyrians or Debauchery party", "any pets?" "Drogon, a Valyrian dragon, and Sapphira a silver Egyptian Mau". "Girlfriends?", " Fortuna, you probably know her as lady luck", "can you specify who are the Valyrians and who Debauchery party are?". "Debauchery party are my teachers and level 80 explorers, there are six, no, seven of them, Mary the human leader and healer, Fae the elf mage, Balin the dwarven smith, Dustan the orcish merchant and berserker, Lucian the lykan ranger and scout, bai the human rogue and assassin, last and latest addition Anne, a quack healer, as for the Valyrians, they are my party members and fellow students, Leol a human noble melee attacker, Lili a human berserker, Reina a kitsune mage and archer, Ophelia a healer and alchemist and me Yunan the wise prowler, a master of all trades".

Although the answers were completely nonsensical the camera did not make a single beep all the time it was recording, and that was a very bad thing for Yunan as a patient.

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