Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 214: What is life worth to you

Chapter 214: What is life worth to you

With irrefutable evidence, the guild workers immediately distanced themselves from the five, even if they wore the protection of the hazmat suits they didn't take any chances with a poison as foul as this one.

Yunan had previously removed the poison from the guild workers as they entered and left the shield so they thought it was a property of the shield, but now that they saw this scene they knew that its true function was to block the poison while it was Yunan who cleansed the crew, therefore they could not by any stretch, ask Yunan to cleanse his enemies especially after all that he suffered from them.

If the guild asked of Yunan to cleanse them he would do so, but he would pose harsh restrictions for doing the quest, but they did not, the delegate from the guild was torn apart between saving lives and losing the young talented man thanks to a bunch of ungrateful bastards. So they made the only choice they saw can keep the guild in good graces with Yunan and save the lives of the useless family.

"Sir, you are currently the only one capable of helping them survive, otherwise they would die before the toxicologists from the lowest floors can arrive, we have no right to ask you to save them, but we would like to know what it would take to save them, you can name any and all conditions that you think must be fulfilled, and we will do whatever we can to save as many of them as possible".

"Thank you but that is not necessary, I only require an answer from them, that is all" the delegate was rather politically savvy, taking into consideration too many factors, although Yunan could be persuaded easily due to his personality, the delegate opted for the best option for everyone. Yunan looked at the 5 and asked the master of the house first "who do you want to live and what are you willing to offer me in return for their lives?".

"I want all of us to survive, and I can pay any price a commoner like you can ask for, whether its beautiful women, riches or even land and houses, whatever you want I can give you" the answer made Yunan snicker, he was thought of as a commoner, therefore, he must ask for what commoners want most "I want to trade ancestry, from today onwards you can never call yourself part of the hanging palace household and I become the master of the house". The man looked like he was going to erupt from rage but said patiently "That is impossible, however, I can adopt you into the household and that would give you the same benefits".

"Fine" Yunan nodded and asked the next in line, the female retainer, "what about you?", "I can offer you my body and that of my daughters and granddaughters to use at will for the next year, our household is made of only the most beautiful females with the most enchanting bodied, it is worth the lives of the five of us", "fine" Yunan answered, she was trying to cheat him, she was the only survivor because everyone else was dead, and she wanted to use a technicality to make a fool of him, well such lies were a daily thing when Yunan was training under Debauchery, it was not a lie or any form of deception, it was just a technicality that happens to be cheating.

The next retainer also made something along the line of offering the pleasures of life, like both of the two who went before him, and Yunan only response was "fine", next was the woman carrying her child and shielding her. "Who do you want to be saved and what can you offer me?". There was no hesitation in the woman, she did not even take a moment to consider.

"I want to save my daughter, I will offer my life in return" Yunan countered he argument with a rather obvious flaw "your life is going to be too short, I must save you as well if I wanted to make use of you, so find another price". The woman looked lost for a moment before saying "I can only offer you my gratitude then, my daughter's life can not be measured by treasure or services if my life is not enough I have nothing but gratitude". Yunan teleported the woman and daughter outside of the shield and cleansed both of them before patting the woman on the head "you did good, truly, you passed the test, life is not measured by valuables" he then gestured to a guild worker to come and care for the woman.

The lady of the palace has given up on her husband and his retainers and even he son long ago, she knew they were too far gone in their madness, however her daughter was a gentle kid that has yet to live and become a disappointment, so she chose to give her daughter away, maybe she can grow into something this family has forgotten. When she heard what Yunan said she was very thankful for him, he exchanged two lives with nothing, and she knew it was her personality and sense of worth that got him to rescue both.

The guild delegate was rather smart and got the gist of it, so he asked Yunan one question "sir, might there be a way to save the three as well?". Yunan nodded "if they sign a binding magical contract that states they would give up all their assets, bank accounts, lands slaves, and everything they own; to this gentle lady over here, as well as sign another contract to work as aids for the guild in helping the adventurers for the next 100 years, their pay will be given to the guild to support adventurers and they are only entitled to the same meals all other guild employees have, they can not make money nor can they take land during that period, any fortune they make os to be transferred to this lady and if she does not survive the duration to her daughter and their bloodline, if that contract is signed I will save them."

The delegate immediately barked his orders to write the magical binding contract, he was willing to save them even at such hard conditions, simply because the guild would benefit from the deal more than any other, this made him also note that the cruel man Yunan was not that cruel after all, if he tormented his enemies for such a long period of time he would rather have them be of use than be his slaves, a rather admirable thing to do for an enemy, and what he did for the enemy wife and offspring was not something you might encounter in a lifetime or two.

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