Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 201: Buying a princess

Chapter 201: Buying a princess

Yunan laid on his bed holding Kitty in his embrace, he did not want to feel that pain again, he tried his best to make Kitty forget that sting and at this moment she was feeling blissful as her ears twitched under his tender touch and her nostrils were drinking in the most delicious smell she had ever known.

Yunan could not help but ask "if I smell so delicious, does that mean all you want is to eat me?" There was a small happy nod that only he could perceive, she had no words in her vocabulary to make known her feelings than to simply act on them, after all, she was feral, more beast than most other beast-lings and Yunan made sure that he would make her smile every time he could after hearing the story she kept locked in her heart.

Maybe Kitty herself did not know how much she hated the slaver that was coming after her, she had just found her slice of heaven and once again a slaver came to take it away and that was, according to Kitty, a big no-no. Yunan kept hold of Kitty all night long, he had watched her fall asleep and purr on his chest content with a stupid grin on her face, one that Yunan could not help but steal a few kisses from now and then.

After some reconciliation time with both Ophelia, Reina and Lili, it was Decided that both Reina and Lili were going to leave their organizations and would join parties to hunt in the dungeon as freelancers, they felt that they have lost a few Debauchery teachings by being treated very well in their old organizations, thus making that decision. It was also decided that Ophelia and Kitty would join them now and then until they reached level 50 and were able to rejoin with Yunan.

As for Yunan he tracked that slaver through the guild, and alongside Kitty, they destroyed his place and freed all the slaves that were there since most of them were illegal, Yunan told them to find the church and ask for help there, it was safer for them than just running away. The slaver himself was again beaten up to an inch of his life, and the idea that "going after runaway slaves was wrong" was now etched in his brain forever.

That day Kitty had a spring to her step as she jingled merrily around Yunan like the very sound of happiness, she did not mind the occasional show of affection Yunan would give her, she was just happy that day that she did not even notice she was basically pouncing an prancing around and those little affectionate moments was Yunan's way of holding her still because her happy jingling sound was drawing too much attention.

Another thing that Yunan did on the outside was visiting an auction he heard some people talk about in the guild headquarters, there was a family that was selling their own daughter; an adventurer, in an auction, the girl in question belonged to a fallen dynasty and her family had been getting back on their feet lately, and the last push to re-establish their kingdom was selling their virgin princess, who was a level 30 adventurer for the price of a kingdom.

Yunan thought about Sarah and decided that if it was her that was on sale he would buy her, he asked Dustan about how much an adventurer who reached the 30th floor was worth, adding in the willingness to become a slave for her family, her mild manners and status as a princess, he was shocked to know it was even less than the price of some of his jewellery that had been sold, so he decided to offer two pieces of jewellery as her price, if it was her granny, they would take the jewellery because it was worth more than money forgetting that those pieces of jewellery were so coveted that without proper status and protection it was a death sentence to get a hold of one.

Greed was always blinding, and those who were willing to sell their own daughter for money were blind, deaf and cripples. Yunan also asked his family what would be appropriate if he actually bought her, and they just told him to do whatever he wanted with her since she would be, after all, a willing slave. Before attending the auction, Yunan was approached by the guild to join a group of VIPs in inspecting the merchandise, and he felt sad when he saw Sarah sitting in all her dignity and waiting to be inspected by a bunch of strangers, however she faltered when she saw Yunan and kitty enter the room, upon seeing her tears some of the VIPs knew how unwilling she was but she endured for the sake of her family. Each of the VIPs sent a servant to perform the inspection for them and Yunan sent Kitty to wipe away her tears, meanwhile the VIPs started to discuss the price that she was worth and how much more it was possible to pay for her without incurring a loss.

"I want her, I hope you would allow me to have her" Yunan said after the price was discussed and the potential buyers were revealed, he took out a few pieces of his trademark jewellery and gave one to each one present, "pretty please" he said as the last piece was taken and the others all nodded and left, Yunan stayed until the room only had him, Kitty, the auction aid and Sarah, he gave a magnificent bracelet and a pair of extravagant earrings to the aid "use them as the price to buy her, if anyone is willing to pay that much, feel free to double the value using money". The aid left after making a bow and left the three of them alone.

Yunan walked close to Sarah and hugged her letting the floodgates open, she cried herself to sleep while Kitty kept trying to comfort her. it did not take long for the auction to be settled, and the aid returned with the bracelet and the contract for Sarah, as Yunan had expected the old granny jumped at the earrings the moment they were presented, even though there were still bets of higher value she ended the auction for fear the one who proposed the jewellery would withdraw it and she would lose such a chance at getting one of those most coveted pieces of jewellery.

"Send the bracelet too to the old granny and make it known to those who arrived at the auction, say something like the buyer thought the earrings were not enough for a price. As for us we will teleport from this room so please give it to us for a few more hours" the aid nodded and left, while Yunan waited patiently for Sarah to wake up before teleporting with her, but after half an hour he decided she might feel better if she woke up somewhere familiar.

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