Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 169: Bullying the gods

Chapter 169: Bullying the gods

During the 3rd week of fighting under water in the 30 floor, Yunan was now fighting an especially large shark that has been hunting the smaller sharks im the area, it was 55 meters in length and had a 8 meter wide jaw, it simply split in half anything bigger than its jaw and just swallowed the rest whole. It has been hounding Yunan for the last 6 hours, although Yunan could deal damage to it, he still did not have the required power to defeat it with brute force only.

Yunan was using his lighting clad weapons to stun or paralyse the monster and deal more damage to it, however the monster had its own monstrous regeneration and healing, making Yunan grit his teeth trying hard not just finish it with a toxic bolt but he was summoned mid fight to entertain some guests.

Reluctantly Yunan sent a bolt at its gills when it opened its maw in an attempt to swallow him, Yunan teleported away and waited for the monster to die, making sure it stayed that way by frying its brain when it had no signs of struggle left.

Yunan sent the beat to the kitchen to be cooked before teleporting home, there he took a moment to bath and heal before meeting his guests, there were 4 people in the room along with Kitty and Ophelia, since Lina and Nina were sent to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.

Yunan could identify 2 out of the the 4 visitor and he greeted them like usual. "Hello old man, welcome back to my humble abode, have you been well?" After Yunan sat down he felt something brush by him, he turned to find it was a cat sniffing at him before jumping on Hephaestus' lap. Hephaestus merely nodded at Yunan in response to his greetings so Yunan switched to his wife "old hag, how come you never contact me these days, and you said that you have given yourself to me until either one of us gets bored, i still have some things i want to make you do, so try to keep in contact"

Fortuna blushed Furiously as she she stuttered and stammered a mumbled reply that no one heard. She is not bored of me yet thought Yunan before turning to the other two "may i know who might you be, esteemed guests, i do not usually have strangers in my place without prior notice, so excuse my rudeness". The first to respond was the man, he looked young and energetic, his eyes looked like they could encompass the stars and his body was well toned and cared for, Yunan new immediately not to trust this man at all.

"I am Hermes, god of liars and thieves and merchants, please be at ease i only came here to see my cute little follower, she has forgotten to pray to me as much as she used to back then. Did you do something to my cutie?". Yunan just shrugged and smiled at Ophelia and gave her a wink, Ophelia immediately put her head down trying to hide the smile on her face. Next came the beautiful enchanting woman who would make men start wars simply for the right to look at her.

"What are you looking at?" Was her reaction to Yunan looking at her without a hint of passion or interest, so Yunan ignored her and turned to Fortuna "is she the bitter, and jealous bitch?" Fortuna nodded and for the next few seconds you could feel the fury burning into the beautiful woman, but Yunan looked without interest at her "so what is your name and when do you want my seed? I can't have you sabotage my wife simply because of jealousy" that was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Abuse started hurling itself at Yunan who simply closed his ears at this screaming woman, a goddess of beauty and love, was just told that she should stop being jealous of another being and was offered love in the most vulgar way since she was born. "Fine fine, just stop acting like a spoilt brat and tell me your name and why you are here" Yunan was still as dispassionate as ever driving the woman to even more rage, how could he resist her charm when she was the personification of beauty.

Something was wrong with Yunan, and that was Debauchery teachings, never trust your senses, never be impressed by anything, and never allow another to capture your true emotions. With that kind of mentality, even the creator himself, would have no sway over Yunan, let alone an ascended who was by all means and purposes a bait that Yunan had never been interested in, therefore he did not react to her beauty.

One might say a man loves beauty as much as beauty loves a hero, but Yunan was always more interested in companionship rather than beauty, he was just lucky to have all his companion being beautiful and elegant women, and with what the goddess of beauty and love just exhibited before Yunan, her chances of becoming a companion just hit rock bottom.

"My name is Venus and i am here to find out what kind of bond you have with your women, it is killing me not knowing how it works" there was some embarrassment in the angry face Venus had on her, however that look changed into a dumbfounded one at Yunan's answer "it's not about love, darling, we just want to be together, love would sprout on its own in simple relationships like ours".

With that he turned to Hermes and said "your cutie is my cutie now, she is happy and having fun pursuing her passion, she likes being here, she has friends and family, it would make me feel bad for her if she kept praying to you as much as you want, so either accept her happiness has nothing to do with you and there is no longer much reason to pray, or release her from your service and go find a cutie that will worship you instead of being happy, either way is fine by me, and before you ask, even if the wrath of all the gods descended on me i would still keep her close, she is precious to me after all" with that Yunan reclined back on his chair and looked wistfully at the cat in the hands of Hephaestus.

Around the table were different reactions, Fortuna was proud, Hephaestus seemed more interested in petting the cat, Venus was still mumbling to herself in disbelief trying to come to a reasonable solution to her predicament, there was a way to replace love and she was not happy with it. Kitty was looking at Yunan like he was the king of the world, Ophelia was trying not to smile so brightly while hiding the pink flush on her cheeks while Hermes mischievous smile could make stones start sweating, he was probably thinking of a few pranks to play, but for now he said nothing in return to Yunan.

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