Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 164: Reaching the 30th floor

Chapter 164: Reaching the 30th floor

With only 7 bosses left in the field the danger was much more manageable, and with everyone protected by mana shield Yunan could go all out without worrying about their safety, he took the front row with Muscles and Lili while covering the party with earth shift to create an enclosure with one entry point.

Yunan passed some lava wine to his teammates before downing some himself, he then increased the all stat buff to 300%, the maximum output at the moment, and with that, the party was temporarily able to withstand the onslaught without much damage sustained.

As a frontliner Yunan coated his short swords with dual lighting and wind, maximizing the damage and the sharpness of the weapons, he then took the time to deal with the tendons of any boss that came before him, blocking and parrying any attack that came within range.

With the 300% buff fully unleashed, add in the mastery over spells and weapons, Yunan was like a rapid firing machine gun, sending an untold number of ice spears and lighting strikes to keep all 7 bosses at bay and give his friends the time and space to freely attack and damage the bosses. And thanks to that extreme output the battle soon ended with victory. The bosses got gradually paralysed by lighting and slowed down due to frost, making them weaker and easier to handle.

The battle ended after 3 hours with one boss after another falling dead, after all was done, the Valyrians sat down on the ground exhausted and gasping for breath, the effects of 300% all stats up started showing themselves and to deal with it a high energy meal was made out of the dead bosses.

After getting well deserved rest the chest was opened and the items inside distributed, Yunan sent his item to the armor to feed on and told his teammates to go ahead and step into the 30th floor, and that he would catch up with them after finishing something.

Leol, Muscles, Lili and reina went ahead and descended to the 30th floor, Ophelia went to her infirmary as for Kitty and Sarah they returned with Yunan back to the 29th floor. Sarah gave Yunan his communication ring before leaving to meet with the party she hired Yunan to reach. As for Kitty she just snuggled closely to Yunan and followed him back to the floor.

After taking in the scenery Yunan headed for the mountainous region that looked like the centre of the floor, there he found many nests of goblins and kobolds drilling deep into the mountains, these tunnels were shared with rats, bats and spiders as well as snakes. There were some that were dug by goblins and were inhabited by wolves and foxes and other monsters that moved in once the the tunnels were abandoned.

Yunan did not pay much attention to Kitty and was focused on dealing with the nests, where he found enough treasures to feed his armor and guide its next evolution. Although Kitty tagged along all the time she was basically a cheerleader for Yunan who was now trying to finish every fight as soon as it started.

It took Yunan a whopping 5 months to get his hands on all the possible resources he could get in the 29th floor as well as fully map it, he worked diligently and methodically not without minding the amount of resources he poured in to finish such a huge endeavour.

Since Yunan has used up so much mana he decided he should return to the 23 floor and stay there for a month doing nothing but store mana at all times, by the end of that month, Yunan made his way back to the 29th floor and made his way back to the 20th partition in the boss corridor and started selling his services in return for the corpses on the way, he did not care much about the rewards from the chest because it wasn't enough to entice him however he still made sure he would get first pick from each chest, simply just a precaution in the case Tartarus decided to reward him with something worthwhile.

Yunan found that most the parties were still the same, as most of them failed repeatedly to break the last room, some did not even reach it, and Sarah's party was one of them. With Yunan selling his services, Sarah somehow convinced her party leader that Yunan had the ability to lead them to the 30th floor. Besides Yunan did not ask for much, first pick from the chests and the bodies of the bosses were not as bad if he was sure to lead them successfully to the 30th floor.

Thanks to that, Yunan led a few groups to reach the 30th floor on his own, simply he would unleash Drogon on the last room and a few seconds later, the well cooked remains of the bosses would be in his storage space. Yunan left the 29th floor after ferrying the most promising parties and making sure he had nothing left to do in the this part of the dungeon he took the steps down to the 30th floor with Kitty behind him.

The thirtieth floor was simply one big beach, the land mass was almost fully colonized into a large city surrounded from 3 direction by water. the first thing you notice is the salty breeze blowing at you face, the second thing to notice was how luxurious the city looked, its architecture and design reminded one of those royal castles, simply exquisite and captivating. Beside that, was the fishy smell coming from the market, where one could find monster fishes and other seafood ingredients dominating the other items by a fair amount.

Yunan made his way to the guild, sold some leftover stuff and bought some fresh corpses for himself and Drogon before finding the most luxurious housing area and approaching the number 5 estate. Yunan smirked at the idea of the number 5 representing a meeting location for Debauchery and the Valyrians after it was the number of the location where they received the most important training.

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