Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 161: Enchanting man-eater

Chapter 161: Enchanting man-eater

On the 27 floor were the gorgeous harpies, enchanting females with claws instead of hands, wings and plumage on their arms and talons instead of feet, they used whips to attack from range and their claws and talons to finish of the prey.

The harpy had great mobility but were physically weak, they would enchant males and bring them peacefully to be eaten or if failed they would relentlessly attack until the target is no longer able to make a response and then they would be killed and eaten.

Using arrows against harpies is the very definition of futility, and ranged magic is hard to hit if its not faster than the harpies, however of you force them to fly low by conquering the sky, they would become sitting ducks, another venue for attack was mind spells, any spells that can cause confusion and slow response would basically end the fight against the harpies.

With Reina around, she would cast her illusion magic wherever Yunan told her before the harpies took to the sky, rendering them easy pickings for the party to harvest, however if for some reason the harpies did take to the sky, Reina would cast her illusions to hide the party while Yunan filled the sky with lightning cascade and meteor shower, forcing the harpies to fly lower and be easier targets, or try to flee.

Another month passed by the party as they made progress in their team work and individual prowess, the main beneficiary was Drogon, he seemed to love the taste of harpies and their eggs, the eggs tasted unbelievably good when fried with fat from the the harpies, it had become a staple of breakfast every day. As in the last floor, Yunan would always get to do the challenge rooms alone simply because his teammates were too lazy to help.

After the first two weeks the party picked up a habit of making dresses with the plumage of the harpies, they would use the soft plumes to stuff pillows and beds and bedrolls, and the hard long feathers to weave skirts and armlets, crowns and coat tails for dresses. The main reason this hobby was picked because they saw a party pick the feathers of the harpy and sew it to various things, therefore came the amazing idea of making such stuff to mainly relieve boredom.

After the whole floor was explored and mapped, Yunan and friends headed to the boss character of this floor, a harpy matriarch, it was smaller than the rest of the harpies and was more human looking than the rest of her species.

The harpy matriarch was man sized, and had enough charm to topple a few kingdoms, Leol was asking if he could keep her and making sure that Yunan was going to help him tame her, but what surprised the party was that the matriarch was willing to mate instead of fight but the girls did not allow her to even finish her proposal before they were beating her like a punching bag.

The harpy matriarch finally fought back and got away but she still eyed the boys like a succubus sighing softly every time she looked at them, Leol was weeping at his fantasy that did not get to mature while Yunan consulted the Black Fate about the viability of having the matriarch as a pet, the answer wss not too surprising. The matriarch could drain the life essence from males and kill them within 2 or three sessions of intercorse than feed on their dead body to lay healthy eggs.

After hearing the news, leol changed his attitude from lusting after pleasure to lust after blood, there is no point in having such a beautiful thing of he could not spend his days making babies with her, or thats how he thought. As for the rest of the party they just unleashed their spells and skills on the matriarch simply because she tried to literally feed on their men.

About an hour later the Harpy matriarch fell to her wounds and left behind a golden egg and a chest, the egg was eaten along with its mother, the golden shell was fed to the armor and the chest was distributed among the rest.

The party descended to the 28th floor and then returned home to get some rest and relaxation before starting a fresh floor. Inside they found a gift left by Balin, he made armors for the juniors with his new understanding of smithing, the armors were tailored and had a very classy design to them, these new pieces would be enough to work with until the 40th floor.

Debauchery and Anne had left home and were trained for their next face-off against the guardian of the 80th floor, with The secret of Honey and healing herbs in the dungeon, Debauchery could train diligently or wait until they ate enough monsters to reach that kind of height.

The next morning, Yunan and party were summoned by the guild, a messenger found them about to start exploring and told them to head to the headquarters of the guild in Dungeon city urgently, although Yunan did know what was wrong he still made his way up as soon as possible, and arrived 2 hours later, he told that recently there have been activity in the dungeon targeting adventurers in the early floors and that the guild have been trying to find the culprits, and until everyone was safe and sound and the culprits were dealt with they expected Yunan as a VIP of the guild to stay under their protection for the time being.

However Yunan responded with "if i am lucky they will find me and we can end this before it gets too much for the rest of the adventurers, whether i hide or not, if they are after me then we would meet inevitably, therefore i would like to continue my adventurers in peace and if they find me the that is bad luck for them." With that Yunan returned to the 28th floor to start his exploration

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