Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 154: Hellhounds

Chapter 154: Hellhounds

Following the established routine, at night time Yunan brought everyone inside the portable home, Lina and Nina had dinner ready and served, so after a good feast it was time for a bath then sleep, with the exception of Leol who wanted to be alone with Muscles everyone else was sleeping in Yunan's bedroom.

Sarah was now a bit numb to the endless display of affection in this weird party, they did not shy away from being frank about any and all things, they could laugh and get angry and then laugh again within minutes, all of it were real feelings. Kitty on the other hand proved to be more beast than most half beasts, she acted like a spoiled cat and stuck to Yunan even fighting with his slaves about who gets to pleasure him that night, however they were all rejected, and Yunan took hold of Reina and Ophelia to cuddle with, Sarah thought about every lewd scenario in her little brain but none of them took place.

Come morning, Yunan woke up the girls and made breakfast, afterwards it was time to hunt the hellhounds. The hellhounds were dogs the size of horses, almost 2 meters tall and about 2 meters long, and a correspondingly muscled figure. They had curse and poison effects in their claws, a burning effect around their bodies at all times and could spew hellfire from their maws, the blackish hellfire was nigh inextinguishable, and would burn until nothing flammable was left.

The hellhounds also had thick skin and high magic resistance, however like all dark type beings they were very weak to light magic and holy magic, making it easier to handle large groups of them just by casting a number of mage light spells, and then attacking relentlessly, or one can do it the Debauchery way and power through with disregard to anything else, one can walk his path without obstacles if one had enough power.

Since Yunan and friends were taking their sweet time advancing, they ended up bumping into other parties, as one would expect, a party with a half a dozen ladies and only two men would be perceived as vulnerable and can be taken advantage of. The first of such situation happened while the party was grilling dog ribs while Yunan was clearing a challenge room.

Another party made predominantly of males who had the advantage in the numbers, the good looking high level uniformed armors and weapons as well as the experience. One could tell immediately upon seeing both parties. They approached the Valyrians asking of they could use the fire to set up camp around this place. Since there was no harm Lili accepted on behalf of the rest, Yunan had been in that challenge room for 4 hours already, he would be out soon and they would continue their journey immediately after.

After setting up camp opposite the Valyrians, the arriving party sent out alcoholic beverages and food to be eaten and drunk around the fire, soon after, they invited the Valyrians to join but were rejected without hesitation. Later on they started getting intimate and chummy with the girls, something that ended up with one of the newly arrived with his head into the wall of the dungeon. And that spark almost set off a war when Yunan came out of the challenge room.

Since Yunan got out, the Valyrians just forgot about the soon to be war and just walked away as if nothing had happened at all. The other party kept taunting the Valyrians until they disappeared from sight, but did nothing more, if all those girls could drive someone's head through the walls of Tartarus, numbers and gear simply had nothing to do with winning, their best chance is angering the Valyrians, and that proved to be out of their reach too.

Another party tried the run by tactics to consume the energy of the Valyrians, they would taunt the maximum number of monsters they can flee from and run away towards their target leaving them to fight against an overwhelming number, that got Yunan pissed off thus when that party was trying their tactics one more time, he did his maximum range taunt and the horde made contact with Yunan's group almost at the same time as the bullies, making them fall to the monsters they gathered because they could not run away when it was packed like that with endless monsters.

Although the days were not always peaceful it was fun for Yunan to just allow himself to be part of a team and relax his guard a little bit, it was okay to get injured or make mistakes, the others had his back.

The boss of the 26th floor was a three headed hellhound, each head had a different function, the left head could spew hellfire, the right head could spew poison while the middle head released a dark miasma that would buff itself and debuff all others. For this boss fight Yunan had to fly up and make sure the monster was focused on him, while the melee fighters would attack its soft underbelly under the protection of the magicians who would focus only on their teammates to keep them alive.

As the one who took the role of bait and ultimate annoyance, Yunan did a risky move by teleporting to the poison head and freezing its mouth shut, that earned him all the attention of the monster, afterwards the boss made sure to coat itself with hellfire, however that proved useless once Leol, muscles and Kitty took down its front legs from underneath it making it slam heads first into the floor.

Yunan saw an opportunity and nailed two of the heads to the ground by piercing the muzzles with earth spikes, the hellfire head missed it's designated spike and in an act of rage it spew hellfire all over the floor around to prevent the pesky little humans from approaching it as it melted the earth spikes and healed its legs, poor thing focused on the wrong thing, because with the melee attackers unable to make any moves the magicians were free to bombard it with their spells. Yunan rained lighting and ice from above, while the Reina, Sarah and Ophelia used healing magic on it to make its body rot and lose its resistance.

Healing spells were considered as light magic especially those that originated from the newly spread holy magic, therefore they were poison to dark type monsters. Some adventurers would use poison and debuffs on this boss only resulting in empowering it. The existence of elemental type bosses from the 26th through the 29th floor was in preparation for teaching the adventurers about types and how to counter them, the first was dark type because healing a boss was not something any sane explorers would do, therefore knowledge about such things is empirical in helping adventurers advance.

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