Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 152: Meeting the team

Chapter 152: Meeting the team

Yunan thought Sarah would take some time to say her goodbyes and prepare for the descent, but she just walked beside Yunan as he made his way to the market to buy supplies and sell the extra corpses he had accumulated in his last mission.

"I fear you would leave me behind" was the explanation a bashful Sarah offered to Yunan when he asked if she had nothing to do, so Yunan offered to follow her around as she did what she needed to do, but Sarah politely declined, and by noon both were leaving the 20th floor. As soon as they were down, Yunan activated his medallion and had his armor on, a tail and magnificent span of wings appeared, Yunan moved closer to Sarah who was visibly shaken by the armor, to her Yunan looked like one of those legendary half dragons that were part of the tales only royalty were able to read.

"The armor is not that hard and it will not be uncomfortable for you to lean against it, how would you like me to carry you?". The first thing Sarah said was "you actually meant it when you said you will carry me?". Yunan simply got closer to her and placed a hand on her waist "well of course, i do not have the habit of lying, so put your hands around my neck, lean your head against my shoulder and hold on tight". Once Sarah did as she was told, Yunan picked her up in the most romantic princess style, their posture looked like that of two lovers in the midst of intimacy.

Yunan flapped his wings and flew at a high speed, leaving behind only after images of him as he passed by, floor after floor. For the bosses he would spare them a sliver time only for their bodies and chest, each boss was dead to a giant spear made of lightning and wind clad ice. Sarah could feel when Yunan slowed down after meeting a boss but she did not feel him stop or use his hands to cast any spells, so it was imaginable how she felt when Yunan put her down after entering the 25th floor.

The arrival of Yunan made a stir in the camps nearby, his armor was the stuff of legend after defeating the Queen hornet on his own, especially among the party he helped deliver to the 25th floor, and now the same armor had appeared with a set of wings and flew down , it was a rather captivating sight to behold.

Moments later, there was a curious cat playing with his wings, Reina and Lili were introducing themselves to Sarah, and Leol was whispering to Yunan "the faster we get away the better". The leader of the party from last mission came by asking where he can by the armor even if he had to sell his own mother as a slave, but Yunan just told him even if the maker wanted to make another one there was no materials left to make one in the whole world.

Once introductions were made, Yunan was told to meet up with the heads of the expedition to get their permission for Reina and Lili, since the heads of the organisation were not around, the leaders of the expedition were the ones to talk to. Reina and Lili did not need to burn bridges if all that was needed was a simple meeting and an agreement.

At the tent of leadership, Yunan, Reina and Lili, Leol, muscles and Sarah were standing before 2 older gentlemen who were honestly worried about the girls, the priest from the church was aware of the identity of Yunan and how close he was to the two girls and gave his permission after asking about how long will they take, and which floor they planned to stop at. The older gentleman from the royal society was aware of the rumours about the guy who was corrupting the girls, but was surprised to see how innocent they interacted with each other so he did not keep them too long, only made them stay the night in the 25th floor.

Since the demand was not unreasonable, Yunan set up his portable home and entered with his friends and client. Inside a feast was already prepared so the festive atmosphere started almost immediately. On the outside, the sudden disappearance of the party went completely unnoticed as everyone just thought they went to hunt for those rare cuteness monsters.

Sarah could not understand why did these bunch who seemed to get along very well did not form a party and go adventuring together, the answer that was provided by Yunan sounded like an excuse to miss each other. "You see Reina, Lili, Leol and I were students under the same teachers, we even have our own registered party, however the responsibilities that caught up with us are something we were not aware of until it was time to enter the dungeon, for example Reina is also a princess, and she was added into the ranks of her organisation at birth, Lili as the adopted daughter of the pope was also registered into the church's own organisation, as for Leol he belongs to a neutral noble family and he was also drafted at birth, so we separated, but our party is still registered and we are looking forward to resuming our adventures later on".

Sarah felt like she was an outsider in this group, there were the four core members, and then came the servants or protectors, then was her, the only outsider, however before long she was integrated by the unrelenting style of debauchery she was facing, most notably bath time, seeing the group playing around and having fun together blinded her to the fact that she too was striped naked and thrown at Yunan simply because she was the newest girl and as the master of the harem, the first touches were exclusive to Yunan. Bed time was another below to her, everyone just climbed into the same bed, even she was included in the clump of flesh.

Sarah had the best sleep in her life squeezed between body parts, she only felt that this was the most peaceful moment she had in a very long time, forgetting about all the social norms and the outside world, this bed full of naked bodies provided enough sense of security that it was contagious, she didn't even know when she fell asleep and when she woke up, she could feel that this was where she belonged in another life, but in this life she had burdens to carry.

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