Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 306

From the way he was bandaged all over and from the lingering scent of blood, it could be seen that he was just recently finished with his transplantation.

Glenn shook the guy but did not receive any response.

"He has been tranquilised and had already gone through the transplantation. If we move him right now, he might die" he said with a contorted face.

The two girls wore distressed faces as they saw the horrible condition of their friend.

"Bell…" Chloe silently mumbled the name of her friend who she hoped would be alright.

"Let's find Bell and Tim first," Glenn said looking at a room where the smell of the blood was the heaviest.

The two girls nodded and silently followed behind. As they approached near one particular room, they couldn't help but pinch their nose because of the nauseating bloody smell permeating from that room.

The dreary aura lingering around this room was on a whole different level. The children peeked inside the room from the transparent window only to see their friend Bell restrained on the wall by a piece of huge scary equipment.

His body was hideous to look at to say no less, his eyes were like that of a beast ready to pounce at anyone, even his height and width seemed completely different than before.

Crowded around him were the horrible people in white suits that had made him like that. They maintained a distance from the boy and noted any reaction or activity he made whenever they injected him with something.

Placed in a container on top of the machinery, was a deep crimson colour liquid and judging from the thick smell of iron coming from the room, it was none other than blood. From the volume, it could be easily guessed that blood was from an entity much bigger than a human.

Numerous incisive needles connected to the machine, repeatedly injected him with that liquid after fixed intervals evoking a beastly scream from him.

"Bell?!!" Chloe covered her mouth with her hands as she watched the scene that lay beyond the window. The boy who was completely fine and normal up until a few hours ago had been reduced to this state after being taken into the facility.

From the droplets of blood and that hateful expression on his face, she couldn't even imagine the kind of torturous experiment he had been subjected to.

"Those Bastards… Grrrrrr" Glenn who couldn't keep his calm after seeing his friends being experimented upon one after the other cursed loudly with a deep feral voice.

The blue glean on his eyes resonated with his body and his black furs started standing out with electricity zipping around him.

"I'll distract them, you two get Bell out of there," Glenn said and stood up from his hiding position.

Chloe wanted to stop him; however, before she could even utter a word, he had already stormed out.


A beastly roar that could shake one's soul and make the body go numb resounded across the transplantation chamber.

Inside the room where Bell was held captive.

"W-what? Where did that noise come from?"

"I-I don't know, but for some reason, I got goosebumps from it"

"Yeah, I felt the same. It couldn't have come from the Transplantation chamber right?".

At this moment when these people in hazmat suits were still comprehending what had transpired, a loud booming noise echoed around the room and the entire place trembled for a second.

BOOM…BOOM.. as if announcing that the previous noise was just an introduction, repeated bombarding sounds rang out across the place.

STEP..STEP… sounds of numerous footsteps could be heard approaching the room and before anyone could do anything, the door was hurriedly pushed open.

Seeing their colleagues panicking in fear as they entered the room, the people inside immediately understood that something had went wrong and the booming noise that they have been hearing, was coming from the transplantation chamber.

"Huff… huff deputy head… its that guy, its subject number 3099" one of the men who had rushed inside the room, reported.

The person he was calling as deputy head, went silent for a while before speaking in a dismissive tone.

"Don't be ridiculous, according to my estimates he would still need a long time to wake up not to mention use his powers to rampage around".

It wasn't just a baseless statement, as the deputy head of this facility, he was more experienced in this field than anyone else and had been conducting this research for dozens of years. It could be even said that he was an expert in his field.

Little did he know that three girls had sneaked into their facility and broke the capsule the test subject was in. Nevertheless, from the sounds of destruction, he could tell that these people had no reason to lie.

The deputy head removed his mask and a face that had seen through the vicissitudes of life, came into view. His aged face and white hair, told others that he was the senior-most official in this place. He pushed the people crowding around the door aside and came out only to see the scenes of destruction and the one responsible for it with his own eyes.

The deputy head when he laid his eyes on the form of the half-human- half-goat being that was close to being complete, he couldn't help but shout in joy.

"A success, test subject 3099 is really a success. You see that, I have done it. I have finally succeeded in recreating the Lost Legendary Tier Skill. It is so beautiful" the old man looked as if had gone insane and even started crying in between his sentence.

ROOOAARR… the being opened its mouth wide to reveal a pair of sharp incisive teeth. A blue flash of lightning intermixed with bright crimson flames was spat out destroying everything. The way the being was devastating things around it, was as if it was venting out its vexation.

"Sir deputy head, this is no time to marvel at it. What should we do? From the looks of it, that subject clearly retained his memories and is here to vent its anger" the people behind him urged waking him out of his trance.

The old man cleared his throat and pondered, he then glanced at one section of the chamber that led to the control room of this place and his eyes lit up with an idea.

"You are right, we cannot allow it to destroy this precious place. Make two teams and intercept that thing, stall for as much time as you can before I can reprogram those things outside. Although it's obvious, I'll say it again. Do not kill it" saying that, the old man made a beeline towards one particular direction.

Hearing the words of the Deputy head, the fearful eyes of the white suit people changed from surprise to realisation. They who were just some officials of the facility, did not have much attainment in the field of combat prowess. So asking them to engage the monster in front of them, was clearly suicidal and foolish.

However, it was a different thing if they were asked to stall it. They who were geniuses in their field, have their own way of protecting their life, which meant that they had their own unorthodox weapons to protect their life.

Soon after, they left the room in preparation to engage with the monster. Seeing them leave the room one after the other the two girls who were hiding behind the walls, came out from their place and glanced in the direction where Glenn was.

To create them an opportunity to save Bell, he had decided to reveal himself to the people who had made him like this and attract all their attention to him.

Chloe determined her will to save her friends once again and entered the room with Alice. The moment they approached a few meters near Bell, he started becoming agitated and his rubellite eyes looked at them as if they were his mortal enemies.

His brawny body which was now more than double their size, coupled with the pressure of a beast he released, petrified them from stepping any closer.

"Bell it's me Chloe… wake up. I know that they have done some horrible and painful things to you but we must get out of here. Glenn is out there risking his life to help you so please Bell… wake up" Chloe urged trying to bring him to his sense.

However looking at his body that had been tampered with so severely, even she felt it would be a miracle for him to remain sane after all of this. Nonetheless, she kept calling his name trying to bring back his memories since there was nothing else she could do.

Perhaps, her voice got through him but he showed slight signs of calming down and his beastly eyes had slightly less killing intent on them.

Seeing that, Chloe's eyes lit up, the two girls approached near the machine to unloose Bell who had been tied to it for who knows how long.


Glenn roared and incinerated everything around him, the place reminded him of the horrible experiments those people conducted on him. He loathed this facility, this transplantation chamber very much and hence he instinctively wanted to erase everything in it.

Possibly because the facility was built inside a cavern, the infrastructure was extremely sturdy and withstood all of his attacks with minimum to moderate damage.

The tests and experiments these people had done on his body, made him able to dish out powerful attacks and erupt with strength unimaginable to him before.

At this moment when he was just about to release a powerful breath attack and incinerate one of the beast corpses kept in a room, a powerful blast of energy came from his side and hit him squarely.

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