Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 288

When he looked at the next action of the boy, he was surprised to find that the boy was standing still and not doing anything.

'What does he intend to do? Don't tell me he wants to face against the attack his enemy is conjuring?' Simon thought, the boy not making any move when this was the perfect time to take out his opponent who was going for a powerful attack that needed a couple of seconds of channelling.

The motive of the boy was plainly obvious, even Eleven understood the intention of the boy and called him naïve internally. He smiled widely as if this was his victory when suddenly an indifferent voice rang out from behind him.

Eleven turned around only to momentarily see a flaming fist strike his lower jaw, the next second his entire vision blanked out. The dreadful mana releasing out of the bow also swiftly dissipated.

Simon who had knocked the man out, walked towards him and checked his belongings to find if he had any escape items on him.

At this moment, hurried footsteps sounded out and the figure of the boy stood in front of him. His face flushed with anger and he was glaring at Simon.

"Why did you do that? I was going to defeat his attack even without your help" Denzel complained, he was indeed planning on taking the attack head-on and dispitate the last hopes of his enemy. But before he could, the mister in front of him, knocked the enemy out, drowning his hopes of facing the attack.

Simon glanced at the fuming boy lazily and commented "We never decided that he was going to be your opponent, you just arbitrarily ran at him. Besides, the attack he was just conjuring, would have created a large commotion even if you could win against it".

"At that time, the uproar would have attracted the soldier or sentries of the kingdom around the mountain. Would you be able to take the responsibility then?".

Hearing his words, the boy's mouth immediately became shut and deeply contemplated over his actions, a quality that even Simon was impressed with.

"Anyways our goal is to interrogate these guys and see what's on the other side of this teleportation circle; fortunately we found ourselves the perfect person to ask these questions. It will be too much of a shame if you kill him here"

SImon reminded before unarming the enemy. He took his space ring and everything, leaving him with just his clothes. Although Simon deliberated over whether to tie the enemy, he refrained from doing so because unlike earth, all the people here were superhuman capable of easily tearing through a rope.

He didn't have to worry about the enemy suddenly running or attacking them since the latter was already heavily injured and after he disrupted the last attack, even their mana should be in a state of turmoil where they won't even be able to properly conjure a novice tier magic or invoke any skills.

The two of them waited patiently for the man to wake. The moment Eleven woke up, he found himself being stared at by two people. He tried to get his body up only to flop back down, his current state could only be described as miserable.

"Don't try anything funny or else I can guarantee that your ending won't be a nice one. You won't be able to find peace even after death" the one who said those words, was the tall man who had used a sneak attack to knock him out before he could complete his attack.

Eleven tried searching for his weapon only to see the man flash him a wicked look and take out a longbow from his space ring that belonged to him.

"Are you perhaps searching for this?" the man asked to which Eleven only gave him a hateful glare.

"You bastard do you have no shame to sneak attack a person and even snatch his belongings" Eleven cried in injustice.

"What was that? Since when did it become a common sense to wait for the enemy you know is going for a powerful attack that takes a long time to channel? Sneak attack? Don't make me laugh. You think we are all chivalrous knights here?" Simon pulled his ears forward and asked.

He was tired of enemies talking like they were wronged. It was okay when they did it, but they can't take it lying down when they suffer the same blow.

"You" Eleven was so angry that he felt like he was about to blow up from the pent up frustration.

"Who are you all why are you doing this?" leaving all things aside, he did not even know who they were.

"Shut up, we are the ones who will do the questioning. If you refuse to answer or give us wrong information, I'll make sure you die a long and excruciating death" Simon barked back taking out the [C] tier Twin blades from his inventory.

Eleven displayed a fearless smile in front of such an act, his defiant attitude was saying do it if you can.

STAB… Simon stabbed one of the blades in the man's torso and activated its lightning magic.

"Aaaaarrrrggghh" the man whose whole body was already battered by his own mana going rampant, howled in agony as he was repeatedly electrocuted. His body jolted up and down, like a fish splashing in a puddle of water.

The process continued for a while and just when the enemy seemed that he would faint, Simon would stop and let him recover for a while before continuing.

"Stop..stop..stoooop. I'll speak" after a while, the willpower of the man finally broke down and he decided to spill the beans.

Simon smiled and pointed at the cabin behind with his blade and asked "We saw the two of you approaching this cabin and suddenly disappearing. How did you achieve that?".

Eleven opened his eyes wide when he heard that, so they were indeed being followed. He contemplated whether he should tell them, the man in front of him for some reason looked just like a demon who would do anything to get the answer from him.

After hesitating for a while he decided to came out clean and told them about the teleportation formation.

"As I thought, that formation was indeed a teleportation one"

"Right" Seeing the man and the boy look unfazed at his answer, Eleven realised that they had long found the teleportation formation that was hidden outside the cabin.

"So how do we enter it?" And as expected a question he was hoping to come, soon arrived.

"You can't" Eleven replied. Just when the other party narrowed his eyes and was about to stab him with those blades, he clarified.

"Wait, listen to my whole explanation, I'm telling the truth. The teleportation formation was set up by a powerful space mage and only allows people from our organisation to pass through. This means that no matter what you do, you cannot pass through" Eleven looked at the two people hoping that they would understand.

"What should we do?" the boy asked.

Simon intensely observed the man, from his behaviour and words, it didn't seem like he was telling a lie. Plus earlier when he was investigating the formation, he did find that there were some parameters set for the formation to activate.

Eleven observed the man and the boy, from what he could tell, they seemed oddly familiar, even their voice was something that he heard recently.

He watched their expression change a few times and just when Eleven thought that they had no choice but to give up this time, the question the man asked next, boggled his memory and he remembered where he saw them. 

"You to were the other customers inside that run down shack!"

"Correct, sadly you don't get anything. Now answer my question, who is that demon you were talking about?" Simon glared at the man intending to torture him until he gets his answer. 

Eleven hesitated, them asking him this question meant that their earlier conversation inside that restaurant was overheard. He wanted to answer them but whenever he remembered the Demon earl who pummeled him like an ant, he instinctively closed his mouth.

Simon narrowed his eyes after seeing the man refuse to talk, it seemed that the dose of lightning he had given the man earlier, was not enough.

Five minutes later---   

"Alright, Let's go in, now I'm quite curious to see what's on the other side" Simon said propping himself up and stretching his body. Lying on the ground beside him was Eleven whose whole body was writhing with electricity nonetheless, he was still conscious. 

"But how? According to him, the teleportation circle only allows their members to go in and out" The boy asked sounding perplexed. 

"Since we can't go on our own, we can just take someone with us who can pass through the formation?" Simon mused over the idea.

The boy looked surprised, even he felt like the idea was plausible.

"W-wait" Eleven started panicking, he knew what his end would be if he allowed the intruders to pass through.

Simon glanced at the panicked and terror-stricken expression of the man and knew that his guess was on the spot. Without waiting for a second, he grabbed the powerless man and walked towards the formation, the boy silently followed behind him.

When they reached the formation and inserted some of their mana into it, some changes finally occurred. He could feel a mysterious energy scan his body and the two other people around him, the runes on the formation finally started glowing.

A kind of energy that was different from the elemental energies engulfed their surroundings and a peculiar sensation of being weightless assaulted them. Before they knew it they were in some unknown place.

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