Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

264 Chapter 264

Simon utilised his only advantage and unfurled his wide bat like wings to open a gap between himself and his enemy. He then bombarded his enemy with a wide variety of magic to buy time to conjure an Amalgamation Magic.

His highest stats were his Magic followed by his agility and others, thus Simon was more confident of his magic than his physical combat. Novice tier magic assaulted his enemy with the only goal of buying him some time, nonetheless, even when they did hit the butler it achieved no effect other than burning or scratching his skin a little.

Jeeves snarled, his behaviour started becoming increasingly agitated when he felt the surrounding mana convulse as if being willed by someone. Even while shrouded with insanity, he could still feel the vast amount of mana that made him threatened.

The pace of his wild attacks started increasing and he was even throwing huge rocks and boulders that were around the surrounding. Nevertheless, Simon would continue to dodge all of them while maintaining their gap and keeping his focus on the slowly forming amalgamation magic.

Amalgamation magic is the branch of magic that fuses two elements of mana together to form a highly powerful and advanced technique. Only a few people in this world have access to this kind of magic. 

Even with the help of [Mana Lines] and [Minimal Mana Consumption] skill, it was a struggle for Simon to cut the casting time short. Not to mention what he was trying to achieve was not something as simple as combining two novice tier forms of mana.

He poured his mana and the two intermediate magic immediately answered his call, extreme gales accompanied by a scorching heat, started spreading all around his surroundings.

The sharp winds that carried a scorching heat, started blowing faster and faster and even the colour of the wind started taking a faint crimson. All the moisture around the surrounding dissipated leaving only a kind of desolation behind.

The amalgamation magic started showing signs of nearing completion as the two elements started reaching equilibrium. Blazing heat revolving around a sharp howling gale, collaborated into forming a kind of crimson storm that sucked and burned everything within it without even leaving the ashes behind.

[Crimson Hurricane] Simon internally roared out the name of the technique before shifting its direction towards the butler.

The [Crimson Hurricane] cast a crimson light across the surrounding and brightened the area for hundreds of meters. In the darkness of the night, the [Crimson Hurricane] that was dozens of meters big, was extremely eye-piercing and could be seen even from a few miles away.

ROAAAR… Jeeves issued an agonising cry as his bulky body was pulled towards the centre of the storm, the blazing crimson winds, continuously cut and burned his skin. Trees and boulders were continuously pulled towards the centre of the [Crimson Hurricane] before disappearing into nothingness.

<br/>Not being able to oppose the suction power of the storm, Jeeves was pulled towards the centre of the storm, his agonising screams was like the melody in the silence of the night.

Meanwhile, Adalinda who was standing not far away from the storm, seemed completely unharmed by the pulling force of the storm, even her clothes didn't rustle from the wind. The way her small and petite body stood in the air without being affected a bit by the scorching wind was at a contrast to everything else around her

"Amalgamation magic of two intermediate tiers of flame and gale. To achieve a harmony between these two elements sounds easier said than done. Even for some Demon Earl, they might not be able to achieve something like that not to mention doing it in between the battle".

"There is also the rare [Mana Lines] and [Minimal Mana consumption] that only a person above level 500 should have. And to top it all, he is still somewhat holding back. Hehe, the more I get to know him, the more interesting he becomes" Adalinda murmured narrowing her eyes that was glowing a brilliant tangerine.

Simon took hurried breaths of air to stabilise his breathing. Combining two different intermediate attributes of man was extremely taxing for the current him who also had to activate most of his skills to fight with the butler.

If not for him increasing his level after defeating groups of bandits continuously, this much exhaustion of mana might even have been fatal for him.

His eyes locked onto the area inside the crimson hurricane where he felt the felt the presence of Jeeves. Right now, the man must be going through a hellish pain of suffering a thousand cuts and burns.

Even if his opponent had abnormal endurance, this kind of slow torment should be able to completely exhaust them. Since he didn't want to take out his [A] tier sword nor did he want to resort to activating the phantasmal tier skill, his only option was to use everything in his arsenal and go even beyond to defeat his enemy.

The amalgamation magic [Crimson Hurricane] was his answer for the abnormal endurance stat of his enemy. The screams of the butler amidst the [Crimson Hurricane] was as loud as ever and the scene went on for a while when suddenly Adalinda decided to approach him.

She looked at Simon deeply before casually commenting "It seems that you are not all talk but if you believe something like that is able to stop a [Beast Inheritance] then you are sorely mistaken".

Right after her words fell down, some changes had started occurring within the storm. A black shadowy figure could be seen at the centre slowly trying to dissipate the storm caging it inside. The gales of the crimson hurricane started swaying and a berserk power was swiftly spreading all around it.

In just a couple of minutes, the dozens of meters huge [Crimson Hurricane] started inflating and becoming bigger before exploding out.

BOOOM… the amalgamation magic that Simon had prepared after exhausting so much of his mana, was broken apart after only a couple of minutes. The repercussions from the [Crimson Hurricane] blowing apart spread around the surrounding scorching the land black and raising the temperature to an unimaginable degree.

Simon hurriedly guarded himself by folding his wide bat-like wings in front of him whereas the little girl simply placed herself behind him using the former as a shield.

The shockwave from the explosion brushed over tingling and scorching the back of his wings. He then focused his eyes and gazed at the area which was previously the eye of the storm.

A black figure covered in fur and packed with explosive muscles, came into view. Its height was more than five meters, bipedal body and a huge horn on its head. The creature had blue eyes and sharp incisive fangs and claws that could give chills to anyone looking at them.\\

A threatening amount of berserk energy was pouring out of the bead at the centre of its chest that was guarded by some kind of exoskeleton. Simon was bewildered by the scene that lay in front of him, the entity that appeared from within the explosion wasn't a human but a monster.

"So it has finally reached the [Beast Possession] stage huh! Looking at its appearance, I'm sure now… " Adalinda mentioned observing the creature with a stern eye.

"What?" Simon asked noticing the direness in her voice.

"That incomplete [Beast Inheritance] is from the Warhammer Demonic Ape. A beast with the power to crumble mountains and flatten kingdoms in just a few minutes. But that is not the least of your worries, from what I can tell, that imitation of an ancient symbol, still has more power within it. That is to say, that transformation isn't the last one".

She said observing the beast mark on the body of the beast that was once the butler.

Simon bit his lips and made a grave expression, he had already used Analysis on his opponent only to find their level skyrocketing to level 409. If this still wasn't the limit of the [Beast Inheritance] then didn't it mean that he has no chance?

How can one call this an incomplete copy when it was already so powerful?

Adalinda read his thoughts and replied mysteriously.

"If it was the genuine one, forget about contending against it, it would be a miracle if you could last a second or two given the powers of the Warhammer Demonic Ape. You don't have to brood too much over my words, although there is still much power in that beast mark, how can it be so easy for a human to use [Beast Inheritance].

"In the first place, he cannot even be called a false inheritor since he had to at least get the [Beast Inhertiance] from the core stone. However, the one this idiot has is an imitation of which was deemed as a failure thousands of years ago".

"Trying to utilise the powers of ancient Symbols, how can it be that easy? though it is an initiation, one has to pay appropriate price. That human there had unknowingly burned all or most of his lifespan trying to grasp a power that was never supposed to be his. If you wait this out long enough, you might win this match but I suppose you don't want a victory like that". 

His current facial expression told her everything that she needed to know. Adalinda gazed at the distant campsite and threw some final words in a fed up and exasperated manner.

"Stop trying to hold back your impulses and desires. Let it go wild, you are a Demon Noble not a human, a race that could be said to be the avatar of desires".

The petite figure of the little girl disappeared leaving only a few words that shook the very core of Simon. He couldn't find a single word to refute her.

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