Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 267 265-Magic Circle

Atop the seaside cliff, Ethan took the leap, plunging straight down. 

Contrary to his expectations of plummeting to the bottom, halfway down the descent, Ethan vanished entirely, entering a space carved within the cliff.

Inside this concealed alcove, Kadiven, upon spotting Ethan's arrival, voiced a rare query, "What brings you?"

Ethan, stating his intent, responded, "Kadiven, you're a master of Magic Circles. Do you know of any Magic Circle that can emulate the Power of Rainbow, the distinctive force of the Rainbow Dragon?"

Kadiven glanced at Ethan but remained silent. He then turned and headed towards a room on one side, with Ethan swiftly following.

Upon entering the room, Ethan observed rows of shelves, each laden with blueprints of various Magic Circles. 

Kadiven paused in front of a particular shelf, then took down a set of blueprints and handed them to Ethan without uttering a word.

Upon unfolding and examining the document, Ethan found it filled with dense annotations and intricate runes. 

Though knowledgeable in many areas, this Magic Circle blueprint remained elusive to him.

"What you asked for," Kadiven remarked, his words as concise as ever.

Ethan felt reassured by Kadiven's confidence. He noticed Kadiven holding up four fingers. 

Ethan smiled, responding, "No problem, four portions of Blood Source."

It was Kadiven's unique way of indicating a price. Among the members of the Devil Guild, Blood Source had become almost a standard unit of trade.

After obtaining the Magic Circle blueprints, Ethan returned to the Dungeon Zone. 

"Victor, can you construct this Magic Circle? It's crucial for me," Ethan approached Victor directly. 

Having Victor as a steward certainly saved a great deal of time.

"Constructing this Magic Circle shouldn't be an issue. However, it requires a plethora of rare materials, which might be quite costly," Victor cautioned.

Ethan waved dismissively, noting, "That shouldn't be a problem, should it? Our chamber of commerce is already established, and trading goods in various cities has brought us immense wealth. Also, I've heard of a black market emerging in the Blue Sea City?"

"Yes, that's something I wanted to report to you," Victor nodded. 

"I had our people get in touch with the black market, an underground trading hub. It offers all kinds of rare materials, even those prohibited by the Azure Empire. Notably, there are bounties specifically targeting members of the Azure Empire's royal family within the market. And, the Blood Source has made its appearance in the black market."

"Blood Source?" Ethan murmured, not particularly concerned, assuming it was probably the Devil Guild members selling it on the black market.

"Continue observing, but limit our interactions with the black market," Ethan instructed. "Prioritize the construction of the Magic Circle I mentioned. As for other matters, use your best judgment."

After leaving instructions and the blueprints with Victor, Ethan proceeded to the training room. 

Within, Windsor appeared deep in contemplation.

Ethan didn't disturb Windsor but found a vacant spot to further delve into the Dragon Language of Nature, immersing himself in the lore of the Dragons.

Several days later, the materials were gathered, and the Magic Circle was set up. 

Victor promptly informed Ethan of the completion.

"Well done," Ethan praised.

The Magic Circle, designed to emulate the Power of Rainbow, was situated on the third floor, guarded by a horde of summoned creatures. 

Upon arriving, Ethan felt a familiar pulsation.

"The Power of Rainbow," Ethan mused internally, his heart alight with joy.

Victor, standing by, remarked, "This Magic Circle consumes a variety of rare materials. Given our current stock, we can probably activate it only three times."

"Three times, huh? That should suffice," Ethan nodded, proceeding to activate the Magic Circle.

Complex magical runes glowed brilliantly, and a moment later, a vast power was born within the Magic Circle. 

Ethan gathered this energy and absorbed it entirely into his body. 

Yet, this power began to dissipate slowly.

Without hesitation, Ethan used the absorbed Power of Rainbow to cast the skill of Rainbow Blessing. 

The next instant, he felt an increment in his own strength. 

Although it was just a slight enhancement, nothing compared to what Windsor had once employed, it was enough to shatter limits.

Victor detected the anomaly radiating from Ethan.

His eyes widened in sheer astonishment, he stammered, "This... this is the Power of Rules! But... how can this be?"

Victor couldn't believe the unfolding spectacle before him, yet it was undeniably real.

"It seems I've underestimated him yet again," Victor mused.

Meanwhile, Ethan had once again entered that wondrous state, where various Powers of Rules manifested before him, each carrying ineffable mysteries. 

This time, without the oppression of the Elf King, Ethan could contemplate these revelations at his leisure.

However, to Ethan's chagrin, a familiar issue resurfaced. 

Even though he had grasped the Power of Rules, once the blessing faded, so did his newfound comprehension.

"Lord Ethan, perhaps you might consider another method," Victor suggested.

"What method?" Ethan inquired with curiosity.

Victor smiled and elaborated, "Didn't Henry Powell craft a spear for you some time ago? While the Power of Rules cannot be remembered by any beings below the deities, inanimate objects aren't bound by this restriction. You can inscribe the Power of Rules onto your weapon, allowing you to sense it continuously."

"Victor, are you familiar with the Power of Rules?" Ethan abruptly questioned.

At this, Victor's expression shifted drastically. 

He quickly chuckled and explained, "Well... not extensively. I've merely heard mentions of it from others."

Ethan wasn't convinced by Victor's justification. 

He was well aware that Victor harbored numerous secrets. 

While Victor seemed reluctant to share, Ethan didn't press him further, believing that one day, Victor would reveal his mysteries.

Nevertheless, the solution Victor proposed indeed sounded promising. 

Ethan started to give it a try. 

But the Power of Rules, being the exclusive domain of deities, was immensely challenging to grasp, even if merely inscribing it onto a weapon.

After exhausting all three opportunities to activate the Magic Circle, Ethan managed to inscribe just a single strand of the Power of Rules -- and a rather weak one at that.

[Blasphemous Spear]

[Level: Divine Artifact (Sealed)]


[Bloodthirst: Upon vanquishing a foe, the spear transforms the fallen into energy for absorption.]

[Slash: A chance to penetrate an adversary's defenses.]

[Demolition: Injuries inflicted by this spear prevent healing.]

[Unerring (Power of Rules): When wielding the spear, your strikes cannot be evaded, ensuring they always find their mark on the enemy.]

[Description: A spear of divine caliber. Yet, due to the forger's imperfect craftsmanship, its innate quality was compromised. However, this imperfection lends it a profound potential for evolution. When the spear's seal is ultimately shattered, it may well send tremors through the very bedrock of existence.]

The Power of Rules that was engraved is precisely the Unerring Rule controlled by the Elf King. 

Yet, after the engraving, Ethan stumbled upon a conundrum.

Even with the Unerring Rule etched, there still existed a hierarchy of priority. 

For instance, between absolute accuracy and evasion: if someone wielded the Evasion Rule, would the Unerring Rule still take precedence? 

It's a perplexing question.

However, at this juncture, Ethan had an epiphany.

Even among deities, disparities exist. 

The depth of understanding of the Power of Rules, one's own bloodline, strength, weapon... all of these factors influence the hierarchical precedence of the Power of Rules. 

In theory, if an infant possessed a profound understanding of the Power of Rules, such an infant could even harm a deity. 

But achieving such a feat is near Herculean, bordering on the impossible.

Yet, beneath the realm of deities, Ethan could now arguably say he stands unparalleled. 

And with the Power of Rules inscribed onto the Blasphemous Spear, Ethan's current training had reached a significant milestone.

  What lay ahead was to simply attune himself to the Power of Rules within the spear. 

Like a journey with a clear destination, he just needed to steadily tread towards it -- a monumental leap indeed.

Meanwhile, in the once bustling Stone Rock Harbor: The thriving Stone Rock Harbor nearly succumbed to ruins under the siege of war. 

However, since the Flame Witch Church took control, it not only regained its tranquility but flourished even more vibrantly. 

This resurgence strengthened the Flame Witch Church, making it a formidable force that the Azure Empire found troubling.

After her encounter with Ethan, Hilna, the Flame Witch, returned to Stone Rock Harbor. 

She swiftly entered the council chambers of Stone Rock Harbor and summoned Dean without delay. 

With an imposing tone, she ordered, "Dean, make an announcement. Stone Rock Harbor is to be renamed 'Flame City.' The territory within fifty miles around Stone Rock Harbor will fall under Flame City's jurisdiction. Should anyone resist, execute them."

"If you fail in this task," her voice grew colder, "you'll pay with your life."

Flames emanated from Hilna, an aura so intimidating it sent shivers down one's spine and induced awe in the heart. 

Dean immediately fell to his knees, hurriedly responding, "My Queen, I will undoubtedly fulfill your command!"

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