Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 264 262-A Familiar Face

[Heart of the City (Bound to Elf King City)

Level: Divine Artifact

Affiliation: Rose

Description: The Heart of the City is a pivotal relic required to elevate a city to the divine realm. The wielder of the Heart obtains unmitigated authority over the city and enjoys a tenfold surge in power within its confines. Soldiers and creatures sworn to the city benefit from a marked boost in their capabilities. Moreover, upon their passing, their souls are ensnared by the Heart of the City.]

[Current Status:

Elf King City

Level: 5

City Size: 200000 square kilometers

Prosperity: 30000

Population: 1

Unlocked Territories: Elf King City

Sealed Territories: Elf Altar, Elf Opera House, Elf Space Fortress, Ancient Tree Area, Lake of Life...

Special: As the Heart of the City ascends to Level 5, it successfully unlocks the area- the Relic Battlefield. The master of the Heart of the City can initiate the gateway to the Relic Battlefield, directing a path to the Relic Battlefield. Composed of myriad ancient relics, the Relic Battlefield conceals a wealth of forsaken treasures as well as the fallen forms of deities, rendering it exceedingly perilous.]

Upon seeing the description of the Relic Battlefield, Ethan was profoundly taken aback.

"Does anyone else know about the Relic Battlefield?" Ethan inquired, looking intently at Rose.

Rose shook her head, then replied, "After I came across this information, I haven't shared it with anyone. However, judging by the current circumstances, it seems that this secret won't remain concealed for much longer."

"Indeed," Ethan concurred with a nod.

Being a possessor of the Heart of the City himself, Ethan was well-versed in its various capabilities. 

At this moment, on the interface of the Heart of the City, a progress bar was steadily rising.


In just a little over a month, the numbers had soared past one hundred, contradicting Ethan's initial speculation that it would require a substantial span of time.

"In the annals of the Elves, I uncovered a fragment of forgotten history," Rose began. 

"Among the many ancient kingdoms that vanished, numerous powerful realms and cities disappeared simultaneously. The pace of their vanishing was astoundingly swift, as if they had chosen that specific moment to fade."

"However, even though it's recorded, there isn't any explanation," she added, her voice carrying a note of mystery.

Ethan pondered upon Rose's words. 

He had read descriptions of many ancient empires in countless tomes. 

They were truly mighty, reigning over seas, skies, and lands. In these dominant empires, deities roamed the earth, tasked with guarding their dominions.

What kind of catastrophe could obliterate such formidable kingdoms? 

Unless... they chose their own demise. 

But if that was the case, then for what reason did they do so? 

To become deities? 

That seemed utterly preposterous. 

There must be a more profound reason behind it all.

Ethan didn't know what that reason was, but it didn't prevent him from preparing for any eventualities, lest they truly occur.

"Rose, I'm deeply grateful for the information you have shared this time," Ethan expressed sincerely.

After expressing his gratitude, Ethan chose to leave the assembly hall of the Devil Guild members. 

Instead of heading straight back to the Dungeon Zone, he activated a space gate, transporting himself to the heart of the Dark Lord City.

"Lana Mokos..." 

As Ethan wandered through the city, admiring the flourishing Dark Lord City, a sense of unease settled in him even as he held the Heart of the City close. 

He couldn't help but murmur the name Lana Mokos, a woman he had never truly fathomed.

Just then, a friendly voice reached his ears. "Sir, would you fancy a drink at the nearby tavern? It's on me."

The speaker was a stunningly beautiful woman. 

Her fiery red hair cascaded down, framing a delicate face set atop a figure that commanded attention. 

Every glance cast her way seemed to linger, the onlookers clearly captivated, their eyes filled with a barely concealed desire, almost wishing to possess this breathtaking beauty.

"Do we know each other, fair lady?" Ethan responded with a smile.

At that moment, Ethan wasn't wearing his usual face but had made slight modifications, using the Soul Language of Nature to mask his own soul flux. 

To anyone else, Ethan would seem like an entirely different person, ensuring he wouldn't be easily recognized.

"No, we don't know each other."

"But perhaps after sharing a drink, we might know." 

With that, the captivating woman reached for Ethan's collar. 

He deftly sidestepped, leaving her grasping at the air. 

A look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Ethan's expression shifted subtly. 

He sensed a familiar aura emanating from the woman before him. 

Foe or friend?

His memories surged, events from the past replaying in rapid succession: from his arrival in this world to the establishment of his territory, and then to his journey to Stone Rock Harbor...

Stone Rock Harbor!

A crucial memory sparked in Ethan's mind. 

In an instant, he recognized the source of that familiar sensation.

"Veronica!" The long-forgotten name escaped Ethan's lips.

The stunning woman, seemingly unable to contain herself, threw herself into Ethan's embrace. 

Tears trickled down her eyes as she whispered, "Ethan, I've come looking for you. Also, I don't go by Veronica anymore. Call me Hilna."

As the name Hilna was spoken, a fiery blaze ignited in the woman's eyes. 

The flames then spread, engulfing her entire body. 

Her delicate fingers transformed into sharp claws, plunging directly into Ethan's back.

Bright red blood flowed out, causing Ethan a surge of pain. 

Yet, he held her tight, not letting go.

Hilna froze, her intended lethal claws retracted, then she broke free from Ethan's grasp and demanded, "Why didn't you fight back?"

"Why would I?"

Ethan retorted, then added softly, "It was my fault that I lost you in the first place. This... is all on me."

Hilna stared blankly, a deep pang of sorrow echoed within her. 

At that moment, the soul of the Flame Witch and the soul of Veronica merged seamlessly, becoming one.

"No, Ethan..." Hilna expressed her remorse.

Ethan, with a reassuring smile, said, "I'm alright."

While such a wound would be fatal to an ordinary person, for Ethan, it was but a minor injury. 

Realizing this, Hilna breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, the two entered a nearby tavern, ordered a few drinks, and talked at length.

"...So, Hilna, you have become the Flame Witch?"

After hearing Veronica's story, Ethan was torn between joy and sorrow. The person he once knew had vanished entirely, replaced by Hilna, even though she retained all the memories.

His joy stemmed from the fact that an old friend now possessed the power to defend herself.

For a moment, Ethan was lost in thought.

At that moment, Hilna suddenly smiled and said, "Yes, I truly love who I have become. You know, I've always despised bowing down to others. I want to be my own master, and for that, I need immense strength."

"I'm no longer the person I used to be, and neither are you."

"This time, I'm living for myself."

Ethan finally accepted the reality -- the Veronica he once knew had already evolved into Hilna.

So, with a smile, Ethan extended his hand, "Hilna, welcome back."

Hilna reached out, her hand intertwining with Ethan's, her smile playful, "I'm not keen on joining you. Why not be my Princess instead?"

"Of course, if you are up for some exhilarating action, I wouldn't mind."

Ethan grasped Hilna's insinuation. 

The two left the tavern and promptly entered an inn, choosing a room and setting up a space barrier to ensure privacy.

Soon after, a symphony of intimate sounds filled the room.

Emotions and desires were unleashed in that instant, their bodies intertwining in unspeakable ecstasy. 

For a moment, it felt like Ethan and Hilna had returned to the days when they first met...

Yet, even though the sentiment echoed the past, time would never truly rewind.


Atop the central tower of Dark Lord City, on the penthouse floor, stood Lana Mokos, overlooking everything within the city's bounds.

"Princess Mokos, a trade request from Dark Lord Earthdragon has arrived, awaiting your approval," a handmaiden announced respectfully as she approached the top floor.

Without turning around, Lana Mokos replied coolly, "Understood. Set it down."

"Yes, my lady."

The handmaiden placed the document on the wooden table and was about to leave when Princess Mokos called out, "Anna, what do you think these humans, the Elves, Dark Lords, and other races busily do every day within the city?"

"To survive, Princess Mokos," Anna replied.

"To survive?" Lana Mokos chuckled lightly and continued, "What about the powerful ones? Those beings with mighty bloodlines? Their survival is already assured, yet why do they remain ever so busy?"

After a prolonged silence, with visible apprehension, Anna admitted, "Lady Mokos, I do not know the answer to that."

"That's alright. You may go."

Without a word of reprimand, Lana Mokos turned her gaze to the skies.

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