Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 197 195-Devil Guild

Upon seeing the message from Lava Dark Lord, Ethan remained silent for a moment before responding.

[Unknown Dark Lord: It seems you are quite aware of what transpired in Red Jade Valley. Were you there too?]

[Lava Dark Lord: Are you probing or simply curious?]

[Lava Dark Lord: Either way, I can answer your query. Your survival from that place, and particularly from Lana Mokos, speaks to your formidable power. Do you remember the "Devil Communication Group" I mentioned to you before?]

[Unknown Dark Lord: Are you referring to the one we discussed last time?]

[Lava Dark Lord: Precisely. Due to the assertiveness of Azure Empire, which has been relentlessly targeting Dark Lords in this area, the "Devil Communication Group" has transformed. Now it goes by the name of Devil Guild.]

[Unknown Dark Lord: Devil Guild!]

Ethan was struck with awe. If the Azure Empire's dominion over this stretch of the Eastern Coast was the first major development, then the formation of Devil Guild by various Dark Lords would undoubtedly be the second. 

In comparison to the Azure Empire, Devil Guild was equally powerful, yet shrouded in mystique.

No one knew exactly how many Dark Lords had joined the Guild, nor where its headquarters lay. 

What was known was that Devil Guild had dealt Azure Empire a significant blow, thwarting their campaign against Dark Lords and stalling any further advancements.

Now, Ethan was hearing about Devil Guild from none other than Lava Dark Lord himself. 

More importantly, the tone of Lava Dark Lord suggested that he was part of this elusive guild. 

As Ethan pondered this, another message from Lava Dark Lord appeared.

[Lava Dark Lord: It seems you've heard about Devil Guild. Just as you suspect, I am indeed a member, and a significant one at that.]

[Unknown Dark Lord: This is indeed surprising.]

[Lava Dark Lord: There's nothing surprising about it. What I want to say is that you, too, have the qualifications to become a member of Devil Guild, although you'll have to pass a small test.]

[Unknown Dark Lord: Are you suggesting that I join Devil Guild?]

[Lava Dark Lord: No, I'm saying you have the qualifications to join, not that you can automatically become a member. Only the strongest among the Dark Lords are eligible. Cherish this opportunity; it's a pivotal moment for you.]

Sensing the arrogance in Lava Dark Lord's tone, Ethan grew increasingly intrigued by Devil Guild. 

Lava Dark Lord was no ordinary Dark Lord—someone capable of providing a Thunder Dragon evolution formula couldn't be. 

And yet, even he seemed to revere Devil Guild, indicating just how extraordinary it must be. 

However, something about Lava Dark Lord's tone didn't sit well with Ethan.

Choosing not to dwell further on Devil Guild, Ethan steered the conversation back to its original focus.

[Unknown Dark Lord: Joining Devil Guild is something I'll consider. But let's discuss the previous matter at hand, the formula. I have prepared the fifty pieces of red jade. What are your terms for the additional formula, and where can I find you in Snowy Plains?]

[Lava Dark Lord: Red jade, you say...]

[Lava Dark Lord: May I ask you a question? Do you possess Blood Source?]

At Lava Dark Lord's query, Ethan furrowed his brow. He responded cautiously.

[Unknown Dark Lord: Blood Source? What do you want it for?]

As the message was sent, deep within an unknown icy mountain in the central part of Snowy Plains' Glacial Canyon, a creature—ablaze in red, standing four to five meters tall and crowned with enormous goat-like horns—couldn't help but erupt in laughter. 

Murmuring to itself in jubilation, it said, "The Unknown Dark Lord didn't outright deny it, which means he has Blood Source! Haha, he has Blood Source! And with that, my experiment can be completed!"

Lava Dark Lord, electrified, promptly replied.

[Lava Dark Lord: Blood Source is of great importance to me! If you provide me with just one drop of Blood Source, not only will I waive the fifty pieces of red jade, but I'll also give you the formula we originally agreed upon. On top of that, I will include a blueprint for a special structure!]

The offer tantalized Ethan, yet it also stung him at the core.

At the time, in order to combat the monster that Edith had become, Ethan had swallowed hundreds of drops of Blood Source in one go. 

If he'd saved some, he could have traded it for untold resources by now. 

However, what's done was done and couldn't be changed. 

The consumed Blood Source wasn't wasted; it not only saved his life but continued to release energy, gradually amplifying his power. 

Ethan could scarcely imagine the heights his strength would reach by the time it was fully assimilated.

Of course, what Lava Dark Lord offered was something Ethan deeply coveted as well.

[Unknown Dark Lord: I do indeed have Blood Source, but it's not on me at the moment. If you're interested in trading, you'll have to wait for a while.]

[Lava Dark Lord: That's fine, that's fine. I can wait.]

[Lava Dark Lord: Also, once you're in Snowy Plains, head directly to Glacial Canyon. Be cautious, an Ice Crystal Eagle patrols the area outside the canyon, and it's not to be trifled with.]

[Unknown Dark Lord: Fine, I'll contact you once I'm there.]

[Lava Dark Lord: No problem, awaiting your message.]

Afterward, Ethan closed the message and sank into contemplation. 

Once he found Henry Powell and had Oksd's heart fashioned into a device capable of generating Blood Source, he would indeed possess the valuable substance, so his statement to Lava Dark Lord wouldn't be a lie. 

But the problem lay in locating the elusive dwarven master craftsman in the vast expanse of Snowy Plains.

With no leads, Ethan could only consult Sherry, who, being a local, might know something. 

But even she had no experience finding a specific individual in the vast Snowy Plains. 

Still, she offered a suggestion: "Many adventurers roam these lands. They often congregate in taverns, bragging and sharing tales of their quests. Perhaps we could glean some information from their chatter."

Although the method seemed far from reliable, it was the only course of action available at the moment.

Ethan and Sherry promptly left the inn, and after inquiring about the location of the local tavern from a waiter, they made their way to the town's watering hole. 

The tavern was modest—a slightly dilapidated wooden hut with the words "Wak Inn" scrawled haphazardly in black ink on the outside wall.

Upon entering, Ethan and Sherry immediately drew the gaze of the crowd, until a drunken adventurer yelled, "OH—damn it, don't you know how to close the door behind you? This accursed cold draft is unbearable!" 

Apologetically, Ethan promptly shut the door.

Situated on the edge of Snowy Plains, the town didn't bear the full brunt of the chill, yet while other places still sweltered in heat, blizzards were already arriving here. 

Among these adventurers were those of varying skill and stamina—while the strong feared not the cold, for the weaker ones, the frigid air could very well be a death sentence.

After Ethan closed the door, the crowd returned to their own affairs. 

Ethan and Sherry moved to the counter, and Ethan began, "Um, we'll have two bottles of..." 

He paused, eyeing the various bottles lined up behind the bar. 

He was unsure which to choose. 

Sherry was equally indecisive, having only ever tasted a type of frozen liquor deep in the Snowy Plains. 

Neither was familiar with the tavern's offerings.

Noticing Ethan's hesitation, the tavern owner, Wak, recommended, "Newcomers, eh? Why not try our local Snow Brew? It's got a decent taste."

"Snow Brew?" Ethan was intrigued by the peculiar name.

Wak smiled and elaborated, "Exactly, Snow Brew. It's a blend of strong alcohol and melted snow from the Snowy Plains, capturing the unique flavor of the region."

"Alright, let's go with that." Ethan nodded, paid for their drinks, and he and Sherry found a table to sit at.

Sipping on the Snow Brew recommended by the tavern owner, both Ethan and Sherry discreetly eavesdropped on the conversations swirling around them. 

With Ethan's heightened sense of awareness, he could hear every word spoken in the room. 

However, the chatter yielded little of value—mostly mundane exchanges that offered no useful leads. 

The Snow Brew, though, was a pleasant surprise; it had a crisp, sweet taste that was quite refreshing.

"Sherry, stay here for a moment. I'm going to ask the tavern owner a few questions," Ethan decided, realizing that sitting around wasn't yielding any worthwhile information.

Sherry nodded and gestured to Ethan, signaling that all was fine. Ethan then made his way to the counter.

Noticing Ethan's approach, the tavern owner set aside the glass he had been wiping and placed it back on the shelf. 

He then turned to Ethan, "Newcomer, what can I do for you?"

"I'm looking for someone," Ethan said plainly.


"A dwarven master craftsman named Henry Powell."

Upon hearing Ethan's response, the tavern owner momentarily froze. 

Then his voice rose, tinged with disbelief, "Newcomer, did you say who I think you said? A dwarven master craftsman, Henry Powell?"

After the owner spoke, the entire tavern erupted into raucous laughter, as if the mention of the name had triggered some inside joke among the patrons.

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