Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 162 160-Gravity Field (1st Update, Cheer Me With Power Stones!)

The skirmishes within the Red Jade Valley continued, albeit with diminished intensity. 

From a bird's-eye view, one would notice a significant number of individuals retreating from the valley. 

Not everyone possessed the courage or strength to remain.

"Search for more red jade," commanded a lean, fierce-looking man near the entrance to the valley. "If you come across others, kill them on sight."

His name was Luke, the very same individual who had advanced from a Rank A Hero to Rank S. 

By now, tales of his feats echoed throughout the Red Jade Valley.

"Yes, sir!" His subordinates responded in unison, bowing slightly before heading further into the valley.

Only once they were at a safe distance did they dare to whisper amongst themselves. "The boss seems even more powerful now."

"If only we could use the red jade too," one mused, lost in daydreams, "maybe we could become Rank S Heroes as well."

Such remarks immediately drew chastisements from the others, "Have you lost your mind? Luke considers the red jade his personal possession."

"Anyone who takes it is challenging him directly. Haven't you noticed he's becoming increasingly brutal? "

"Sometimes, when he looks at me, I feel like he's a fierce tiger, ready to devour me whole."

Sharing their feelings, Luke's subordinates continued their search through the valley. 

Before long, they stumbled upon a secluded spot. 

"There seems to be some movement over there," one of them pointed out to a location not too far off.

Shortly after, another one stepped forward, examining the area with a grave expression. "Let's approach cautiously; I sense a few potent auras over there."

Heeding his warning, Luke's subordinates carefully advanced towards the source of the disturbance. 

To their surprise, they discovered the location to be where Ethan and his group were resting.

At that moment, Ethan was engrossed in absorbing the red jade. 

Despite his swift absorption rate, the sheer amount he required was overwhelming. 

Over five hundred pieces, a number beyond the comprehension of most.

"We have company!" Sherry, who had been relaxed moments before, suddenly stood up with her dagger in hand.

Pale Wolf and Mia instantly tensed, scanning their surroundings. 

However, they didn't spot anyone. "Where are they?" Pale Wolf asked Sherry.

Without replying, Sherry simply fixed her gaze on a distant tree. 

The evening sky was painted a deep hue of red by the setting sun, casting shadows that obscured their vision.

"Ethan is in a critical phase of absorbing the red jade. We can't allow any interruptions. Follow me." With a forceful push off the ground, Sherry leaped towards the tree in question.

Pale Wolf followed suit, while Mia stayed put, watching over Ethan. It was a strategy the group had pre-decided.

"Keep it down," one of Luke's men whispered. "We'll be in trouble if they detect us."

"Also, I sent that kid to notify the boss. Why hasn't he returned? Did he run off midway? What a coward!" Another of Luke's subordinates grumbled.

In the next instant, he could no longer voice his complaints. 

Sherry stood before him, her gaze icy cold. 

"You really are in trouble now," Pale Wolf remarked as he effortlessly hoisted the others off the ground and tossed them aside. Dealing with them had been a breeze.

Sherry, feeling a growing unease, interrogated one of Luke's men, "You mentioned sending someone to notify your boss. Who is your boss? When did you send the message, and when do you expect him to arrive?"

Not daring to withhold any information, the man replied hastily, "Our boss is Luke! The brutal Luke. He ordered us to retrieve any red jade we found, no matter the cost. But sensing the strength of your group, I sent someone to notify him."

"Luke, it's him," Sherry acknowledged, exchanging a glance with Pale Wolf. 

They had heard of Luke's name from other Heroes who had arrived, though they had never met him personally. 

To them, Luke was perceived as a particularly ruthless and greedy individual.

"Sherry, should we flee or confront Luke?" Pale Wolf's expression turned somber after learning of their adversary. 

From what they had heard from other Heroes, Luke was immensely powerful, with punches that could rend the earth, causing Pale Wolf to doubt if they could match up to him.

Sherry responded decisively, shaking her head, "What of Luke? Ensuring Ethan's safe absorption of the red jade is our priority now!"

As her words lingered in the air, a boisterous laughter erupted from behind them. "Impressive! You dare to belittle me so! I promise, your end will be excruciatingly painful."

Recognizing the voice, Sherry and Pale Wolf swiftly turned to face the source. "So, you're Luke?" Pale Wolf and Sherry questioned in unison.

"Boss!" Another voice called out.

"Boss!" The few of Luke's subordinates who had been reprimanded by Pale Wolf exclaimed in unison, confirming that the gaunt man before them was indeed Luke.

However, Luke proved to be more brutal than anticipated. 

With a swift motion, he conjured several orbs of flame from his palm, instantly incinerating the subdued men to ashes. 

"Worthless vermin!" he sneered disdainfully.

After his rebuke, Luke's gaze settled on Sherry, and his eyes gleamed with intense greed. 

"I've changed my mind. A beauty like you shouldn't suffer a painful death. Instead, you should become my slave, serving me for eternity!"

His covetous gaze made Sherry's skin crawl. 

Frowning deeply, she swiftly hurled a dagger towards him. 

The blade glinted with a silvery shimmer as it raced towards Luke.

Luke's expression turned serious. 

He dodged to the side, but before he could regain his balance, Sherry was already in front of him, landing a fierce kick directly on his chest. 

Propelled by the force, Luke went flying and crashed heavily into the trunk of a massive tree.

"That's all you've got? Who gave you such audacity and confidence?" Sherry scoffed with disdain.

Slowly, Luke staggered to his feet, his eyes blazing with a fervent crimson rage. "You insolent wretch," he roared, "You've truly angered me now. I'll tear you to shreds!"

Enraged, Luke's visage began to transform.

Luke's arms bulged and thickened, fangs protruded from his mouth, and both his hands and feet grew menacing claws. His entire being radiated an overwhelming aura of raw power.

"A bear-man?" Sherry exclaimed in surprise, glancing toward Pale Wolf for confirmation.

Pale Wolf nodded, cautioning her, "It seems so. Be wary. There's something off about his bear transformation. He might possess a unique Bloodline, akin to my Giant Clawed Werewolf."

"I understand," Sherry acknowledged, once again charging at the bear-transformed Luke.

However, this time, she was met with an oppressive force. 

As she drew nearer to Luke, it felt as if a tremendous weight bore down on her, making it almost impossible for her to even stand, let alone move.

Pale Wolf was similarly affected, even though he swiftly transformed into his Giant Clawed Werewolf form.

"Ha! How does my Gravity Field feel? Unable to move, aren't you? Anyone who comes within ten meters of me, excluding myself, will experience gravity ten times its normal force!" Luke boomed, taking evident pleasure in revealing his unique power.

This was Luke's guarded secret, but now, as he saw it, with Sherry and Pale Wolf's lives hanging by a thread, disclosing this secret wouldn't make a difference; there would be no one left to tell.

"What a pity," Luke remarked, already standing in front of Sherry. 

His enormous bear paw gently pressed against her chin, lifting her face to meet his. 

Gazing at her delicate features, Luke proposed, "My dear, I offer you one last chance. Submit to me, and I'll grant you red jade to enhance your strength. Moreover, I promise you unparalleled pleasures."

"Never!" she spat back.

Sherry defiantly spat in Luke's direction.

"You wretched woman!" Luke roared, his anger ignited, and he swiped a massive clawed hand towards her.

Under the oppressive tenfold gravity, even a slight movement for Sherry was incredibly challenging. 

And with Luke's own strength enhanced by the same gravitational force, she felt as if an entire mountain was crashing down on her. 

She was sent flying, only to collide harshly against the trunk of a tall tree, much like Luke had been earlier.

"How does that feel?" he laughed cruelly.

Sherry lay on the ground, grievously injured, unable to muster the strength to speak.

Luke paid her no more attention, turning instead to Pale Wolf. 

"I never expected to see another with the ability to transform like the orc race. But while I am a bear, you are but a wolf. "

"Only a pack of wolves is truly formidable. Sadly, you're just a lone wolf. So, meet your end!"

Luke threw a punch, which Pale Wolf desperately tried to fend off. 

Transformed into the Giant Clawed Werewolf, Pale Wolf's abilities were enhanced, making him not as utterly defenseless as Sherry. 

However, he was no match for Luke. 

Within this realm of tenfold gravity, unless one possessed a strength ten times greater than Luke's, they stood no chance.

Pale Wolf was thrown back, creating a massive crater upon his landing.

A sadistic grin stretched across Luke's face as he approached the two defeated foes. 

Just as he was about to deliver his final blow, Mia rushed onto the scene.

"Stop!" she shouted.

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