Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 156 154-A Tragic Past (1st Update, Cheer Me With Power Stones!)

"If that's all you've got, then it ends here," Ethan declared.

Hearing Ethan's proclamation, dread filled Sherry's heart. 

From Ethan emanated a silvery white glow of lightning intertwined with a golden radiance of divine light, casting him in an almost god-like aura. 

Sherry, relying on her shadow, lunged with her dagger. 

But it felt as if she was trying to pierce steel. 

The blade couldn't penetrate, and the recoil from the impact forced Sherry out of her shadow form.

"Got you," Ethan grinned, a smile that looked, in Sherry's eyes, like the Grim Reaper claiming a soul.

Overwhelmed with fear, Sherry attempted to escape, but Ethan's hand had already clasped around her throat. 

His other hand pulsated with a terrifying lightning energy, forming a ball containing a cataclysmic force. 

Ethan lifted Sherry into the air and with a powerful thrust, slammed her into the ground, creating a massive crater.

He then hurled the concentrated lightning sphere, a new application of the "Thunder-Language of Nature" he had devised during his rest in the Temple Dungeon, straight at Sherry.


The explosion that followed left both Pale Wolf and Mia in shock.

"Lord Ethan, I always knew you were the strongest! That woman stood no chance against you!" Mia cheered, her heart finally settling.

Pale Wolf, however, was completely stunned. 

Rubbing his eyes, he sought to confirm the reality before him. 

How could the once indomitable Sherry be defeated? 

And it seemed like Ethan didn't even exert himself fully. 

Yet, Sherry's defeat was utterly devastating.

Lost in profound bewilderment, Pale Wolf couldn't help but question, "Could there really be such a vast disparity in strength among those of the same Rank S Hero status?"

He couldn't fathom it, facing Ethan, only a sense of awe overwhelmed him. 

Meanwhile, Ethan, the catalyst of all this, maintained an air of calm. 

He walked slowly towards the center of the blasted crater and crouched down, gazing at Sherry, her clothes in tatters, her breath feeble.

In this moment, Sherry looked disheveled, no trace of her former arrogance left. 

Especially after being struck by Thunder, her clothes were obliterated, her ample bosom breaking free from its constraints, bouncing into the open air, causing even Ethan to marvel at such an unspoiled sight.

Sensing Ethan's gaze, Sherry made no effort to cover up. 

Or rather, she lacked the strength to do so.

"Why spare me?" Sherry lay in the heart of the massive pit, just as she finished speaking, violent coughs forced fresh blood from her lips.

"Spare you?" Ethan's hand grazed that sizeable, rounded allure, squeezing it with a wanton disregard for Sherry's thoughts, as he laughed and said, "I haven't spared your intentions. Not killing you doesn't mean letting you go; those are two separate matters."

"You're a formidable one, at least stronger than the rest," he continued.

"To me, you're someone of value, which is why I didn't kill you," Ethan stated.

Grasping his intention, Sherry retorted with a cold laugh, "So you want me to serve under you? To work and risk my life for you? If that's the game you're playing, then you might as well kill me now. Even in death, I'd never bow to you! It would be the ultimate insult and affront to me."

"Heh, isn't what I'm doing now already an insult?" Ethan mused.

Ethan's hands had already traced from Sherry's bosom down her abdomen, slipping into the narrow crevice between her legs, caressing gently. 

This evoked an unusual flush on Sherry's face.

"You bastard! Get your hands off me!" Sherry gritted her teeth and growled.

Ethan didn't relent; on the contrary, he increased his intensity, causing Sherry to react, her legs tensing as she clamped his exploring hand.

"You talk tough, but your body tells a different story," Ethan stated. 

"Furthermore, I can see that your animosity isn't just aimed at me. It's directed at Pale Wolf and the other male Heroes too. I believe you must have suffered some oppression before, leading to your current demeanor."

Ethan spoke as Sherry's body started to tremble.

"Shut up!" Sherry shouted loudly, tears glistening in her eyes.

Ethan shook his head, withdrawing his hand from between Sherry's legs. 

He then took off his shirt and draped it over her. 

Helping Sherry to sit up, he continued, "I don't know the pain you've endured, but you still have to keep on living, whether it's for revenge or to repay debts. Besides, the world isn't just black and white; it's nuanced. Dismissing everyone based on a few individuals is overly extreme."

Sherry gazed at Ethan, for a long while, yet remained silent.

At that moment, Mia and Pale Wolf approached. 

Seeing Sherry still alive, relief and joy spread across Pale Wolf's face, "Sherry, are you alright?"  I think you should take a look at

Without acknowledging Pale Wolf, Sherry draped Ethan's coat around her shoulders and walked into the distance.

Mia, on the other hand, couldn't stop heaping praises on Ethan. 

"Lord Ethan, you truly are incredible! Especially that powerful Thunder move, it was godlike. Everyone will be in for a shock when they hear of this."

"Enough, enough," Ethan responded, patting Mia on the head before standing up. "Pale Wolf, there are some things I want to discuss with you."

Pale Wolf nodded and took a deep breath, seemingly anticipating Ethan's line of inquiry. 

"You wish to know about Sherry, don't you? I can tell you. Half a year ago, a calamity struck the northern snowfields. An abominable snow beast emerged, triggering an avalanche that claimed countless lives."

"I was lucky, as was Sherry. We had the skills to survive. But unlike me, she wasn't alone. Her family survived the avalanche too. But the bitter cold of the snowfields and the scarcity of food took their toll. Those of us who survived huddled together for warmth, and those with strength set out to find food."

"That time, Sherry and I were assigned together."

"What we hadn't anticipated... when we returned, was to find Sherry's parents murdered. And by none other than a few burly Heroes. Their reason? Her parents couldn't contribute to the group, they had no skills to offer."

"Ironic, isn't it?"

"At times, there's hardly a difference between a Hero and a Dark Lord Knight."

"Upon discovering the fate of her parents, Sherry was engulfed in grief and rage. She went on a frenzy, killing all the survivors."

"And when word of this incident reached other Heroes, Sherry and I became hunted. We had no choice but to leave the snowfields, crossing the desolate and barren wastelands before finally arriving here," Pale Wolf recounted, his voice heavy with sighs.

Ethan could empathize deeply. 

In this dog-eat-dog world, the simple monsters might actually be the most trustworthy beings. 

To them, only the existence of their master mattered, free from ulterior motives and scheming.

"Enough of this. Let's check on Sherry," he suggested, wanting to shift the somber atmosphere.

They walked over to where Sherry was, seeing her silently gazing at the slowly setting sun. 

Choosing not to disturb her, they found a clean spot nearby and set up a small camp. 

Mia gathered dry twigs and started a fire, while Pale Wolf ventured into the nearby woods, returning with a few rabbits. 

After skinning and roasting them, they became the evening meal for the group. 

As for Little Fairy Baal, she remained fast asleep on Mia.

"Here, for you," Ethan handed a roasted rabbit to Sherry.

She hesitated for a moment before accepting it. 

Wanting to voice her gratitude, words seemed to escape her. 

All she managed was a nod before she began to savor the rabbit. 

As they ate, conversations started to flow.

Breaking the ice, Ethan began, "Now that our differences are settled, our next step is to enter the Red Jade Valley. Do any of you know what lies inside?"

"Not a clue," Pale Wolf admitted outright.

Sherry shook her head.

"In that case, we'll have to play it by ear. Once we're inside the Red Jade Valley, stick close to me and don't get lost," Ethan instructed.

Pale Wolf waved dismissively, "Don't worry. Given our strength, there's no one we should fear."

"Still, it's better to be cautious," Ethan advised.

As the conversation continued, time passed unnoticed. 

The moon rose, casting a hazy glow across the landscape, and the night deepened.

While Ethan was resting, he suddenly felt a presence approaching. 

Immediately alert, he opened his eyes to find Sherry close by and asked, "Sherry, it's late. Is something on your mind?"

"Ethan, I need to talk to you," Sherry replied, her expression somewhat uneasy.

"What is it?" Ethan asked, his curiosity piqued.

Sherry shook her head, not voicing her thoughts. 

Instead, she took Ethan's hand and led him away from the campsite. 

When they reached a massive boulder, they stopped.

Bathed in the silvery moonlight, Sherry looked intently into Ethan's eyes. 

Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. 

Their lips met in a passionate kiss, their breaths mingling, and their hearts racing. 

There, beside the towering stone in the midst of the forest, they shared an intense moment.

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