Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 250 248-The True Trial

Chapter 250 Chapter248-The True Trial

"The true trial?"

"What do you mean, old man? Speak clearly!" Quel's anger was palpable.

He would have loved nothing more than to tear the old man to shreds, to vent the rage boiling within him, but that was clearly impossible.

The old man now stood before them, his upper half in a human form, while the lower dissolved into smoke, reminiscent of demons from ancient legends.

"You wish to know the truth?"

"Very well," a sinister smile crept across the old man's face, his cold gaze deeply unsettling.

In a low, seductive tone, he whispered, "This is the trial left behind by the great deity. Should you pass the trial, you will ascend to become deities yourselves."

"The trial lies within the houses of this village. Each house bears a distinct number. You must undertake the trials in ascending order of these numbers. Only once all trials are conquered, will you earn the right to be deemed a deity."

"Of course, if you wish to leave, the terms remain the same."

"I hope your end won't be too tragic. You should know, just before you, a young girl and a dragon entered the trial. And now, they... heh heh, might be enduring some delightful torment."

With those words, the old man vanished, dissipating into smoke once more.

"Was he talking about Rose just now?" Quel hesitated to ask.

Although Ethan was reluctant to admit it, the truth seemed all too probable.

"Don't jump to conclusions so hurry. He might have said that just to toy with us. For now, we can only follow his instructions and navigate this so-called trial," Ethan responded calmly.

He had noticed that not only was the Power of Holy Light suppressed within the village, but other power seemed to be restrained as well.

At least within the confines of the village, creating a space gate to leave the trial grounds was out of the question.

"We have no other choice," Quel said, a hint of despondence in his voice, and then added, "The first house in the village is over there. Let's go."

Following the direction Quel pointed, both Ethan and Kadiven spotted the number one house.

It was a ramshackle wooden cottage.

A soft yellow light seeped through its windows, providing a stark contrast to the dimness of the village.

Hanging beneath the eaves of the cottage were chimes, producing melodious notes as they swayed in a gentle breeze.

A breeze? Where did that come from?

Ethan's mind brimmed with questions, but before he could ponder further, Quel pulled him along.

Shortly after, Quel knocked on the door of the small cottage.

"Who's there?"

An elderly voice resonated from within.

The door then creaked open, revealing a kindly old woman.

The old woman saw Ethan and the other two and led them into the house. She then closed the door behind them.

It was evident that the elderly lady was a seasoned conversationalist.

Ethan not only learned that she was affectionately referred to as 'Old Lady Mary,' but he also gleaned many tales from her about others who had participated in the trial.

Their stories, unfortunately, often ended in tragedy, their final fate sealed as mere corpses.

"If you wish to leave, I can speak to the village chief on your behalf," Old Lady Mary offered gently.

"The chief is a very amiable person. He had surely heed your request. But you guys must know that the departing would mean forgoing any further chance of taking on the trial."

Ethan, Quel, and Kadiven exchanged glances.

Ethan replied, "Thank you for your kindness, Lady Mary. But we are here in search of someone, and we are not keen on leaving just yet."

"Oh? And who might that be?" Old Lady Mary inquired.

"A young lady, often seen in armor. And perhaps followed by a young man, one who is sociable and adept at space magic."

"Ah, that sounds vaguely familiar," murmured Old Lady Mary.

But in a twist of tone, she then asked, "So why should I tell you about them?"

The trio was left momentarily speechless.

The atmosphere inside the cottage grew noticeably colder.

Breaking the silence, Old Lady Mary spoke with a smile, "Fulfill a condition for me, and in return, I will answer a single question for each of you. And mind you, these questions can be about anything, not just the whereabouts of the people you seek, even matters concerning the deity. Also, you should know that my answers will always be the truth."

"What condition?" Quel asked, cutting her off.

No sooner had he spoken than both he and Old Lady Mary vanished from the cottage.

"Quel!" Ethan cried out, but his call was met with silence.

Moments later, Quel and Old Lady Mary reappeared.

Quel's expression, however, was noticeably strained, while Old Lady Mary's face remained adorned with its prior jovial smile.

"Who will be the next?"

"Don't worry, all will be fine," Old Lady Mary reassured.

Without hesitation, Ethan stood.

The moment Ethan stood up, he felt engulfed by darkness, unable to see or hear anything, surrounded by an endless void of blackness.

"What do you desire?" A gentle voice echoed.

"My desire?"

"What do I desire?"

The questions resonated deep within Ethan's soul.

His consciousness wavered, memories blurring. Vignettes from his past flitted through his mind: the initial shock of arriving in this world, passionate moments with the beautiful Lady Knight, the joy of acquiring territorial resources, the sorrow when those dear to him were in peril, the thrill upon acquiring formidable power...

Emotions surged, flooding his senses.

"But what do I truly yearn for?"

"Power, passion, wisdom, or strength..."

Ethan's awareness grew increasingly nebulous.

Especially at this moment, an unbidden image took form in his mind, showcasing those he held dearest: Mia, Eluna, Sherry, Lana Mokos...

Wait, why was Lana Mokos there?

Before Ethan could ponder this, a voice whispered seductively in his ear, "Kill them, and you will wield invincible power!"

"A power surpassing the deity. No one will stand in your way; you can do anything you desire—"

With a swift tearing sound, Lana Mokos's garments were ripped away, revealing her flawless form.

At this moment, Lana Mokos's gaze was irresistibly alluring, even more captivating than that of a Succubus.

She crawled toward Ethan, her hands gliding over him, reminiscent of a feline vying for its master's attention.

"Isn't she your enemy?"

"Now, all you have to do is slay those you hold dear, and in an instant, you will wield immeasurable power, making the entire world tremble at your feet."

The tempting voice struck deep, and Ethan found himself responding almost involuntarily.

At that moment, the Soul Language of Nature he possessed emanated a force, penetrating the recesses of his consciousness.

Abruptly, the vision dissipated.

"Damn it!" Ethan cursed, realizing he had been toyed with.

And this manipulation was even more insidious than what Lana Mokos had once done.

"You managed to regain consciousness."

The voice of Old Lady Mary echoed, but it no longer held the warmth it once did; it was now strikingly cold.

"No matter, you've passed the test."

With those words, light flooded Ethan's vision once more.

By the time he could discern his surroundings, he found himself still in the cabin, with Old Lady Mary smiling benignly, her face betraying no hint of what had just transpired.

"Now, it's your turn, silent one."

Old Lady Mary turned her gaze to Kadiven.

As with the previous two, Kadiven and Old Lady Mary disappeared in an instant, only to reappear shortly after.

Yet, from the expressions of the returning pair, Ethan could glean no information.

Kadiven had always been of a reserved disposition, his face typically adorned with a calm, indifferent mien.

Rarely did any other emotion play across his features unless something unexpected occurred.

This time was no different.

"Alright, congratulations on passing the test. Now, you may each ask me any one question. Once posed, the question cannot be altered, so think carefully," Old Lady Mary intoned.

The trio exchanged glances, deliberating amongst themselves.

"What should we ask?" Quel posed directly.

In such situations, Kadiven was not one to offer his opinion.

So, Ethan promptly voiced his thoughts, "We have only three questions to ask. One should pertain to the whereabouts and condition of Rose and Oberlis. The second should concern information about the trial. As for the third question..."

"I will ask it myself," Kadiven interjected unexpectedly.

Both Ethan and Quel were taken aback, finding it almost unfathomable.

Kadiven actually voiced an opinion on this matter!

However, Kadiven offered no further explanation.

Ethan didn't press him but concurred, "Very well, Kadiven can take the third question. The other two should suffice for us."

Having reached a consensus, Ethan turned to Old Lady Mary and began, "I wish to know the current status of Rose and Oberlis. Are they part of this trial?"

"Clever lad, that's more than one query," Old Lady Mary replied with a playful smile. "However, I'm in a generous mood today and will indulge your question."

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