Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 236 234-The Strategy to Counter

Chapter 236 Chapter234-The Strategy to Counter

"Oberlis, when did you become such a coward?" remarked one voice.

"Exactly! As a space magus, you cower in fear? Hmph, you've seriously tarnished the reputation of our Devil Guild. So what if it's Lana Mokos?"

"The Azure Empire has always been on the back foot, hasn't it? What's there to fret about?"

Such were the voices of many from the Devil Guild, speaking to Oberlis all at once.

Oberlis's expression grew stern, yet he offered no rebuttal.

Before attending the meeting, he had ventured to the capital of the Azure Empire.

To his horror, he witnessed the day's sky transformed into a starry night.

Thankfully, it appeared that the individual responsible wasn't aligned with the Azure Empire.

Driven by curiosity, Oberlis didn't leave immediately but continued to lurk in the Empire's capital.

He soon found himself eavesdropping on a conversation between Lana Mokos and Jode.

As Jode departed and Oberlis prepared to leave, Lana Mokos's voice halted him.

"You have listened for such a long time, and now you think you could leave just like that?" she unexpectedly remarked.

Fear gripped Oberlis.

It was the first time someone had detected him hidden within the space rift.

However, initially, he assumed Lana Mokos made the statement to lure him out intentionally.

Soon, he realized it wasn't a ruse.

With graceful poise, Lana Mokos rose from her seat, fetching a knight's longsword from the weapon rack.

She approached the very spot Oberlis hid and drove her sword towards it.

In the next moment, the blade pierced through space, aiming for Oberlis's form.

Oberlis could only escape through the space rift, but this only intensified his terror.

Once in the real world, he found himself bound by an invisible force, rendered completely immobile.

Lana Mokos possesses a Power of Space that's even more formidable than his own as a space magus!

"I, too, could use the Power of Space," Lana Mokos began, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"But it seems there are things I know that you don't."

"Your audacity astounds me. Sneaking into the capital time and again, and now directly into my presence. Did you truly believe no one could detect you?"

She chuckled softly, and Oberlis felt as if he were facing a formidable beast, a palpable sense of impending doom surrounding him.

Seeing his evident fear, Lana Mokos's eyes flashed with disdain.

She released her hold on him and inquired, "You're from the Devil Guild, aren't you?"

Oberlis could only nod in response.

"So, Ethan is also with your Devil Guild?" she continued. "Given the standards by which your Devil Guild selects its members, Ethan fits perfectly. Especially with his Dark Lord status. You wouldn't overlook such a promising recruit."

Oberlis nodded again. "Ethan joined us a month ago."

A smile tugged at Lana Mokos's lips, though her expression shifted subtly. "Just a month ago?"

"Yes," Oberlis reaffirmed.

This was something Lana Mokos had not anticipated.

She once thought that Ethan was able to covertly take Oksd's heart and possessed such formidable strength because of the aid of the Devil Guild, even if the guild might have still been in its formative stages at that time.

Yet, it turned out Ethan had always been on his own, achieving all of this solely through his own power.

"How intriguing," Lana Mokos mused, suddenly breaking into laughter, her eyes sharp and piercing. "Ethan, I grow more eager for a true showdown with you."

Turning her gaze back to Oberlis, she commanded, "Since you're acquainted with Ethan, convey a message to him on my behalf. Once his city is fully erected, it will signal the day of my invasion. I intend to personally take the city he constructs, as recompense for the Azure Empire's losses."

"Now, be gone!" She roared at Oberlis.

Feeling the binds on him lift entirely and discerning no intent from Lana Mokos to strike, Oberlis quickly activated a space gate.

Without a second glance back, he bolted.

That woman is terrifying!

He vowed to himself never to come within a hundred-meter radius of wherever Lana Mokos might be.

Oberlis's face remained deathly pale, even as the thought raced through his mind.

And now, with the members of the Devil Guild ridiculing him, he remained silent.

The reality of what transpired was even more humiliating than their words.

Yet, internally, he found solace in silent curses.

He wished those mocking him would face Lana Mokos themselves.

Only then would they fathom her terror.

At that moment, Ethan cast his eyes toward Oberlis and said, "Oberlis, thanks for relaying the message. And if Lana·Mokos dares to come, I have my own means to counter."

Ethan didn't utter any threats.

It wasn't just his style but also a testament to his wariness of Lana Mokos. She was no ordinary adversary.

As Oberlis shared the news of Lana Mokos's personal involvement, the gathering of the Devil Guild members once again bustled with discussions about their next move.

Even Oriel turned to Ethan and offered, "Ethan, do you need assistance? While I may not possess the strength of others here, against those human soldiers, my capabilities can wreak havoc. They'd suffer heavy losses."

Oriel grinned good-naturedly, though his exterior seemed far from friendly.

Ethan shook his head, replying gratefully, "Thank you, Oriel, for your kindness. But for this battle, I don't intend to have anyone's aid. I seek a genuine showdown to herald the birth of the Dark Lord City!"

"Well then, best of luck to you," Oriel could only respond.

Hearing Ethan's declaration, the others halted their conversations.

"Ethan, are you sure about this?" Oberlis asked with genuine concern.

"You must understand, it's not just Lana Mokos you'll be facing. You'll be up against the elite soldiers of the Azure Empire, and the secret weapons many of them harbor. It's going to be an extraordinarily challenging battle. And to be frank, even with the entirety of the Devil Guild participating, we might still face defeat."

Oberlis's words seemed to swallow up the room's previous liveliness.

The members of the Devil Guild, familiar with Oberlis's character, knew that while he might jest in everyday situations, he wouldn't make light of serious matters.

His remarks reflected genuine concern.

The mere thought that the combined might of the Devil Guild wouldn't match up to Lana Mokos was chilling.

After all, past operations that had sent the Azure Empire scrambling were executed by only two or three members, and yet, they repeatedly met with failure in their attempts to counter them.

"I understand many of you might find it hard to believe," Oberlis continued. "But Lana Mokos is an extraordinarily formidable adversary. Keep that in mind and never let underestimation cost you your life."

His warning resonated in the room, leaving everyone in contemplative silence. The atmosphere grew somber.

At that moment, Rose interjected, "Let's table this discussion for now. Ethan, if you ever need assistance, you have my permission to convene a meeting anytime. Now, let's commence the trade."

At Rose's cue, the room buzzed to life. All eyes were drawn to the multitude of Blood Source that Ethan unveiled.

"The device for crafting Blood Source has been successfully constructed, and I currently possess roughly ten thousand drops of Blood Source. However, with the impending war against the empire, there's a high chance we might not meet the demand for Blood Source. Thus, the production of the next batch might be significantly delayed."

Murmurs filled the room after Ethan's revelation.

Oriel handed Ethan a set of blueprints he had prepared in advance, saying, "Ethan, this contains the Evolution Formula for the Thunder Wyvern's next stage."

Ethan accepted the formula and handed over the corresponding amount of Blood Source.

Others followed suit, trading their items with Ethan for Blood Source.

Even Rose made an exchange. Instead of offering an item, she bestowed upon Ethan a blessing and elaborated, "This is a blessing from a deity. It will grant you a one-time reprieve in the face of mortal danger. In other words, it can save your life, but only once."

Although Ethan couldn't see Rose's face, he sensed the immense value of this gift.

He hastily responded, "Rose, if you ever face challenges in the future, I'll be there to help."

Rose nodded in acknowledgment, choosing not to add anything further.

As the trading session drew to a close, marking the end of Ethan's second meeting with the Devil Guild, attendees began to depart. Ethan opted to return to Dark Lord City.

In the now nearly empty conference hall, only Oberlis and Rose remained.

"I didn't expect you to give him that," Oberlis remarked, clearly taken aback.

The Blessing of the God of Resurrection, a divine favor, was undeniably precious.

Rose seemed unperturbed as she responded, "Oberlis, it's a necessary investment, isn't it? The Dawn Elf Kingdom is already in decay. Perhaps you're right; the only way to save the kingdom is to rebuild upon its ruins."

"We need to hasten our pace," she added.

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