Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 209 207-Preparations for Heading to the Battlefield

Chapter 209 Chapter207-Preparations for Heading to the Battlefield

Inside Maya City, Ethan and Mia were procuring various items.

This lent them an augmented sense of reality, as the items they were acquiring could be stored within their Space Rings, proving their tangible existence.

Moreover, the gold coins they carried were usable here, which further enhanced the realistic ambience surrounding them. It was all too real!

However, Ethan was not pondering much on this aspect now, but rather intently listening to what Sherry had to convey.

"The most crucial thing on the battlefield is to follow the commands of the leader; otherwise, one person's chaos could proliferate, engulfing others in confusion and eventually destabilizing the entire troop," she narrated, drawing on the information she had gathered from other soldiers.

"We are essentially a small, independent unit, which affords us a certain degree of flexibility in coordination, yet prevents us from venturing too deep into the heart of the battlefield."

Sherry continued, "Furthermore, we are not soldiers. If we wish to head to the front lines to eradicate the monsters, we will have to register at the city's military camp and join the soldiers en route to the frontline."

"But from what I've heard, it seems the camp is not very welcoming to people like us." A worried expression manifested on Sherry's face as she looked up at Ethan.

Her statement bore no exaggeration. It went beyond unwelcome; it was nearing disdain.

"Unwelcoming? Why so?" Ethan voiced his perplexity.

They had arrived here through participation in the Hot Spring Ruins trial.

If the trial was an isolated event, then from the soldiers' perspective, individuals like them should be first-timers here.

Wouldn't this sort of occasion call for a warm welcome?

Unless the final segment of the Hot Spring Ruins trial was a continual existence, hence the soldiers harbored impressions from past trial participants.

People who chose to remain in the city or caused trouble at the front lines, fostering the camp's distaste for them.

This conjecture was nearing the truth considerably.

As Ethan delved deeper into this line of thought, his brow furrowed, realizing that heading to the front lines might not be a straightforward task.

"I'll find a way to work this out. If it comes down to it, we will forge ahead on our own," Ethan said, trying to maintain his composure. However, venturing out alone would be a last resort.

The next day, after a night of rest in the city, Ethan led Sherry towards the military camp.

Surprisingly, on their way, Ethan encountered Mawei, the wounded soldier they had met the previous day.

"Mawei!" Ethan called out, recognizing the familiar face.

Engrossed in deep contemplation, Mawei raised his head at the call to find Ethan.

A burst of joy illuminated his face as he responded, "It's you, the person who gave me the healing potion yesterday! I truly cannot thank you enough, my friend. Without your aid, I might have had to continue recuperating at home today."

"You're welcome," Ethan replied with a smile before promptly inquiring, "Mawei, I'm curious to know some details about the frontlines. Could you share your insights with me?"

Mawei surveyed Ethan and Sherry and heaved a soft sigh. "Follow me," he invited, guiding them toward a tavern nestled within the city.

Once settled at a secluded corner in the establishment, Mawei ordered a glass of juice, elaborating, "Alcohol is prohibited during wartime." Ethan, comprehending the directive, ordered two more juices — one for himself and another for Sherry.

This act kindled a favorable impression in Mawei, who took a sip before smiling warmly at Ethan, conjecturing, "You two are planning to head to the frontlines, aren't you?"

"Indeed," Ethan readily acknowledged, feeling no need to conceal their intention.

Mawei nodded, acknowledging his correct guess and continued with a hint of trouble in his tone, "Unfortunately, your timing might not be ideal. Three months ago, anyone would have welcomed your assistance with open arms. But joining now would present a considerable hassle."

"Three months ago? Could you please elucidate the cause?" Ethan pressed on, curious about the specified timeline.

"It involves a woman — a formidable one who hailed from a different land just like you two," Mawei spoke, his eyes reflecting a distinct glow as he delved into the tale, "Her name is Lana Mokos."

"Lana Mokos!" Sherry exclaimed in shock, well acquainted with the name.

Witnessing Sherry's reaction, a noticeable shift occurred in Mawei's expression, transforming into an unabashed loathing.

Ethan instantly caught the change in the dynamics and asserted, "We are familiar with her, and we bear grievances against her. She exploited me during a cave exploration, nearly causing my death, while she walked away with all the spoils."

Upon hearing Ethan's words, Mawei's expression softened, a newfound respect flickering in his eyes.

Ethan, now feeling more invested in the story, pressed on, "Three months ago, did she undertake any significant actions?"

Ethan clearly recalled Lana Mokos securing a spot on the leaderboard during the first trial, boasting an SSS+ trial rating.

Most importantly, she was incredibly powerful.

Nodding, Mawei heaved another sigh before elaborating, "Lana Mokos chose to join the forces at the frontlines, where she indeed exhibited remarkable prowess. She rose to the rank of captain of a thousand-strong squad, repeatedly slaying powerful monsters and reigning supreme on the army's scoring board, a record untouched to this day."

"But about half a month into her tenure, she inexplicably defected to the monsters' side." Mawei continued with a grim face, "It seems she had concocted some potion that drove the monsters into a frenzy, stripping them of their senses but making them more potent, more fearless in the face of death."

"This turn of events drastically escalated the casualty rate on the frontlines."

"Commanders initiated a search to retrieve Lana, only to discover that she had already abandoned Maya City, her whereabouts unknown."

Upon hearing Mawei's account, Ethan and Sherry exchanged a knowing glance.

This modus operandi was indeed signature Lana Mokos.

For her, the entire event was but a trial.

If it promised substantial gains, the annihilation of Maya City would be but a minor detail, for Lana Mokos was indifferent to such consequences.

"So, in the wake of her actions, outsiders eager to join, like us, are no longer permitted?" Ethan inquired further.

Shaking his head, Mawei corrected Ethan's misunderstanding, "Not disallowed per se, but joining has become substantially challenging. You must demonstrate your worth and commitment unequivocally. Moreover, an outright ban on recruitment doesn't exist. Lord Sano has decreed that anyone willing to fight, even a white-haired elder, should be granted the opportunity to do so."

"Sano, again?"

Ethan pondered silently, an internal thread weaving through his thoughts as he considered this enigmatic figure further.

As the details surrounding Sano mentioned previously by Aisya, as well as the Beast Crossbow crafted by Sano that Mawei brought up, in addition to the command Sano had left behind converged in his mind, Ethan speculated inwardly, "Could it be that this Maya City is a territory under Sano's dominion?" Though tempted to voice his conjecture, he chose to inquire about a different matter, asking Mawei, "So, if I want to join, how can I prove myself?"

"Are you a craftsman?" Mawei queried.

Both Ethan and Sherry shook their heads, acknowledging their lack of skills in craftsmanship.

"Then do you have command knowledge, capable of discerning the weaknesses of monsters?" he continued.

Again, Ethan shook his head, a gesture that spoke of his inability to fulfill that criterion. It was a task perhaps only Victor might be up for.

Witnessing their responses, Mawei sighed heavily before posing yet another question, "Among the two of you, is there a medic?"

Once more, both Ethan and Sherry shook their heads, signaling the absence of such expertise.

Resigned, Mawei elaborated, "Well, there's no helping it then. Although we cannot defy the command left by Lord Sano, adjustments had to be made to the frontline admissions to prevent the re-emergence of individuals like Lana Mokos. To join the ranks now, one must either heal soldiers, repair crossbows, or analyze monsters to find their weak points..."

"In other words, engagement in combat is off the table," he concluded solemnly.

Upon hearing this, Ethan couldn't help but marvel at Lana Mokos' capacity for wreaking havoc.

However, this wouldn't deter him.

A warm golden glow emerged from Ethan's hands, emitting a comforting sensation reminiscent of basking in sunlight.

He smiled and asked Mawei, "Although I am not a medic, I do have some proficiency with the Holy Light. Would that qualify me to join the front lines?"

"He will do!" "This foreign Hero, please, you must join!" Mawei was nearly hopping with excitement.

Ordinary medics could only perform basic healing and staunch bleeding, but powerful individuals proficient with Holy Light magic, such as knights and magi, could facilitate complete recoveries without lingering effects.

It could even be argued that as long as the Holy Light persisted, all soldiers could fight indefinitely.

Witnessing Ethan's ability to wield the power of the Holy Light, Mawei couldn't contain himself.

He seized Ethan, bolting towards the military encampment.

Even when halted by guards at the entrance, Mawei shoved them aside, dragging Ethan into the camp as he shouted at the top of his lungs, "Commander, I've brought back a Holy Light medic!"

Ethan, pulled along by Mawei, had no energy left to retort.

"I only mentioned my knowledge of Holy Light magic, I never said I was a medic. Plus, aside from mastering Holy Light, I'm also adept in Thunder magic, and various Dragon tongue spells…"

"Oh yes, I am actually a Golden Divine Dragon myself."

These thoughts reverberated in Ethan's mind, but the opportunity to voice them had slipped away.

Upon the echo of Mawei's proclamation in the encampment, many people rushed out, eager to catch a glimpse of this Holy Light medic.

From within the grandest tent emerged a gallant Lady Knight, adorned in armor, stepping forward to witness who had arrived.

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