Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 93: Flash Step, Asura!

Chapter 93: Flash Step, Asura!

[Satar’ Fuv Jeric Level 24]

Drake clenched his left fist, his right creaking as the earth began to crack between his fingers.

“Th-they’re using human shields...?” Harley muttered in disbelief.

Claire leaned forward over the wooden rail of the guard post, her eyes pointed as she bared her teeth, her fingers wrenching the wood below them.

Drake met eyes with the Goblin, its disgusting yellowed teeth grinning from green pointed ear to pointed ear, it walking forward ahead of the line of human shields as it locked and kept the glare Drake was giving it.

The Goblin then unsheathed one, then another medieval-looking short sword, placing it on the struggling human on the block of woods neck.

Drake’s aura flared, but he was unable to move fear of retaliation for the rest of the human shields.

The Goblin noticed Drake’s hesitation and threw its head back in a cackle as it gently pulled the sword across the person’s neck, a river of red pouring out as they struggled more until they limped covered in their own blood.

“That bastard! Aren’t you going to do something?!” Claire shouted, turning her head to Drake.

“If I do anything I could make a mistake and kill any one of those people on those shields,” Drake said through gritted teeth.

“If you do nothing then they will all die! Are you just going to abandon all of them?” she pleaded, “Don’t let them be used by those sick bastards like this! Save them like you saved me!”

Drake felt his body heat up, a feeling he hadn’t encountered since he was fired, a feeling he could only vaguely remember although it was so present in his mind only a few days ago when he was told the truth by Stewart.


Drake saw the Monster move to another woman, tears in her eyes as she looked at the blade slowly encroaching on her throat. The tears in her eyes turned to rivers as she vehemently struggled to get away, screaming and kicking the board below her.

Natto.. He thought, the reluctance but pure determination coming through.

Drake, I am against it. We don’t know what it will do to your psyche!” she warned.

The Goblin took its time slicing the woman’s throat, licking the blade as it snickered. Raising one arm and shouting, the line of Goblins moving forward as it moved behind the line and walked in turn a smile on its face as it looked directly into Drake’s eyes.

The damn that held Drake’s emotions began to rattle, began to crack. He could feel it. But the only emotion leaking through was one of unadulterated seething hate.


No more. No more watching as people who I can help, suffer in front of me as I sit and debate the possible consequences. I will go above and beyond. I’ll go beyond what’s needed, what’s expected. Drake promised.

Pulling out two stones from his inventory holding them in his left hand, he turned to Claire.

“Claire, chant,” he said tersely

Claire’s eyes turned soft, relief painting her face as she nodded, moving to the rampart as she began chanting.

The heavens shine brightly down upon the land,” she started, closing her eyes, as Drake moved next to her, making sure no monster attacked while she was casting, the bright magic circle forming below her.

Drake looked down at the stones again.

If I have to break myself, force myself to rebuild from the ground up to do what needs to be done. Drake thought, gripping the stones.

[You wish to consume Skill Stone: Lightning [Rare]


[Yes] [No]

[You have learned Skill: Magic Exposure [F Rank]

Drake felt the potent pulse of power as he consumed the stone. His body rippling in it as he forced the process to stay stable within him, his eyes now up and fixated on the Goblin that lurked behind the line of human shields.

[You wish to consume, Skill Stone: Oppression [Rare]


[Yes] [No]

[You have learned Skill: Tyrant’s Indomitability [F Rank]

The power of the stone pushed and wormed its way through Drake’s body, the heat merging with the heat of his emotions, the wall not able to withhold as he imagined how he would kill and make the monster suffer with his bare hands.

Then it will be done! Drake shouted internally, the damn inside of him breaking, the rapid flooding of his backed-up hatred coming full to bear. 

His eyes flashed yellow, his mouth wording a phrase, “Marked.”

Claire continued to cast next to him, as Drake began rapidly going through his own defensive spells.

“But the world will not be protected from the rumbling of my heart!” Claire shouted, the deep timber of thunder sounding.

Drake cast his own Guardians Reprieve, Unbreakable, and Bulwark in quick succession. His body flashed in three successive green-hued lights.

“I call down the rain, I call down the thunder! Be blessed in your fury my people!” she chanted.

Drake did not snap his hands this time, but instead clapped them, his earthen arm then disintegrating as a light yellow magic circle formed in front of himself a javelin of lightning forming.

“I’m going to save them all. Even if my body breaks. First is you then I will kill that sac of shit King of yours!” Drake shouted, holding the javelin in his left hand.

 “We are the wind of change! We are the storm that crashes upon the world! Storm Caller’s Rising!” Claire howled as the spell finished, and a bolt of lightning crashing to her, as she fell to one knee barely able to stay conscious this time from the exhaustion of the spell.

[You have been affected by beneficial magic from a party member.]

Storm Caller’s Rising is in effect for 30 seconds.

Drake instantly chanted his spell, dropping all of his free points into his Dexterity. Bringing it to 250 and over 300 with his accessories.

Endowment of Lightning, twofold, Flash Step!” Drake shouted for the first time pushing his Heretical Mind to change his Endowment skill. The javelin in his hand shrank as he felt his status plummet down to half, his body creaking from the intense increase of his stats combined with the new spell, a bead of red falling from the side of his mask, but Drake was not finished. 

Water Trifold, Asura!” Drake screamed, as three magic circles formed on his shoulders, two to his right and one behind his left.

Three shimmering light blue arms formed and swirled at the base of his shoulders. And moved to his command, the moment they materialized the fingers sharpened to thin water blades.

The Goblin Satar’ looked on unperturbed until he saw Drake cast his last spell, his eyes widening in fear, as he scrambled to get to the nearest human shield.

But Drake gave him no time. 

From the Rampart Drake shot forward with such speed it looked nearly impossible. He moved from the wall to Satar’ in an instant, the boom of his movement sounding seconds after he had arrived next to the monster.

Fear is binding, Cower,” Drake chanted, his hand on the chest of the monster, the dark inky like smoke moving quickly to its head from Drake’s hand.

Satar’s eyes glazed over as it began running around wildly, the rest of the Goblins on the front suddenly turning noticing Drake’s appearance.

“Five seconds is plenty to kill every last one of you… Then, I will deal with him,” Drake said coldly, as he flexed his aura, freezing the nearby Goblins for a moment.

But that was all it took for Drake to move in a flash through the ranks of their line, bisecting and beheading any monster in his wake. The blocks holding the people fell to the ground gently, their bonds cut by Drake’s multiple water arms.

In less than 5 seconds he removed every Goblin besides Satar’ from the plains.

Satar’ came out of its stupor with a shake of its head, looking around to a wasteland of his former battalion, its eyes quaking in fear. Quickly turning to the forest, ready to run, but standing there in his way was Drake.

“I’m going to, for the first time in my life. Enjoy watching you suffer as you get what you deserve,” Drake said.

With a flash of blue his arm moved, cutting off Satar’ left arm.

The monster took a moment to notice the lack of his appendage, as it gasped and looked to its left. It pulled in a ragged breath as it tried to use a movement skill teleporting to cover within the forest.

But Drake had already marked the monster and immediately moved to it at the same moment.

“You will not find a place I can not reach you,” Drake muttered frigidly, then chanted another spell, “Atrophy of the Mind,” Drake chanted, shortening the spell.

One of Drake’s arm’s moved again, and the Goblin Satar’ lost his right arm, it moving its head to look at the stump of a shoulder, flabbergasted.

Drake’s two right arms moved. And Satar’ became half his height as he lost his legs. Then stabbing the monster in its chest with his three water arms. It struggled as blood leaked from its mouth.

[Beneficial magic: The Stormcaller’s Rising, has expired]

Finally canceling his Endowment, feeling the ache and pain of the spell going beyond what his body could handle catching up to him. 

But he ignored it, as his arms turned to ice, slowly freezing over stopping the blood from puncture wounds from running out of the Monster.

Drake then moved to the middle of the plains casually, Satar’ struggling despite having no arms nor legs.

The people Drake had rescued had gathered, their eyes finding the Goblin quickly, scowls painting their expressions.

“All of you, go to the outpost,” Drake said his expression emotionless, but his eyes fierce.

No one argued this time with Drake, as they felt the aura surrounding him pressing down on them ever so slightly, warning them that it was not a suggestion but an order.

Quickly all of the people moved to the gates of the Outpost, as it slowly opened and welcomed them in. Drake’s party still on the wall of the rampart.

Drake, what are you doing? Kill that monster and move on! This is not like you!” Natto shouted.

“No,” Drake said, throwing the monster as high as he could into the air, its body spinning wildly as it flew upward, “I’m going to send another message, wherever that King is. That this is what’s coming for him,” Drake scowled, his three arms melting away as his endowment changed to Ice, his hair glimmering to pure white.

Operation X. Soft Flame,” Drake whispered, a crimson circle formed at his shoulder, an arm of fire molding to pulse lightly towards the ground as Drake turned making himself perpendicular to the ground, the fire propelling him above it.

Hard Flame,” Drake said softly, a pulsing flame forming in his left hand pointed right at the spinning half-dead corpse of the Monster, the glow of the spells highlighting his hair and tattoo with a reddish tinge.

Drake dumped everything into the spell in his left hand, the flame shimmering to a bright blue, then his new skill changed it further as it was bleached of all color to a bright white flame that heat threatened to consume him.

Throwing his hand open and forward, Drake aimed right at the sky behind the Monster.

X-Burner!” Drake roared.

The white pillar of fire exploded forward into the sky, engulfing Satar’ as it lit up the entire sky. The spell shone so brightly that the entire area was illuminated in a beautiful horrifying white hue like a nuclear explosion had erupted from the ground and funneled into the sky.

[You have defeated Goblin General: Satar’ Fuv Jeric Level 24 [F Rank] [Experience Earned and 350,000 TP rewarded]

[Congratulations, you have increased to Elemental Miller level 17] [40 Free Points have been awarded]

Tyrant’s Indomibility P1(0%) [F Rank]

  • Your will can not be undone and not be denied. Nothing will impede your rule.
  • Passive Effect: Any and all External and Internal debuffs will be reduced by 150% effectiveness. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Reduction will only bring effects down to 0 and will not convert said effects to beneficial ones.

Magic Exposure P1(0%) [F Rank]

  • Lay bare the rules of magic. Strip your enemies of their right to protection through the expertise of your magic.
  • Passive Effect: Spells and Skills now strip targets of 150% of their Defensive effectiveness. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Effects will bring Defensive effectiveness of those affected into the negative if there is a remaining amount after reaching 0.
  • Effects can not stack on the same target.
  • Spells now cost 50% more. (Reduced based on Proficiency)

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