Dream Breaker

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

"Kang Moon-soo, Park Han-hee. We are on official duty right now!"

"Turn off the camera immediately!"

The police who rushed into the room were flustered.

I pretended to be nonchalant and said,

"Show me your faces and name tags. If I get infected because you all are violating the quarantine rules, I need to know who is responsible."

"Kang Moon-soo...!"

"Stop filming right now!"

They didn't listen to my request and just kept repeating the same words.

"Really strange. Did I commit any crime?"

"No, that's not it."

"Then what's the reason for your sudden visit?"

"We received a report."

"From whom?"

"We cannot disclose that information due to confidentiality."

"What kind of report was it?"

"It was a tip that Kang Moon-soo's hotel room window was broken."

As soon as I heard the police's flimsy explanation, I burst out laughing.

"Ha ha! You're saying there's someone who saw that hole from the ground?"

"What's so funny?"

"Go outside and see for yourself. It's hidden by the outdoor garden and terrace with the open-air bath, so it won't be visible unless you're looking from above the clouds."


The policeman's expression hardened as he realized his mistake.

"Han-hee, how's the video?"

"It's still recording."

"Save it now and send it to all possible contacts. Don't worry. I'll take responsibility."


The police, who judged that the situation was not going as planned, made their move.

'So they're showing their true colors!'

They were far more concerned about Park Han-hee's smartphone than the scene of the incident they claimed to have received a report about.


They pointed their guns at us and warned,

"Stop right now."

"Take your hands off the smartphone."

Park Han-hee's face turned pale as she felt the threat of death.

"Mo, Moon-soo..."

"Do as they say."



She carefully put her smartphone on the floor.

"Now raise your arms above your head and move towards the wall- Argh?!"


As soon as the policeman's gaze turned towards Park Han-hee's smartphone, I counterattacked.

I kicked away the gun aimed at her first, and then,



I dodged the bullet fired without hesitation, targeting my heart.


However, since the distance was so close, I couldn't avoid it completely. The same went for the police officer.


The police officer's head tilted back as he was hit in the jaw by my high kick, and he passed out in one shot.

I snatched the gun that slipped out of his limp hand from mid-air.

"Stop. Don't move."


The movement of the policeman trying to pick up the fallen gun on the floor stopped abruptly.

"Go and pick up the gun."

"Moon-soo! You're bleeding a lot from your side!"

"I'm fine, just go."

"Uh, okay..."

Park Han-hee quickly ran over and picked up the gun on the floor-



As soon as the policeman tried to take her hostage, I pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The scream of the policeman with a shot through his leg.

I reloaded and said nonchalantly,

"Did you think I couldn't shoot?"

"Ugh! You shot a policeman! You think you can get away with this...!"

"Of course."

"Give up if you trust the video! Did you forget that it was cut off in the middle? You'll be charged with obstruction of public duty and assault!"

"Who said it was cut off?"

"The smartphone is over there..."

The policeman looked at the smartphone that Park Han-hee had put down on the floor.

He noticed something strange belatedly and stopped speaking.

"Now, here's the question. Where is Kang Moon-soo's smartphone?"

"No way!"


I wonder if he had sharp eyes, but the policeman quickly found my smartphone in the spacious room.

He saw the old-fashioned smartphone standing in a spot with a clear view of the scene.

And he despaired.

(Kang Moon-soo! Are you okay with the bullet wound on your waist?!)

"Yes. It just grazed me. I never dreamed of experiencing such a horrible thing during a video call."

As soon as the dangerous first half was over, the second half began.

* * *

I don't think all the officials of the South Korean government are wishing for my death with one heart.

For the people, by the people, to the people...!

Old-fashioned politicians who always mention the people whenever something happens.

They seem incompetent in normal times and are actually incompetent, but they have a characteristic of obsessively biting their competitors when they think they can win the hearts of the people.

"It's a slander from the ruling party!"

"It's a despicable conspiracy of the opposition party!"

"This is a gate!"

"We've secured the recording!"

"It's really fascinating."

It was a rare, bizarre sight in modern times where politicians' crimes are almost non-existent.

Was it their pathetic behavior that was so frustrating?


Volunteers who collect evidence and report for the party they support!

"Zoomed in on the helicopter..."

"According to the witness's testimony..."

"Saw someone armed with a gun..."

"Reported a suspicious-looking man..."

This too was a rare sight in modern times where the government takes care of things well.

"It's really amazing."

I lay in the hospital bed and leisurely watched the whole process.


This side was also turned upside down. As suspicions and evidence of bribery were revealed, numerous people were stripped of their positions!

And at the end of it all, there was always one businessman involved.

"That guy!"

My 'girlfriend,' Park Han-hee, who practically lived in the hospital room under the pretext of taking care of me, who had no family.

She was startled while watching TV and cutting apples, pointing her finger.

"The guy at Entrance exam academy?"

"Yes! No doubt!"

The man who advised Park Han-hee to quit running and sing at the entrance exam academy and got coolly kicked out.

As she had said, he had the appearance of a well-grown second-generation chaebol.

"It seems we found him."

"I'm sure the perpetrator caught on the surveillance camera in the athletes' village apartment is that guy. Their builds are similar."


A slender, pretty boy-like appearance.

From behind, he looked similar to Choi Kang-hoon, who could be mistaken for a woman.

'The difference is too significant!'

Nam Hae-soo, the emperor of swimming, had wide shoulders and manly arms and legs, despite being at an age where it wouldn't be strange to be embraced by nature right away.

In his heyday, he had a robust physique befitting an athlete.

But this...

"The chairman Hwang Hae-soo holds a press conference..."

"The court summons Chairman Hwang Hae-soo..."

"Attendance of Chairman Hwang Hae-soo..."

Hwang Hae-soo.

The chairman of a conglomerate that ranks within the top five in South Korea.

He was evaluated as a talented person who raised a global company in a short period of time with his astonishing investment skills at a young age.


Was it because he knew the imminent future of South Korea?

The chairman of the conglomerate was making astronomical investments in the defense industry, which was a money-eating hippo.


'I was too careless.'

His aptitude was for an athlete. It doesn't suit politics or business.

Didn't Kim Eun-jung prove it?

Although she was born as the youngest daughter of a noble Count family in her dreams, her actions were no different from reality.

So it failed!

Kim Eun-jung couldn't become 'Angelina Chimac.'

"Suspicions of speculation by Chairman Hwang Hae-soo."

"Small and medium-sized enterprise hunter Hwang Hae-soo."

"Is the Ministry of National Defense owned by Chairman Hwang Hae-soo?"

"Chairman Hwang Hae-soo's women."

Nam Hae-soo, disguised as another human, was no exception.

His secret to success was not his ability, but the monopoly on information about the future!

However, to a third party, it seemed like he had invested in advance using illegal means to obtain information.

"Where did Chairman Hwang Hae-soo get the information?"

"100 times profit by land preemption."

"Chairman Hwang Hae-soo. Explains it's a coincidence..."

"193 coincidences? That's impossible."

Even though those who were in cahoots or had weaknesses risked their lives to protect him, it was not enough to reverse the trend.

The reason?

99% of the wealth Nam Hae-soo accumulated was unproductive, unearned income!

Real estate, stocks, cryptocurrency...

So it didn't help the country's development at all, and it only squeezed the tears of ignorant commoners.

In other words, the worst reputation!

And old-fashioned politicians didn't miss this opportunity.

"Statement condemning Hwang Hae-soo!"

"Hwang Hae-soo deceiving the people!"

"Hwang Hae-soo will be judged!"

"The firepower is tremendous."

It took only ten days for the once-booming conglomerate chairman to be tried as a defendant.

The driving force behind it?

I played a big part in it too.

"Kang Moon-soo, can we proceed with the interview?"


"How is your injured body?"

"It's much better."

The media is the strongest army that doesn't bleed.

"You were attacked by police officers who received bribes from Chairman Hwang Hae-soo. What do you think of the chairman?"

"He's the worst. He tried to kill me, who had no grudge against him."

"Do you have any clues?"

"None at all. Do I do business? Do I do politics? Do I invest? I'm just an athlete."

I confidently spoke in front of numerous reporters and cameras.

'Nam Hae-soo. Are you watching?'

I will give you the worst dream as a price for aiming for my life.

"I heard you almost died before."

"That's right. They mobilized a car with gangsters and even hired a sniper on a helicopter."

"How did you deal with so many gangsters alone?"

"Because I'm an athlete."

"Excuse me?"

"...To explain further, I received guidance from the pride of Korean Taekwondo, the Gomusin Grandmaster."

"Ah! You were taught by the Gomusin Grandmaster...!"

"He's the one who taught me humility when I was arrogant."

This is not an empty claim.

Taekwondo was very helpful when I couldn't use the swordsmanship I learned from Valentine because I didn't have a sword.

That's also the reason why I endured the terrible smell of the Grandmaster's feet and learned diligently.

"Kang Moon-soo."


"Is there anything you'd like to say to the government?"

A question agreed upon in advance as a condition for accepting the interview.

I gave the answer I had prepared beforehand.

"I was so shocked that I seriously considered emigration. I hope to show that justice is still alive in South Korea."

A remark targeting Nam Hae-soo.

Perhaps because it was a sensitive topic, the reporter quickly moved on to the next question.

"Please say a few words to the people who are worried about your health."

"I will do my best to participate in the Olympics without any problems. Long live South Korea. Thank you."

Clap, clap!

Clap, clap, clap!

Did they like my last slogan?

Reporters and hospital staff who were watching the filming of the broadcast sent enthusiastic applause as if it were planned.

'Things are going smoothly.'

Now that I've found Nam Hae-soo in disguise as another human, there's no need for the strategy of impersonating him and provoking him.

"The true nature of Hwang Hae-soo's gate is revealed!"

"What's the grudge against Kang Moon-soo?"

"Who's to blame for the poor security?"

"National disgrace. Responsibility must be taken..."

However, as my popularity and value increase due to the Olympics, Hwang Hae-soo's reputation will endlessly decline.

I needed to participate in the Olympics as planned and sweep all the gold medals.

So when the live broadcast ended...

"Kang Moon-soo, you worked hard despite your discomfort."

"Not at all. I feel a little relieved from the unfair and frustrating feelings. Thank you so much."

"Here's my business card. If you contact me, I'll be there anytime."

"That's reassuring."

Politicians and celebrities who read the trend came to visit me in the hospital.

There would have been many more if there were no quarantine guidelines limiting the time and number of people to visit hospital patients.

'Thanks to that, I survived.'

The always annoying quarantine guidelines were very grateful today.

* * *

How easy would it be if everything in the world went according to my plan?

An impossible event happened.

"It's an honor to meet you. As you may already know, I am Hwang Hae-soo."


Nam Hae-soo, who had passed all the blame onto his subordinates and received a suspended sentence, came to see me under the pretext of wanting to apologize.

'Is this even possible?'

I was taken aback by the old-fashioned trial and verdict that transcended common sense.

Hwang Hae-soo's subordinate A tried to kill Kang Moon-soo.

Hwang Hae-soo's subordinate B tried to kill Kang Moon-soo.

Hwang Hae-soo's subordinate C tried to kill Kang Moon-soo.

Hwang Hae-soo's...

Anyone could see that there must have been instructions from 'Hwang Hae-soo.' However, the trial ended inconclusively as the subordinates confessed to the crime independently.

The real culprit was released with a fine and probation, practically acquitted.

"I'm very sorry for putting you through such a difficult time, Kang Moon-soo."

Nam Hae-soo, disguised as another human, apologized to me with a tone that showed no remorse at all.

"You have good subordinates."

"They are incompetent subordinates who can't even carry out the tasks I ordered properly."

"But their loyalty was amazing, right?"

They went to prison on his behalf when life imprisonment was certain.

"It's a company that takes full responsibility for their retirement."

"What a great company."

"Thank you."

Nam Hae-soo kept glancing at Park Han-hee, who was right beside me.

Is it bothering him?

If so, I should make it even more bothersome.

"Do you think of Nam Su-hee?"


Nam Hae-soo, who couldn't hide his agitation upon hearing the name of his daughter, who resembled a young Park Han-hee.

"Or not."

"Who are you...?!"


Nam Hae-soo, who grabbed my shoulder with both hands, shouted with high pressure.

"Mr. Hwang Hae-soo."

"Step back."

The security guards, who judged that I was in danger, approached.

"How do you know Su-hee?!"

However, he had already lost his composure and didn't back down.

"One question at a time-"

"Who are you...!"

"I'm Kang Moon-soo. A shaman."

It's a little disappointing that I couldn't experience the old-fashioned Olympics...

I decided to end this uninteresting story here.

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