Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 506 Unbound 2

A 4K chapter.

Also, big flipping thanks for this surprising wave of Patrons:-


@Qianu Sihasale

@Orhan Yaşar Yıldırım

@Александр Косарев


@Laurin Welz


I’m just so happy seeing this many new patrons. I just love you people.


One Man, one Dragon, and the World on Fire.

An image drawn by Flames and Darkness as the smoke rose blocking the light of the sun for the only way to see is the inferno spewed by the monster.

It was a day of screams and wails as destruction descended on Helgen claiming it and the lives of its people but that would be the story if not for the counterplan. Yes, Jon came ready not just to save himself but to save the whole Helgen.

Half a year ago, Jullanar received a message from Jon to hire workers from the south and buy rent small pieces of land in Helgen. She was then told to order the construction of underground chambers that were officially legalized as Wine-Cellars to keep the imported and exported wine that the Dare Dragon Company trades in with the Empire. Jullanar was told that instead of Wine, these cellars were to be packed with food and medicinal supplies and to be extremely secured. A few days prior to Alduin’s attack; Isha, Mirren, Miranda, Beth and Nefertiti were preparing a cellar each. Once the time is right, they were to save the people.

Jon looked up the sky witnessing the terror Alduin was

"Al, Du ahrk Ag pah hi laan, Zeymah. Waan hi laan wah piraan ful pogaas sil, nii fen kos zeim daar haal." (Destroy, Devour and Burn all you want, Brother. If you want to claim so much a soul, it will be through these hands)

[A/n: Jon used a Dovahzul Pun by saying Destroy "Al" and Devour "Du" at the beginning of his sentence which are the first two words of the name Al-du-in (Destroyer-Devourer-Master).]

Jon’s words were filled with anger towards the black dragon that stormed Helgen. Alduin was in the air appearing from one place, appearing from another, breathing flame there, killing and burning like crazy. Jon witnessed a crushing difference between his power and that of the World Eater.

"Hey, kinsman. Get up! Come on, the gods won’t give us another chance!" Ralof came from behind Jon and tugged him by the shoulder.

Jon was finally awakened from his state of brooding and started to move. There was nothing he could do but to trust the companions he assigned around the town and pray for their safety. He followed Ralof to the nearby tower and helped him seal the door. Ralof headed in falling on his arse.

"Ralof, you’re alive. Thank Talos!" A deep voice spoke.

Jon turned around and walked in the tower to see a bunch of Stormcloaks lying around in flesh and burn wounds. Among them was the one who spoke, Jarl Ulfric.

"Jarl Ulfric! What is that thing? Could the legends be true?" Ralof stood up and spoke.

"Legends don’t burn down villages. Who’s this?" Ulfric replied at Ralof then turned to Jon.

"One of the other prisoners. The Imperials thought he was with us." Ralof replied for Jon.

Jon and Ulfric met eye to eye and seized up one another. Neither men could simply see through the other but thankfully, Ulfric didn’t recognize Jon with the Metamorphosis of [Lust] that made his height ordinary, his hair and beard much longer and his facial features less unremarkable. After all, this wasn’t the first time the Jarl of Windhelm meets the Thane of Winterhold.

Jon thought if he killed Ulfric right now, the war would be over but... Fate is one mean son of a bitch that will retaliate at him if he tried acting out of order. Also, Jon still hasn’t made up his mind regarding Ulfric and the War.

On the other hand, Ulfric felt that Jon is a strong individual but this was not the time nor the place to scout for talents yet he offered a handshake.

"Well, friend. I would ask you to join the rebellion but I’m sure we’re all a bit busy staying alive." Ulfric said.

Jon looked at Ulfric’s hand and agreed to handshake him but his hand was still shackled. Jon exerted his raw brute power and broke the binds that were made to suppress mages and warriors alike. He shook Ulfric’s hand and turned away.

Not caring about reactions, Jon turned to see Lokir of Rorikstead sitting and shivering among the Stormcloak soldiers.

"You lived, huh? Told you not to run, see how right I am?" Jon turned on his smug mood on the shivering Lokir.

"Fucking right you are! A War! An execution! And now dragons?! Why in the world can’t I leave this shit hole?!" Lokir started shouting as if he was losing his mind.

Jon shook his head and waited as the others with him started to move. There was no way out of the tower except going up right now, it may serve as a good chance to scout where the Dragon is or jump on a nearby rooftop.

"We need to move. Now!" Ulfric called for his protection as he organized them to start climbing the tower, Jon and Ralof were at the forefront.

"Up through the tower, let’s go!" Ralof said and Jon followed.

Up there, the stairway was blocked by falling stones. There, a Stormcloak soldier was trying to open up the path for the others.

"We just need to move some of these rocks to clear the wa..." Before the man could speak and all of a dreadful sudden, the wall of the tower behind him exploded.

The Dragon! It bashed with its head through the wall!


With a single fire breath, Alduin turned the soldier clearing the way into a crisp.

"No!" Jon was standing right to the crumbling wall as he seemed to have been trying to drag the man away but he couldn’t cast [Telekinesis] fast enough.

Alduin’s fire settled down and the Wyrm flew away to spew destruction elsewhere. Meanwhile, Jon was infuriated looking at Alduin with absolute rage.

"Gods! Gods! The Gods have abandoned us!"

Some Stormcloaks in Ulfric’s formation fell in their knees and lost their willpower. It was normal for ordinary people to lose their minds in front of the absolute and the unbelievable. Jon has seen that before, felt that before, and caused that before.

"What now?" Jon asked Ralof who was still in his mind somehow.

"I... I don’t... Jarl Ulfric, we can jump through here." Ralof called.

"I can’t leave my men like that Ralof." Ulfric refused to leave behind the injured and the broken.

Jon witnessed another deviation from the game’s fixed lines. It explains at least why would he alone proceed without the others following as he had no obligation unlike them.

"Fine, kinsman. See the inn on the other side? Jump through the roof and keep going! Go! We’ll follow when we can!" Ralof spoke to Jon and pointed through the hole in the wall made by Alduin.

"Fine, stay safe." Jon didn’t want to associate himself with the Stormcloaks further than that. He jumped nimbly and landed inside the inn through the broken burning roof. Once he landed, he looked at his shadow.

"Nefertiti, how are the rescue efforts?"

"Hooman! Hooman! That’s a Dragon!" Nefertiti’s voice came through his shadow.

"... I remember telling you about that."

"You said so but... that’s too scary, Hooman."

"Yeah... I’m scared too. The mission dammit!"

"I helped many people. Beth’s scared so she stayed in the vault."

"The others?"

"Isha is helping the soldiers, Mirren is having a full vault, Miranda is around you."

"Good... and tell Isha to prioritize the townsfolk, not the soldiers." Jon said as he started running through the burning inn and jumped off the other side.

There, another game scene was waiting for him.

"Haming, you need to get over here." Hadvar, the Nord Legion Soldier, shouted.

On the other side of the inn, there was a burnt house and behind it, Hadvar and Gunnar the Blacksmith were shouting for the young boy Haming who was trying to drag his wounded father.

Jon’s sudden appearance spooked Hadvar and Gunnar but seeing him unarmed and not hostile made them focus on the young boy.

"Father! *sob* No!" The boy was shouting for his father as the Shadow of the World Eater was cast upon them as the Wyrm began landing. Haming was scared as he saw the dragon coming for him and his instincts were more honest than the soldiers that broke down. The boy horridly ran towards Hadvar.

"Atta boy, you’re doing good." Hadvar received the boy and ran into cover with him but he froze when Jon stepped forward.

"Not another soul, World Eater!" Jon said as his hands lit with Magical Runes and he cast the Alteration spell [Reshape] on the ground between Alduin and the boy’s father.


Alduin let out a fire breath trying to consume the wounded man but Jon hurriedly created a dirt wall that managed to hold the fire breath for a couple of seconds. Jon’s Magicka ran out like mad once it came into contact with Alduin’s flames but Jon didn’t give up and teleported the wounded man Torolf near him.

The fire breath settled down as it consumed Jon’s dirt wall and burned the spot where Torolf was. Alduin didn’t even bother to check for its victim and flew away looking for another.

"Father!" Haming shouted as he saw his father appear in front of him.

"God’s! You saved him!" Hadvar looked at Jon with wonder.

At that time, a figure appeared fast behind Jon.

"Move aside, I’m a healer."

It was a woman hidden in a mage robe so none really doubted her as soon as she cast magic at Torolf. That was Miranda without even looking.

’Take care of him!’ Jon whispered.

Jon went out of his way to save Torolf for a very important reason. Torolf is just a simple Hunter but his father is one of Jon’s dearest friends, his old teacher Froki. Jon especially wanted to save Torolf for this reason.

"Take care of them, healer. Prisoner, follow me. We need to find General Tullius and join their defense." Hadvar spoke.

"Alright, lead the way."

Jon and Hadvar teamed up from this point on and the following events happened exactly as Jon remembered. Hadvar and Jon snuck in the shade of a wall as Alduin descended on it and killed a soldier. Jon failed to save the soldier but he made sure to protect others from the claws of the dragon. He and Hadvar arrived at Battlemages formation where General Tullius was commanding his troops to fire at the dragon. It was useless as of all Dragons, there was no means to so much put a scratch on Alduin.

After that, Jon and Hadvar ran into the fort to escape the wrath of the dragon but also ran into the Stormcloaks led by Ralof. Between Hadvar and Ralof, Jon chose to stick with Hadvar. If his identity was revealed after this day, it shouldn’t be associated with the Stormcloaks plainly. After all, this would contradict his Grand Plan that he kept thinking about for years.

Into the fort, Jon simply followed the event of the game, he walked in and picked a sword without wearing the Imperial Armor. Once he met the Stormcloaks alongside Hadvar whole escaping through the underground cave system, Jon chose to knock down the Stormcloaks with his fists rather than killing them.

Every Nord dying in battle from this day onward is a tragic loss and something that can’t be afforded.


Jon wasn’t a fool, he was knowledgeable and well-informed. He understood everything from why he should prevent deaths at all costs to the reason behind attacking Helgen.

The answers were all clear.

First, why prevent killing?

There are two Afterlives in this World. Oblivion and Aetherius which are equivalent to Hell and Heaven. The Souls of the Dead Nords who get killed in Battle travel to Sovngarde... currently, Sovngarde is besieged by Alduin who feeds on the Souls of those Dead who haven’t entered the Halls of Shor.

How does Alduin do that? The answer is quite familiar to Jon, it is the Soul Snare spell. The very same Soul Snare spell that was used in Hammerfell a year ago by Mannimarco and the Worm Cult. This spell produces the Soul Snare mist that is currently covering Sovngarde but the difference is that the one in Hegathe was made in a Spell Formation while the one in Sovngarde is a Dragon Shout.

And here is where the second and most important question comes.

Why did Alduin attack Helgen? Everyone will think of something but Jon was sure of it today.

The answer is Ulfric Stormcloak.

Shocking? No.

The time where Alduin appeared was just before Ulfric’s execution. Some may argue but what ends any argument is the following. Alduin needs Ulfric alive so the Civil War goes on. The Civil War goes on, then Alduin’s supply of Souls is unending. Alduin was there in Sovngarde for some time now, the proof is that High King Torygg should be still trapped in the Soul Snare Mist till now even though he died earlier this year.

The World-Eater, Alduin has been lurking there for a while and waiting. Now that he gathered enough power to be invincible, he is going out and bringing back his Dragon Horde to stir the situation in Skyrim.

That’s the Dragon’s Plan. That’s why Alduin is attacking Helgen and why Jon must prevent the bloodshed.

By the time the noise in his mind was over, he was done going through the cave system and exiting it north to the now ruined Helgen, it took a while but it seemed that Jarl Ulfric and General Tullius have both escaped Helgen with their men.

Jon and Hadvar hid behind a rock at the exit of the cave as they watched the Black Dreadful Dragon spread his massive black wings and fly through the sky with a mighty roar that sent cold shivers even into Jon’s spine.

"Looks like he’s gone for good this time. But I don’t think we should stick around to see if he comes back." Hadvar said as he went out of hiding.

"It took North, that’s not good." Jon replied.

"Indeed, the north is Whiterun hold. If the Dragon’s gone there... by the Eight! Listen, one of us needs to get to Whiterun and warn the Jarl as quickly as possible. Warn the folks or Riverwood as well."

"Whiterun is my destination but I need to return back and grab the things I dropped when you Legionaries got me."

Hadvar felt ashamed of what happened.

"I’m sorry, truthfully, the Legion shouldn’t have fallen on the wrong foot with a skilled mage such as yourself. I hereby extend an invitation to you to join the Legion."

"Sorry, War is one of the things I hate most." Jon refused.

"I understand. If you changed your mind, come to Solitude."

"I’ll remember that."

"And if you’re going down the road, then the closest town from here is Riverwood. My uncle’s the blacksmith there. I’m sure he’d help you out."

"Thank you."

"It’s probably best if we split up. Good luck. I wouldn’t have made it without your help today."

"Good luck and fare thee well, good man."

Hadvar walked away and Jon waved for him until he faded in the background. Jon then collapsed on the ground and took his time to relax.

From this point on, he is no longer restrained, no longer banished, no longer away.

He looked up and saw the blue sky of Skyrim, the most beloved feature to all Nords. He went down and grabbed the earth of Skyrim near to his face. He smiled and threw himself on the land as if it is the most comfortable and luxurious mattress he ever had.

He felt so homesick that his heart was broken for a long time and he just realized it.

His shadow moved and a black cat with blue eyes appeared out of it. She soon then transformed into a teenage girl with cat ears and a tail.

Seeing him on the ground like that, she smiled and joined him. He pulled her closer and patted her head.

"We are back, little one."

"Yes, Hooman. We are home."

They took a moment of peace for themselves as they have the same nostalgia and homesickness for a long time, they can’t wait to see the family they have here. Two years ago, they snuck out of Skyrim fearing to cause further trouble and disturb the peace of the realm. They traveled between Morrowind, Cyrodiil, Hammerfell, Elsweyr, Valenwood and Summerset Isles.

Still, nothing beats home.

"Hey... you there." Jon spoke.

<Welcome back!>

A cold voice replied at him making him grin widely.

"Augur of Dunlain, we speak again, my old friend." Jon said.

<Indeed. I sensed my Soul Extension inside you and importing your Data at the moment. You have two years worth of Analysis to undergo.>

"Is this your way of saying you missed me?" Jon asked.

<I am incapable of feeling such a thing.>

"This bastard... he is already working on Skynet, isn’t he?" Jon laughed as he remembered the Augur’s robotic attitude.

"Take your time analyzing my Data especially the last few minutes. I guess studying a Dragon will keep you busy." Jon said then continued, "Display my full Status Screen when you’re done."


Talking back to the Augur once again was a refreshing change of events. The Augur met Jon five years ago the same day Jon met with Nefertiti in the Maiden under the College of Winterhold. Jon and the Augur struck a deal that night that as Jon finds out a way to the salvation of the Augur’s Soul; the Augur would guide Jon’s growth through some of his special means, analyze Jon’s experiences and hide a section of Jon’s memories about his past life from the Daedra.

Jon sighed as he finally felt like holding back his old life as the Big Boss of Winterhold, his family and friends must be all waiting. He energetically stood up but as soon as he looked at the road ahead, he remembered the grim tasks and though choices he is going to make.

Stopping the War, that’s his first goal.

Killing Ulfric may be a solution but to kill Ulfric, he has to kill everyone beside Ulfric which is an army of thousands made entirely of Nords. This is no different like throwing those souls into Alduin’s unending belly.

It has to be a peaceful truce. It is possible but it will be hard. The only way to do it is through the Game’s Main Quest but as this is a real-world, Jon wasn’t optimistic about many things.

"Greed, Lust, Pride!"

Jon called for three of his Soul Artifacts. Respectively, the Dark Matter, the Moon Crystal and the Elder Staff appeared around him.

[Lust] used its Metamorphosis to return Jon’s appearance back to the normal him. His body elongated and his muscular body tore through the clothes of the smaller version of himself.

[Greed] enveloped Jon and tore away the common clothes then replaced it with a [Blue Ornate Sleeves Robe] that is quite popular among the aristocrats of Hammerfell. Jon chose this robe to make his first official appearance in Skyrim and spread the news of his arrival, it was also part of his plan.

"Nefertiti, how many people did we save?" Jon asked.

"The majority. Some were too hard to save." She said.

"I understand. It is a great loss." Jon said, "I regret it but I’ll have to use those poor people’s misery as a stepping stone in my plan. Let’s make sure it is done right then." Jon said as he held [Pride].

He aimed it ahead and cast a spell he hasn’t cast in a very long while, one of Winterhold’s signatures, the [Flame Horse Atronach].


• Name: Jon Dare (Jonhild Firemane)

• Title: The Boss, Thane of Winterhold, Krilon

• Race: Human (Nord)

• Age: 20

• Level: Early Frozen Heart Formation

(Game Level: 67)

• Class: Master Mystic Warrior

• Craft: Master Binary Enchanter

• Condition: Normal

• Bloodline: Firemane (Fireborn/Titanborn)

• Birth Sign: Serpent (Shadow)

• Blessings: All-Maker, Talos, Kyne, Totem Dragon, Sheogorath, Azura, Boethiah, Mephala, Hermaeus Mora

• Soul Bonds: Familiar (Nefertiti), Domain (Dragon Isle), Greed (Dark Matter), Wrath (Odokuro), Pride (Elder Staff), Lust (Moon Crystal)


——<Warrior Skills>——

- Blade: 90 (Master)

- Blunt: 33 (Apprentice)

- Polearm: 43 (Adept)

- Shield: 40 (Adept)

- Heavy Armor: 80 (Master)

- Martial Arts: 78 (Expert)

- Smithing: 28 (Apprentice)

——<Thief Skills>——

- Marksman: 52 (Adept)

- Unarmed: 58 (Adept)

- Acrobatics: 70 (Expert)

- Stealth: 74 (Expert)

- Light Armor: 48 (Adept)

- Speechcraft: 79 (Expert)

- Alchemy: 32 (Apprentice)

——<Mage Skills>——

- Mysticism: 91 (Master)

- Destruction: 88 (Master)

- Conjuration: 83 (Master)

- Restoration: 74 (Expert)

- Alteration: 76 (Expert)

- Illusion: 68 (Expert)

- Enchanting: 92 (Master)

——<Special Skills>——

- Battle Aura: (Basic: Mad) (Advanced: Tyrant)

- Thu’um: 65 Words of Power



- Battle Cry (Active)

- 50% Frost Resistance


- Fireborn: 50% Fire Resistance

- Titanborn: Beast Master

[Astral Access]

- Vitality and Magicka Equilibrium

[Eternal Flesh]

- Disease Immunity

[Serpent Birth Sign]

- Serpent Tyranny: Compatible with all Birth Signs

[Ahzidal’s Genius]

- Ahzidal’s Enchanting Knowledge

[Gautfang Martial Style]

- Force Channeling Martial Arts

[Enchanted Tattoos (21%)]

- Channel all energy into the tattoo to increase Efficiency and bind them from leaking out or losing control

[Chaos Infection]

- The purest form of defiance to all worldly laws. Chaos is Invincible, Indestructible, and very Unstable.


[All-Maker] - Root of Power: 2500% Magicka Regeneration (Active)


- Greater Amulet of Talos: Fortify Thu’um 50%

- Old Man’s Coin: Fortify Luck

[Kyne] - Thunder Voice: 25% Empower Thu’um

[Totem Dragon]

- Dragon Affinity: Affinity to Draconic creatures and its Variants

- Ashen Flames (Active)

[Sheogorath] - Mad Champion: 2500% Vitality Regen (Active)

[Hermaeus Mora] - Bardic Knowledge: Summon knowable Music Instruments to cause a Tonal Buff (Active)

[Azura] - Dawn’s Beauty: 50% Absorb Magic Attacks. (Active)

[Boethiah] - Berserk: Take half damage and do double damage in a Feral State of mind (Active)

[Mephala] - Golden Tongue: Persuasive to all beings (Active)

[The Shadow Stone]

- Hide in Shadows: Fortify Stealth in through the shadows

- Blur: Fortify Speed during Combat




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