Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 460 The Crazy Green Lady Bitch

Double Chapter! Daily + Monthly Extra


(Part 1)

In the night sky, Jon rose up to a certain level on the Shadow Hawk Atronach looking down on the Bosmer woman who was levitating towards him.

Levitation is a slow magic compared to the flying ability of a Hawk Atronach. It solely depended on energy and no physics so Jon had an idea to play the woman in the air until she runs out of energy then smite her down to capture her. Even if she is as strong as Nurina, it is still a matter of debate regarding how skillful and resourceful a mage can be. A mage from the students of Divayth Fyr can’t be disadvantaged in the field of skill by anyone in the general magic community after all.

But Jon overlooked one small detail. He is not the only one with an arsenal of Powers and Blessings... especially when it comes to that particular woman.

She, who was levitating in an aura of green Magicka, realized her disadvantage midair but it was only a matter of ability.

"Come to me!" The woman shouted and her voice echoed in the sky.

Jon snorted and aimed his staff at her preparing his best Lightning spell to chip off her Magicka as much as he can.

Evoke, Overcharge, and shoot.

The [Super Lightning Bolt] broke through the air between Jon and that woman aiming to devastate her Magicka but in a second, a shade moved in great speed and took the woman away from harm.


Jon tried to keep up with his eyes and used the [Night Vision] spell but whatever that is was too fast to catch. In a manner of a second, that creature turned in the air and flew towards Jon with its claws aiming at Jon’s Shadow Hawk Atronach.


Jon used every strand of his power to evade but the woman on the back of that creature used her staff to hit the Atronach and dispel it by force leaving Jon no foothold in the air.

Her speed was too hard for Jon to react to, she made a turn in the air and her creature kept hovering midair looking at the prey that was falling... or the prey that was supposed to fall.

Jon was still hovering midair too.

"So, a Griffin!" Jon identified the creature right away.

A Vulture Griffin from the regular brown-feathered species that is much larger than Alina’s Lokthur.

The Bosmer woman tried to detect what method was Jon using to keep up midair and noticed that he was just floating normally. It was his turn to use the [Levitate] spell.

"You are really skilled, criminal. Shame on you."

"You really are not willing to listen, don’t you, lady?" Jon replied with a tired face.

Jon was not falling for now but in front of that Griffin, he is lacking in all aspects of flight. Maintaining a spell with a hand and fighting with another is really inconvenient and armor was still that of a Dominion Officer so he had to revert to his own gear.


[Greed] jumped off the Cube and inside it was all of Jon’s stuff. It enveloped Jon in one go and took his shape. From the outside, the scene looked grotesque and the woman decided to be careful but later, the Dominion Armor on Jon was spat out through [Greed] and the Shadow Aether took the shape of a cloak who was now geared up in full Ebony.

The woman felt restless and regretted letting Jon going in his armor but still had the upper advantage. The man in Ebony is still levitating and she had the Griffin.

"Phoebe, Go!"

She rallied her Griffin and it rushed towards Jon with its four limbs to shred him apart. Its claws were reinforced with Elven metal and seemed vicious and threatening.

Still, Jon took a step to the side... midair.

The woman adjusted her Griffin and focused on Jon once again studying his unnatural movement. It truth, [Ahzidal’s Boots of the Apostle] were at play here. Jon kept the smug face as he saw the woman trying to see through his secrets.


The woman didn’t give up and went after Jon once again with the Griffin, Jon took a few steps away again but the woman was after him with her staff shooting close-ranged Flame Magic blasts.

Jon covered himself with a [Quadrant Ward] and completely negated her attacks. He then started to shoot some of his own back but the Griffin was simply way too fast.

"Okay, I am bored."

His [Alarm] spell was advanced enough to warn him from attacks so no matter what speed he used, it was easy to evade.

Currently, the two were about 60 meters above the ground. Jon looked up then started to fly upward.

The woman was also done being careful as Jon wasn’t revealing any hidden abilities so she went forward with a slow directly assault shooting a ton of magic at him. Jon who was being attacked from behind stopped his flight and fell downward toward the Griffin.

The Griffin was viciously trying to shred Jon again but at the zero distance, Jon skilfully evaded. Still...


From the other side to the direction Jon was evading from, Nefertiti jumped out of [Greed] in a werecat form and slashed towards the woman.

*Screech* *Slash* *Growl*

It happened way too fast but when Nefertiti attacked, the Griffin noticed her and rotated to protect the woman taking the attack under its wing, Jon hurriedly reacted and attached the woman who was exposed to him but the Griffin also took the attack.

Nefertiti found her way inside Greed and the woman started to circle away from Jon to lessen the pressure on her Griffin but something she didn’t anticipate happened.

Looking back to where Jon was, he wasn’t there. She didn’t feel any teleportation but when she looked behind her, she found him extending two chains from his gauntlets attaching them to the hind legs of the Griffin and skating on the air behind her.

"This thing is really fun. Go faster!"


Despite him being weaker than her, he was annoying and seemed as if he had a spell for every situation. But soon, the man actives his Aura which was blood red to the max. The woman had a bad feeling especially when Jon changed his position.


Jon excepted every bit of his power in [Ahzidal’s Boots of the Apostle] and [Ahzidal’s Evil Fists]. The Griffin started to slow down significantly.


Knowing that her partner Griffin is in danger, the woman turned around and shot a barrage of magic towards Jon but he was ready for that. He only needed her not to be looking ahead.


Out of nowhere, a staff was floating not too far away from the Griffin, it shot an overcharged [Chain Lighting] that lit up the sky. It was too late to react as the spell had already landed.



Despite being hit by the chain together, the woman could ignore the damage but the Griffin wasn’t that strong. Its power fell drastically and started losing attitude.

"Curse you!" The woman was full of hate as she cursed at Jon.

She had to focus on protecting herself and help the Griffin at the same time.

Jon’s dirty plan was to target the Griffin from the beginning and make the woman distracted between defending herself and her Griffin and attacking back.

But she had another thing in mind.

She put both hands on the Griffin and poured an unimaginable amount of energy. Jon didn’t know the magic she is using but he could only think of one use to that crazy amount of energy.

She was over-energizing her Griffin.

"You Crazy Psycho!"

He sent one of the chains to pick [Pride] that was blending in the dark sky to ambush the Griffin and caught it but before he could do anything, the Griffin was already on steroids.



It flapped its wings as strong as it could and unleashed itself at a frightening speed.

"Yo..u moth..er..fuc..ker!"

Jon was like a hanging banner behind an airplane that spews curses whenever it went.


"Hel... meh!"

{We’re coming to you!}

Miranda reached to him by Telepathy but the Bosmer woman decided to land down towards the forest nearby and kept bumping Jon in everything in front of her. The Dragonborn-to-be was in a totally disgraceful state when the woman decided to land down a few miles away to the west of Vinedusk village beat some city.

She had a violent landing as the Griffin too was at his limits.

Jon crashed on his face with no willpower to even stand up, his busy was all beaten up despite having a body that stands on the peak of the human level.

He was now just an armored guy lying down on his face in a puddle of mud.

As his chain extended, there was a Griffin lying on its side with a woman checking on it in a hurry.

"Phoebe! I’m sorry... I’m so sorry... this human! Ugh! Wait here."

The woman turned to Jon walking to him fuming with rage. She aimed her staff and towards him and kept a spell on charge to fire when he moves.

"You insolent criminal! You almost killed my husband and injured my friend. Don’t think of dying easily." The woman said as she held Jon from the back of his armor and raised him up with his skinny arm.

She tried to remove the mask [Krilon] from his face but once she touched it, the mask shot a small spark of lightning at her hand.

"Dammit!" She retreated her hand with anger.

Jon always keeps a rune on the mask to prevent anyone from touching it.

"So... sorry... for... that." Jon spoke with a dizzy voice as he raised his finger to speak, he even politely removed his mask.

The woman looked at him with a disturbed face but once she saw the face behind the mask, she made an even more disturbed expression.

Jon’s face kept changing between the forms he is used to as he was not fully getting a grasp of [Lust] in his situation. The woman felt the urge to back off but something kept her.

"You freak, what are you?"

"F... F..." Jon tried to say something but he was so dizzy after all the trashing.


"F... Fu..."

"I don’t hear you." The woman got her ear closer to hear him.


A sudden blast hurled with his voice to the eardrums of the woman. Her head was twisted in a very wrong direction and she flew like a ragdoll with her arms and legs spread everywhere.

Jon fell with his face to the mud again and she fell in the woodland nearby.

Jon managed to attain his dignity back in this situation by raising the middle finger and cursing her.

"Bitch!" *voice muffled in the mud*


(Part 2)

A small girl emerged from Jon’s shadow. She looked around and found [Pride] floating on its own nearby.

She held it and returned to Jon then poked him with the staff a few times.

"Hooman, I’m hungry!"

"Let me rest." He waved his hand at the staff.

"Meanie! Not helping you anymore." She said and entered the Cube leaving [Pride] to freefall on Jon’s head.

"... You little!" Jon mustered his power to push his aching body up and sat back with his ass in the mud.

"This Bosmer bitch really got me." Jon complained as he assessed that damage.



• Name: Jon Dare

• Race: Human (Nord)

• Age: 19

• Level: Early Flame Dragon Heart

• HP: 2218 / 4235

• MP: 3086 / 4429

• Condition: Bruised, Bone Fractures


"Seriously, man!"

Jon started healing himself and made removed the mud in him by a whim of his Aura. He then staggered up and looked around.

"Well, she should be dead or dying. Serves her right."

He turned around and walked in the other direction while putting his mask on his face once again.

{Jon, you hear me?}

Jon heard Mirren’s voice in his head.

"Yes, I do. What’s up?"

{Are you alright?}

"Yeah, thanks."

{What about the woman with you?}

"That skinny ass flat bitch? I fus-ro-dahed her shitty face across Tamriel."

{You did what?}

"What you heard."


"Wh... why? What’s going on?"

{Listen, Jon. We are coming your way. We met someone and he told us the true identity of the woman. It is now clear why she affected Ilverios once he got close.}

"Cut the crap! Who is that psycho?"

{It is the Green Lady.}




{Jon! What happened to the Green Lady, Jon?}

Jon froze in his place not knowing what to do.

"I... may have... messed up! Just a little bit, okay? Let’s just run away."

{What are you saying, Jon? We are accompanying someone important to where you are. Whatever it is, he will explain it.}

"Hey! Hehehe! Easy for you to say."

{One more thing. This person says you shouldn’t fight with the Green Lady near the woodland around the city of Silvenar. It is said that this land is some sort of Domain to that Lady.}

"I’ll keep that in mind."

Mirren hung up and decided to walk out of here as soon as possible. But once he took one step forward he couldn’t pull the other leg.

Looking at it, there was a roof firmly rounded around his leg.

"Come on!"

The root tensed up all of a sudden and pulled towards the woodland behind Jon with frightening power. Jon splashed into the mud and got dragged all the way to the woods.

"That’s official! I hate Valenwood."

His body was still hurt when he got dragged into the woodland. At a certain clearing, a lot of roots and vines sprung up and held him tight bound for display.

In front of him, he could see himself near a small river with the griffin Phoebe lying down and the woman who turned out to be the Green Lady was tending to it.

Jon followed the river by his sight to see some lights coming from afar.

"So that’s the city of Silvenar." Jon cursed his bad luck.

He then turned to the woman and spoke.

"Psst! Psst! Green Lady, can we talk things out now, please?" Jon asked quietly.

The woman didn’t turn to him and left him ignored. Looking closely, her ear seemed to have bled.

"Oh! Did you become deaf? 1, 2, 3... 1, 2, 3! Testing, testing! Oh, God! Is it my fault..."

"Shut up!" The woman shouted at Jon not wanting to hear his annoying voice anymore.


Jon kept quiet and looked around. Last time he was bound by a plant, he suffered enough for a lifetime but he can be considered a pro in the field by now.

The problem is, the one in front of him is the Green Lady and he is in her Domain.

The Green Lady is the title given by Y’ffre (the most important Bosmeri spirit) to the female Bosmer that represents the immortal aspect of Bosmer Strength. They are also widely known as the counterpart to The Silvenar (the representative of the immortal aspect of the Bosmeri Spirit). It is believed that their lives are entwined together and one cannot live without the other.

This Green Lady has mentioned a while ago that her husband has almost got killed or something along the lines. This can explain her wild behavior but she was a bit of an ass in Jon’s book.

Anyway, once she finished applying medicine on the griffin and covered it with some big leaves, she turned around to Jon.

In this place, she can just absorb any amount of Magicka she needs, in other words, she is stronger than before.

"Criminal, you have nowhere to run to now." She said.

"Yep." Jon gave a short reply.

"Humph, still acting tough? I’ll make you pay and torture you until you tell me where is that man who injured my husband." She said with a lot of contempt.

"Lady, I have no idea what happened. I am also on a manhunt for this guy. My investigation led me to your place. That’s all." Jon said.

"You expect me to believe that?"

"Believe what you want, my friends are on their way and they will sort things out so." He said without indifference.

"Fool!" The woman was enraged by his tone and raised her hand commanding some vines to strike Jon like whips.

Jon’s face changed from indifference to annoyance.

"Quit being a bitch already."

Without caring about a Green Lady or whatnot anymore, Jon activated the enchantment of the Ebony Mail, the Poison Cloak.

Plants and all kinds of living tend to avoid this enchantment in particular for its corrosive effect. The vines are root tying Jon up were either dead or retreated.


"Me what?"

The Green Lady didn’t care anymore about taking a hostage and attacked Jon upfront with Magic. Jon stopped her magic with [Pride] and returned the attack in a flash.

The Magicka around the grove moved towards the woman as she was back in combat form once again. Jon didn’t take any chances either.


He called the Blessing of Sheogorath, the Mad Champion, to activate. Once it did, Jon’s vitality started to regenerate at a crazy speed.


[Blessing of Sheogorath]

- Mad Champion: 2500% Vitality Regen


"Get him!" The woman called and the wild answered.

The racial ability of the Bosmer [Command Animals] was used by the Green Lady and a horde of tigers, bears, snakes and birds of prey started gathering from everywhere.

Jon looked around him and smirked.

"So that’s it? This is your army?"

"Humph! You are dead." She said.

Jon didn’t even bother with some animals, he was someone on good terms with nature. He retrieved the [Greater Token of Kyne] from the Cube then spoke.

"KAAN!" (Kyne)


[Greater Token of Kyne] <Nordic Amulet>

- Fortify Vitality

- Sooth the Elements

- Protection from Beasts


Just like that, all the beasts the Green Lady gathered dispersed away. She looked around then glared at Jon.

"Nordic Shouting?"

"I don’t want to fight you."

"Too late."

The pig-headed woman insisted on breaking Jon for some reason and he was fed up with her shit. She used the Magicka supplied by the grove she is in and evoked a powerful Lightning spell at Jon. Jon replied with a [Lightning Strike].

She was a crafty one and sent vines to attack Jon from behind, Jon felt the threat and decided to push forward his game.

"All-Maker! Azura!"

He simultaneously activated the blessings of both the All-Maker and Azura, the [Root of Power] and [Dawn’s Beauty].


[Blessing of the All-Maker]

- Root of Power: 2500% Magicka Regeneration


[Blessing of Azura]

- Dawn’s Beauty: 50% Absorb Magic Attacks


Blue light came from his eyes as the Magicka was running wildly in his body. The Green Lady felt the threat he paused but what was even more confusing was the powers her used. One of them resembled [Highborn] of the Altmer and the other was [Dragonskin] of the Bretons.

Is he an Imperial, a Nord, an Altmer or a Breton?

She manipulated the vines around her then shot them from all directions.


Jon cast [Scatter Bolts] and shot a barrage of lightning at every moving thing. This time, Jon saw an opportunity and attacked her by a well-concealed spell.

The spell took a nice ark and hit the woman but her body disappeared in a puff. Jon paused trying to understand what happened but things were weird, no sign was seen for the woman.

But it wasn’t long till someone appeared. A mirror image of Jon with his exact same artifacts standing up for him... then another, then another... the number reached ten to twenty.

"And that is?" Jon asked.

"You are troublesome, criminal. It is time to make you taste of my own poison." The woman spoke but Jon couldn’t see her.

"... I think I get it now, you are an Illusionist in terms of study despite being this good at the Green Magic."

"You talk too much."

"If that’s right then that explains your poor confrontation skills. You refused to believe that you can squish a mere human with brute Magicka but you finally came to play with your personal deck of cards. What a Green Lady you are!"


The Green Lady wasn’t happy to be talked to that way so she attacked first.

Jon didn’t do much except waving [Greed] like a whip at the clones she created. They were weak as that spell can’t copy the effect of Jon’s special Artifacts, Spells and Powers.

But the clones kept coming more and more then the Green Lady changed the strategy to launch weird attacks. Swords, arrows, animals all made of illusion came around to attack Jon.

"You really are getting on my nerves."

Jon waved a big Aura attack by the Ebony Blade, created an opening to retreat then decided to blast the remaining illusions by Magic.

But while he was casting a simple spell, the spell broke on its own and blasted on his hand holding the staff.

Jon could swear he cast a spell right and he would never do such a novice mistake but... he realized it was also an illusion. The Green Lady disturbed his senses and interrupted the spell to stop him.

He didn’t like Illusion this much but he recognized the spell, the spell that the woman disappeared with was either [Invisibility] or [Ghostwalk], the spell she used to herself him was [Decoy], the spell that she used to clone him was [Evil Twin], the attacks she is shooting is a [Phantom Pain] spell and the one she used to interrupt him was [Backlash].

This Green Lady knew her Illusion but she didn’t stop with just that. She used baits by the Green Magic and displayed more spells in Illusion.

Jon kept looking for her until he realized another spell was at play. She avoided his sight by seeing through his sight. A [Mind Vision] spell. He became sure of that after scanning himself.

"Oh! I see, you are a genius bastard of a Green Lady." Jon said and cast a vision spell called [Heat Vision].

The way he saw things changed, the world turned blue in the cold spots but started to show many dots and shapes of green, yellow, orange and red. Jon took a fast look around until he found a silhouette of a person.


Several spells moved in strange arches from either the Green Lady or Jon. She, who hack Jon’s vision, could see the method Jon found her with. She wasn’t sure that she hid her life signal and all movements but that was something new.

The Green Lady decided to go with one last maneuver. She distracted Jon from the front and then launched a sneak attack from the back. She used the Green Magic because she wanted Jon to notice.

Jon indeed reacted to the Green Magic attack with his sword which decreased his magic casting rate by a tiny bit but that was all what she needed.

She made Jon’s situation jump from Hardcore Mode to Hell Mode by a [Blinding] spell.


Jon felt that his situation worsened with this last attack. He couldn’t see, some illusions attacked him and other roots bound his legs.

He knew his lack of studying illusions got him here but he was also facing the Green Lady who is an Arch Wizard Illusionist.

From the outside, he was standing while being entangled by the trees. He was pierced with a number of arrows made of the illusion spell [Phantom Pain] which felt as if the attack is real.

"Human, you were really some annoying pest." The Green Lady walked out with a dagger in hand.

Jon heard her voice coming from everywhere as well as her presence which made it hard to tell which is true and which is fake.

He started working on a countermeasure to dispel her illusions but they were too complicated.

She walked closer to him claiming her hard-earned victory.

"Human, you will answer for all the crimes you have committed. You have hurt me, my friend, my husband and killed several other Bosmer and Dominion Agents. You will be interrogated into a boiling chamber and will see how fast you give up this troll skull masked friend of yours." She said.

"You crazy psycho bitch!" Jon cursed.

"Insolent fool! In your situation and you dare to insul..."


The Green Lady who was standing in front of Jon was nowhere to be seen after Jon’s unintentional reaction. His fist was aiming forward and fuming after a very strong clash that just happened.

In a slow motion, Jon heard the D word, his body shivered with power, he used a [Thunder Cookie] to break his left hand free and that very left hand crashed into the face of the Green Lady from the right side making a sort of a ripple effect on her check while her mouth bleed out and her eyes were almost gouged out.

Ending the slow motion, the woman flew in a beeline towards God knows where and Jon managed to stop the illusions by figuring out how to use [Lust] to make the Truth Inducement effect work on him.

In a few seconds, he was out of his binds.

"Man! This bitch is crazy."

He looked around and started walking away. Green Lady or not, she can go fuck herself for all that he cares about. After all, today was a big day. He defeated the first Arch Wizard all by himself without relying on any outer method.

"Stop right there!"

But life wasn’t willing to go easy on him today. Jon turned around to see who was calling him.

It was a tall old woman, high elf, paler than usual, she was in a traveling armor and carried a great elven sword. She was also supporting the half-conscious Green Lady up.

"You did this to her?" She asked.

Jon looked at the two women then looked around himself to see the place in a mess.

"That’s a good question." He said.

"Is it?" The High Elf woman raised her brows amused by what she heard.

"The idea of me doing this to her or not is a fundamentally theoretical question. Her actions and reaction define what others act and react to her, in zamakhsharology we call what I said bullshit so that I can buy time to teleport away." Jon said with his hand behind his back casting magic.

"Oh, I see." The old High Elf woman smiled lightly as if she understood him.


And Jon disappointed in a second.

The old woman shook her head wryly and looked at the Green Lady she was supporting. She then put her down near a tree to recover in her Domain.

"Norril, you should really start hearing people out first before throwing your spells around." She said and walked to where Jon stood a while ago.

The Green Lady, Norril, recover her hazy consciousness and looked at the high elf woman.

"G- Great Ancestor!" She called.

The High Elf Ancestor looked back and saw Norril looking at her meaningfully.

"I knew what happened to Thoron but we have talked about this before. Even if you are the Green Lady, you mustn’t lose your emotions like that. You clearly got the wrong person."

"You... you were watching?"

"I was. Don’t put a shameful display like that again." The High Elf Ancestor said then started to scan the place in which Jon teleported.

"Great Ancestor, what are you doing?"

"I have a few questions for the boy, he reminds me of someone unpleasant so I must make sure history doesn’t repeat itself."

She picked a trail on Jon and teleported after him.


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