Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 257 257:- Aether Dragons [II]; Autumnming Islands

Dragons are superior to every other race in this world. Dragons stand at the very top of the food chain. Every Dragon is a powerhouse. Every Dragon in this world is ridiculously strong. Every Dragon is born with immense pride and arrogance. Dragons would rather die than lower their heads and become a slave.

As a Dragon Monarch, Aditya's pride had no bounds. Aditya would never lower his head to any being. Even though he was a prideful creature, he didn't let his pride blind his eyes. He never let his pride affect his judgment and his actions. But this was not true for every Dragon out there.

The Aether Dragons were blinded by their pride. Despite being children of their leader, Leo, and his sister neither of them was able to inherit their Aether Dragon Bloodline. To the rest of the Aether dragons, this was their biggest source of shame.

The fact that their own leader protected his children who couldn't even inherit the Aether Dragon bloodline added more fuel to the fire. Adding the fact that it was because of their leader that they had to open the Autumnming islands to the outside world which most of the Aether dragons did not like, some Aether Dragons first killed their own leader and his wife before they went to kill their clan's biggest failures.

Hearing Leo's words, Aditya remained silent. His words had remained him of some past memories that he wished to forget. Aditya also suffered like Leo, although no one physically abused him, he still had to suffer bullying. Being the son of the Dragon Emperor who ruled the biggest and the strongest dragon Empire in the history of this world, the people had a lot of expectations of Aditya. When he failed to meet the expectations of the people and failed to awaken his dragon bloodline, he was called trash.

Aditya clearly remembers the day when he was called in front of thousands of people by his own father. He clearly remembers the despair he felt when he was told that he would be banished from the Main continent forever.

[I don't need an incompetent son like you. You're worthless. You're a shame to this great Empire and to its great legacy. From this moment, you will be no longer a part of this Empire. Your title as the Crown Prince has been revoked. We and this Empire no longer need you.] Just as those words were said, two guards grabbed Aditya's shoulders. The guards took away everything that Aditya owned. Even the pendant that his mother gave him was taken away. Later under the Emperor's orders, he was randomly thrown to the Eastern region of the Dying Isle continent.

'Everything happened for a reason. I don't care about my past anymore. I don't need to prove anything to anyone. I have no ties with them. In fact, it's the opposite. The path on which I walk will lead me to become their enemy.' If at that time Aditya had awakened his bloodline, then the current Aditya wouldn't have existed. Today whatever he has achieved was done through his own hard work. And Aditya was very proud of it. Even if he didn't have the system, Aditya still would have succeeded.

Currently, his father had no competition. His father, who was the Dragon Emperor ruled the lives of more than a hundred million people. No one was able to challenge his rule.

'Leo's situation is the same as mine. He is also somehow who has been outcasted by his own people.' Aditya was determined to help Leo even more after learning his story.

"Your Majesty, soon the ship will reach the Autumnming islands." If one wanted to come to the Autumnming islands, that person would have to use a ship or boat to come here. But to exit the Autumnming islands, one can use the teleportation array.

'I still don't understand why they allow people to leave the island through the teleportation array but do not allow anyone to come using the teleportation array.' If they were allowed to use the teleportation array, they wouldn't need to waste an entire day to reach the Autumnming islands.

"Ahmed, right now we're in disguise. My name is Khalid. And Leo's name is Isaac." Watson nodded his head in agreement. Right now, they were dressed as arab merchants who were coming from the Dry Savanna continent.

"Isaac, can you tell us more about the Autumnming islands? And maybe also tell us a little bit about the Aether Dragons who live there."

"My father told me that the Aether Dragon come to this island to escape from the Dragon slayers who were trying to exterminate the entire Aether Dragon race. This happened somewhere between 1,500 to 2,000 years ago. At that time, the size of the Aether Dragon race was only 19. Now the Aether Dragon race has over 3,000 dragons." If Aether Dragons didn't have a low-birth rate, the number would have been much higher.

"According to my father, at that time, the Dragon Slayers were hunting every single Dragon that they could find. One of the powerful Aether Dragons managed to kill an Emperor of a certain Empire. The Empire in retaliation gave a huge amount of money to hire the Dragon Slayer guild to exterminate every single Aether Dragon."

"Dragon Slayer guild?" Aditya looked at Watson for more information. After what the inner member of the League of Black Tomb had done to Aditya, he had grown a deep hate for the Dragon Slayers. If Aditya ever met one, he definitely would hunt the Dragon Slayers. Also as the Dragon Monarch, he hated the fact that the members of his race were being hunted.

"This guild still exists. Though compared to its glorious past, now its power has decreased a lot. Currently, their headquarters is located somewhere in Westnia."

"Our ancestors created a special type of array which creates defense illusion fog around the four islands. Anyone who enters the fog will see scary things and will lose their sense of direction. Hence will get lost. Father also told me that, in the past, before the Empress contacted them, some of the Aether dragons regularly patrolled the surroundings and made sure to kill any fishermen or merchants who tried to enter. For thousands of years, the Aether dragon has been thinking that the Dragon Slayer guild is still looking for them. Also after living in isolation for more than one thousand years, the Aether dragons didn't want any outsiders in their home."

"Interesting. Tell me more." With a little bit of research, Aditya is sure that he can also create a similar type of illusion fog array.

"More than 1,000 of Aether dragons were hunted down by the Dragon slayer guild. To this day, this fact hunts almost all the Aether Dragons. The dragon slayer is undoubtfully the Aether dragon's biggest fear. One of the reasons why my father peacefully negotiated with the Empress was because he was also afraid that the empress might send the dragon slayers to the Autumnming islands."

"But now I wouldn't even care if all the Aether Dragons were hunted down by the Dragon Slayers. In fact, I want that to happen."

"Khalid, we're approaching the coast." From the window, Aditya saw able to see the four Autumnming islands. The four islands were very big.

"Out of the four islands, the Aether Dragons only allow outsiders to step inside one of the islands. The other three islands are closed to outsiders. Only someone who is a trusted ally of the Aether Dragon clan can enter the other three islands."

"Under my father's leadership, a big city was created on Crystal Holm island. Merchants from various continents come to these islands and trade here. But The Crystal Holm is very closely guarded by powerful 4th-order Aether Dragons. Cultivators above Peak 3rd-order would need to get permission from the Aether Dragon clan before they could step on The Crystal Holm."

As the ship approached The Crystal Holm, Aditya spread his senses all over the city. He was surprised to learn that such a small city had more than 50,000 people living in it. But half of the people who lived here were merchants or criminals who ran away from the other Kingdoms and came to take shelter here.

"Here, Aether Dragons rules above all. Aether dragons are treated like Gods. The Aether Dragons can get away by doing almost anything. The law of this place prevents any Aether Dragon from being harmed or punished by anyone foreigner. Not even the Storm Isle Dynasty's soldiers or commander has the authority to punish the Aether dragons."

Looking at The Crystal Holm, Aditya couldn't help but think that he would need to have a meeting with the Empress of the Storm isle Dynasty. Aditya has taken an interested in these four islands. But the meeting would have to wait as Leo's revenge story came first."


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