Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 203

"Watson, what exactly caused this war to start?" Ever since Aditya came to this world, he had been busy developing his own Empire. He never paid any attention outside the Eastern region of this continent. The reason is that the Eastern region is separated from the other regions of the Dying Isle continent through the sea.

The southern region is very close to the Eastern region compared to other regions which are far away. Aditya knew close to nothing about the power structure or about the Empires or Kingdoms that exist in that region.

When one speaks of the southern region, the names of two big Empires are always mentioned. These two Empires dominate the entire southern region. These two empires have been rivals ever since the beginning. These two Empires alone occupied around 80% of the entire Southern region. The small kingdoms and dynasties that exist in the Southern region have to choose one side. If any Kingdom or dynasty refused to take sides, that Kingdom or dynasty would be attacked by both Empires.

These two Empires alone have 90% of the southern region's wealth. Both Empires were very strong and influential. In the last 500 years, even though many tried, no one was able to rise and become strong enough to rival these two Empires. Even when foreign empires from other regions tried to eliminate one of the two Empires, it always ended in failure.

In the last 500 years, ever since both forces became an Empire by occupying 80% of the southern region, there always has been the tension of a big fight breaking out. After five hundred and 9 years, the war finally broke out.

"Your Majesty, if I have to answer your question then I should have to tell you the history of the southern region which revolves around these two powerhouses."

"Go on. I also want to know the history of these two Empires." Right now Watson and Aditya were in the throne room. Aditya was sitting on his throne while Watson was standing beside him; showing him various ancient drawings of the southern regions and the map of the two Empires.

"Well, I am not sure if the story is 100% accurate as 500+ years have passed since the formation of these two Empires. According to some historian scholars, 500 years ago, the southern region used to be a land full of resources. The large number of resources that the southern region had attracted the attention of foreign forces. As a result, almost every part of the southern region was at war. It was said that more than 50 million people had died in that ever-going war for resources. The number could be even bigger. Some historians say that at that time, the entire population of the southern region had dropped by 59%. A large number of the population migrated to the Eastern region to escape from wars and endless fights."

"For years, strong foreign forces continued to take resources from the southern region. It was said that before the fight for resources began, the southern region had over 100+ Kingdoms and 11 powerful and influential dynasties. But when the fight ended, only 3 of the 11 dynasties managed to survive while all other Kingdoms and dynasties were under the rule of foreign Empires and kingdoms." In this world, this kind of thing was very common thing. If the Deep Sea Palace had managed to defeat the Istarin Empire, then they would have done the very same thing.

"Those three dynasties joined hands to fight against the foreign enemy. At that time, a person who was nothing but a soldier belonging to one of these dynasties suddenly started rising in power. That soldier was extremely talented. At that time only a very few people knew that soldiers had the golden dragon bloodline. The three dynasties saw that soldier's talent and decided to nurture him with their resources.

"Around two decades later, that very soldier became Peak's 5th-order cultivator. The golden dragon united the three dynasties and became the new King. Under his rule, he slowly began to drive out foreign enemies. At the same time, some of the foreign Empires lost interest in the southern region as the southern region had run out of resources and manpower."

"Soon the southern region had a very powerful Empire. It was rumored that the Emperor who was also the Hero of the Southern region had two sons. I don't if it's miracle or curse, but the Emperor's both sons' dragon bloodline mutated. One of the sons had the white dragon Bloodline and had a very high affinity with Holy magic while the other son had the Black Dragon Bloodline and had a very high affinity with Dark magic."

"It was rumored that both brothers did not like each other. As years passed both brothers grew up to hate each other in nearly everything. It was the Emperor's death that gave the final spark which ignited the flame of hatred between both brothers."

"Wait a minute. How did the Emperor who was a Peak 5th-order cultivator die?"

"Your Majesty, to this death no one knows this answer. Both brothers began to blame each other for their father's death. In reality, no one has solid proof of who was the killer of the Emperor. But some historians believe that the Emperor was killed by some foreign Empires. I also personally feel that this theory might be the truth. After all, it was the Emperor who ended the rule of the Foreign powers and drove them out of the Southern region."

"What about the Emperor's wife?"

"The Emperor's wife died while giving birth to the twins. After the wife's death, the Emperor also never remarried." Watson noticed Julia walking inside the throne hall with Amber.

"Well, giving birth to dragons is not easy. Especially for humans. Compared to other races, Humans bodies are the weakest. The difficulty only increases if the husband happens to have high tier dragon bloodline." While saying these words, Aditya and Julia both looked at each other. Aditya widened his eyes realizing that this might become a problem for them as well.

After all, Aditya's dragon bloodline was Divine tier while Julia was a human. The chances of something happening to Julia while giving birth to his child who would also have a divine Crimson Dragon bloodline is too high.

Meanwhile seeing Aditya looking at her, Julia couldn't help but blush. The Goddess of alchemy lowered her head. The thought of having Aditya's child crossed her mind. While she did feel that they were moving too fast, Julia didn't exactly dislike the thought of bearing Aditya's child.

Amber and Watson noticed the strange atmosphere. The old man can tell that Aditya was worried about his children.

'Maybe I can turn Julia into a Divine Crimson Dragon by changing her bloodline with mine.' Aditya wasn't sure if this method would be even possible. Even if this method was possible, Aditya would prefer not to do it as this might make some things complicated. For example, Julia's blood connection to her family would be changed. The process of changing her bloodline with Aditya's bloodline might be very painful for Julia.

'I can always turn her into a Dragonian.' Aditya did not like the thought of turning Julia into a dragonian. To Aditya, his dragonians were his subordinates. The Dragonians were the army of the Dragon Monarch. Becoming a dragonian would mean that Julia would become his subordinate and would be always below him, something which Aditya did not like. Aditya wanted his wife to be equal.


Watson slightly coughed to draw everyone's attention. "Continuing on with the story, after the Emperor's death, both twin brothers became mortal enemies. A massive civil war broke out. In this civil war, every noble and influential people in the Empire had to take either this side or the other. 10 years later, the civil war was finally ended by dividing the Empire equally into two parts. The southern part became the territory of the White Dragon and the southern part became the territory of the Black dragon."

"After the great division, millions of people were forced to migrate. The people who supported the white Dragon King went to the south while the people who supported the Black Dragon King went to the north." This partition reminded Aditya of the partition between India and Pakistan.

"Not even an entire year had passed since the great partition, after everyone and everything settled down, the Black dragon started conquering the neighboring kingdoms and dynasties. Seeing the white dragon also started doing the same. By the time both brothers stopped, both brother's Empires had covered more than 80% of the entire southern region's land."

"Over the years, both brothers had tried various indirect methods of bringing the other's Empire down. But nothing worked. In the last 100 years, both brothers had remained quiet. But a few days ago, the White Dragon Emperor attacked the territory of the Black Dragon Emperor which started this war which has been anticipated for 500 years now."


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