Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 183

This chapter is dedicated to the reader [Yam_Van_5538] for gifting this novel with multiple ice colas on regular basis.

Thank you very much to the reader [Yam_Van_5538]


"Sylvie and Nora, I have an offer for both of you." Aditya suddenly stopped running. His words also made others stop and look at him in confusion.

"What offer?" Sylvie looked a little interested. The Succubus also looked curious.

"What if I can give you something that will increase your powers?" Aditya then looked at Sylvie. "Sylvie, you're close to breaking through Mid-5th order. If you cultivate for another few more months, you will reach Mid 5th-order. If you accept my offer, you will instantly reach Mid-5th."

Hearing Aditya's words Noah was stunned. Sylvie and Nora were left shocked. Meanwhile, Alicia, the goddess of wealth understood what Aditya was trying to do. She was the person who had told Aditya about using his bloodline to turn humans into dragonians. 'Now that his bloodline has evolved, did he obtain the ability to turn other races into dragonians as well?'

"You're not going to offer me this power for free are you?" Hearing Sylvie's words, for some reason Aditya felt as if he was acting like those con artists.


Aditya lightly coughed and decided to explain.

"The thing is my dragon bloodline can turn humans or other races into half-dragons." After going through life and death trials with Alicia, Sylvie, Noah, and Nora, Aditya decided to trust them with his secret. The chances of any of them betraying Aditya were very slim.


"Aditya, please stop lying. This is not possible. Even the strongest dragon in history couldn't do something like this." Noah, Sylvie, and Nora refused to believe that such a thing was possible.

"I can assure you all that Aditya's words are very true. In fact, Sylvie I recommend you accept Aditya's offer. Of course, the final decision depends on you." Alicia has seen just how powerful the dragonians were. Other than Aditya, the Dragonians were the most dangerous weapon that the Istarin Empire currently had.

Noah was still having a hard time believing in his sister's words. If these words had been said by someone else other than his sister, Noah would have never believed in such ridiculous nonsense. After all, Aditya basically had the power to turn a normal human into a Dragon. This was no less than a miracle.

Sylvie decided to hear out Aditya's explanation before deciding. "As you're a dark elf, after taking my bloodline, you will become a half-dragon. You will have the power to transform into a dragon which is normally impossible for a half-dragon. Compared to normal dragons, your half-dragon bloodline will be much superior. However. since you will become a dragon from a drop of my own bloodline, you won't be able to betray me or go against me. Your loyalty will belong to me."

The only reason why Aditya was offering to give a drop of his bloodline to Sylvie and Nora is that he wanted both 5th-order cultivators in the team to become even stronger so that if in case Aditya is not there to protect Alicia and Noah, they can do his job.

"Of course, I won't treat you like my other dragonians. After we leave this Forest, you can return back to your life." Aditya did not want Sylvie or Nora to have this wrong idea that he is trying to control them by turning both of them into his dragonians. He had no interest in doing that. He never even had thought of doing something like that.

Both Nora and Sylvie shared a look and then look down. For the next 10 minutes, no one interrupted them. Aditya let them think. It was fine even if they decided to reject his offer.

After thinking for a long time, Sylvie had made up her mind. "I apologize. Aditya, if I wanted to join any faction or any Empire, I would have done that a long time ago. Yes, I am indirectly connected to the Ethereal Empire but even his Majesty does not have the authority of ordering me. I just don't like to be ordered by anyone else. I like to have my own freedom." Sylvie did not want to sell her freedom to anyone. Even if Aditya has promised her that he will never order her anything, it won't change the fact that Sylvie would lose her ability to make independent decisions if she becomes his Dragonians.

Sylvie always has been a free bird. She does not work for anyone not even for Alicia. Many might think that Sylvie takes Alicia's order. But this is far from the truth. Alicia and Sylvie are partners. Yes, Alicia does decide how they are going to make the White Lotus guild more powerful and influential, but the day-to-day activities and the management of the guild are done by Sylvie without Alicia's interference.

"Haha! I was expecting you to reject my offer." Based on the amount of time Aditya has spent with Sylvie, he had at least a basic understanding of this girl's character. Sylvie was a free spirit. This was also why Sylvie ran away from her home as she did not want to be ordered. She enjoys her freedom more than anything.

"What about you, Nora?"

"My loyalty belongs to the Ethereal Empire and to the Emperor. If his Majesty allows me to have a second master, then I am more than willing to become a dragonian."

"Alright." Aditya never forced any of his Dragonians to accept his bloodline. He always has given them choices. He respects everyone's choices.

"Alright, there is no point in wasting any time here. Let's continue moving." Aditya picked up Alicia in his arms and began running. Nora was carrying Noah like a girl making the crown prince red in embarrassment.

Aditya continued to use his senses. If he sensed any mutant fire ants in the area, the team would just change their direction and avoid any mutant fire ants. Since all the remaining 5th-order mutant fire ants already have been recalled by the queen, and with their fast speed, none of the lower-order mutants was able to sense their Aura. To them, Aditya, Nora, and Sylvie disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After traveling for 50 minutes, suddenly the group stopped. Noah and Alicia's bodies began trembling from pressure. Without even needing to say a single word, everyone understood who was pressuring them. It was the old man who almost killed Aditya.

"He is coming." Aditya put Alicia down. "This is my fight. Just retreat into a safe distance. I will take care of the rest." Aditya still had to back pay this old man for nearly ending his life.

Sylvie and Nora wanted to say something but they shut their mouths seeing how serious Aditya looked. The look on his face said that there was no room for discussion.

Storm Summon!!!!


Dark clouds containing crimson lightning began to cover the sky.

『Ding! The storm has activated the passive powers of the Host's Storm Marshall class.』

『Ding! Because of the storm, the host's mana has been increased by 50%.』

『Ding! The power of lightning and wind types of attacks has been increased by 50%.』

『Ding! Because of the storm, The host's agility has been increased by [300+]』

Even though Aditya could feel his power sharply rising, but this wasn't enough. The gap between a beginner 3rd-order and a Peak 5th-order was bigger than the gap between the earth and Heaven.

Inferno Overdrive!

『Ding! The host is entering into a berserk state.』

『Ding! In the berserk state, all of the host stats except for Mana have been temporarily increased by 70%.』

"Not enough"

Feeling Aditya's Aura continuously rising, Sylvie, Nora, Noah, and Alicia had no choice but to step back and retreat.

Crimson Lightning Dash!

Lightning Armor!

Storm Flight!

『Ding! Crimson Lightning Dash has added [200+] agility to the host's stats.』

『Ding! The Lightning armor has increased the host's defense and also has added [100+] strength to the host's stats.』

『Ding! As there is a storm, the second function of the Storm flight skill has been activated. The host's agility has been increased by [200+].』

As if this all wasn't enough, Aditya finally took out a cheap-looking crown from his storage ring. It was the Crown of Seven Sea. It was the very low-grade 5-star artifact that the Majin village protected. Aditya was given the crown after the Majins found out that Aditya has the Crimson dragon bloodline. Ever since he got the crown, he has never used it even once. In front of such a powerful enemy, it was finally time to use this crown.

As soon as Aditya wore the crown, he felt his power increasing again. He also saw the new message flash in his retina.

『Ding! By wearing the crown of Seven Seas, the third function of the crown has been activated. The host's fighting power has been increased by [20%].』

Aditya's both arms turned into dragon claws. He then took out the grade mid-5-star black sword and wielded it.

『Ding! As the host has wielded a weapon, The innate skill Weapon Grandmaster has been activated. The power of the Adamantite Doomblade has been increased by 50%. The chances of landing a critical strike have been increased.』

"Let's start."


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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