Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 160

This chapter is specially dedicated to the reader [Zeko323] for gifting this novel with a Magic castle worth 5000 Coins.

Thank you very much to the reader [Zeko323] for your continuous support. It means a lot to me.


"My lady, we haven't found any answer. The strongest Fire ant that the survivors have seen was a Peak 4th-order Fire ant. The Ant was said to be around 2 meters big in size and had terrifying strength."

"Alright I will look into this matter. Report everything to his Majesty." Issei bowed his head and then took his leave.

Sylvie couldn't understand how Fire ants, a types of magical animals that only supposed to have the strength of 1st-order managed to reach 4th-order. According to Issei there was at least thousands of 4th-order Fire ants. Even Sylvie is not sure if she can take on 1000 of 4th-order Fire ants at once and survive.



A few hours later,

Aditya, Alicia, Sylvie and Noah, all four them were standing inside the teleportation circle. The news had already spread throughout the whole Empire. Ronnie decided to sent Noah to investigate. Following Noah, Sylvie also offered her services. Since both her best friend and her big brother was going, Alicia also decided to join along with Aditya.

"Welcome to Rose Hills city." All the guards bowed their heads in the presence of the crown prince and the princess. Everyone easily recognized Sylvie as she was equally popular as the princess. No one knew who this handsome young man with long blue hair and crimson eyes was.

Rose Hills City, the city was originally a small village in the mountain. A few hundred years ago, the Emperor, Ronnie's father and Alicia's grandfather personally made efforts to develop the Rose Hills village into one of the most prosperous cities of Westnia. The Rose Hills City was only around 90 km away from the Blackwood city.

Since the Rose Hills city was closet to the Blackwood city, everyone feared that the magical animals might attack this city next. So the Emperor had sent a millions of soldiers, along with various advanced and powerful defensive barriers and cannons.

While the Blackwood city had around 1.8 million people living in it, the number of people that lived in the Rose Hills city was almost 3 times the total population of Blackwood city. The Rose Hills city was home to more than 5.2 millions people. This number now has been increased to 6.2 million with the millions of troops that the Emperor sent.

The city was surrounded by tall mountains. As the Rose Hills city was located on top of a hill, the temperature of the city was lower than other cities. The people of this city were used to the harsh winter.

Right now even though it was midnight, the whole Rose Hills city was in a state of turmoil and panic. The citizens were afraid that they were going to experience the same fate as the people of the Blackwood city did. All the rich merchants and rich peoples and the people who can afford the price of using the teleportation array were demanding to leave the city. The Emperor saw this coming so he had asked 10,000 guards to protect the teleportation array and to not let anyone leave the city. Not only that, no one was allowed to leave or enter the city in this period.

Alicia's father was confident that a 1 million troops and advanced cannons would be enough to stop the Fire Ants horde from entering the city. The Emperor felt that if suddenly a large number of people moved to other cities, this would disturb the order of his Empire and would cause more chaos.

"You all may rise. Give me a brief detail on the present situation." A man whose appeared to be around 6 feet 4 inches bowed before Noah and Alicia then started reporting.

"Your Royal highness, just as his majesty has ordered us, one million troops have been placed outside the city. The thousands cannons also has been placed on the walls and are ready to fire. Each of our advanced cannons has the power to kill a 4th-order with a single shot. Also the city defensive barrier is also ready. Even a 5th-order would have trouble breaking the defensive barrier."

"Good. We will be going ahead to see what has happened to the Blackwood city."

The man hesitated before speaking. "Your royal highness, with all due respect, I think it's dangerous for you to go there."

Noah coldly looked at the man who was also the commander of the 1 million troops. "Levi, I have a 5th-order cultivator with me. Beside I am not that weak. We're not going there to fight. You're worrying too much." Noah replied in a displeased tone. If Sylvie had not asked Alicia's father to go along with Noah, Ronnie would have sent a 5th-order to go along with Noah.

"I apologize for my rude words." Levi bowed his head again before standing aside.

"Let's go." The soldiers moved aside and made a path for the crown prince, princess, Guild leader and the man with blue hair.

"Alicia, can you tell me a little about Levi?" Aditya whispered in Alicia's ears.

"Actually Levi is a Peak 4th-order half beastmen. Although he does not have the physical appearance of a beastmen, having the blood of beastmen has made Levi extremely powerful. I heard that there was a time when Levi had single handedly killed 7 Peak 4th-order cultivators alone. Also Levi is a genius when it comes to commanding and leading the troops."

The troops looked at the princess whispering something to this unknown man. Everyone felt that both of them were flirting. Everyone felt that Aditya's identity was also something very special.

"I am not sure but I think Levi already has the power of half beginner 5th-order. Technically he cannot take on a beginner 5th-order. But no Peak 4th-order can defeat him." Aditya looked at Levi who stood at the center of the teleportation array. It looked like Levi was calling a few powerful mages.

"By the way, Aditya can you fly?" Noah suddenly asked this question after they walked near the northern gate of the Rose Hills city.

Two crimson dragon wings appeared on his back. He then nodded to Noah, as if letting Noah know that he can indeed fly.

"Good. In that case, let fly all the way to Blackwood city." Noah took out a Mid 4-star red blood drop earring and wore it in his left ear.

"Sylvie, it looks like you will have to carry in me." Since Alicia neither had any artifact that would let her fly nor had the powers or skills to fly, she can only depend on her best friend Sylvie.

Sylvie as a 5th-order naturally had the power to sky. To her flying in the air is the same as walking on land.

"Alicia, I don't think I will need to carry you this time. Aditya is better suitable to carry you." Alicia wasn't expecting this betrayal from her best friend. Sylvie ignored Alicia's heart broken eyes and flew up. Noah also followed Sylvie and flew up as well.

"Princess no need to be shy. Come here. This is not the first time I have carried somehow while flying. So you don't have to be worried." Aditya shamelessly began taking advantage of the situation.

This only increased Alicia's anger toward Sylvie and Aditya. 'I swear I will get my revenge for this. Just you wait.' While gritting her teeth, Alicia walked up to Aditya. In front of her brother, she still had to act as Aditya's girlfriend.

Aditya put right arm under her knees and then picked up her in a princess carry surprising Alicia.

After picking up Alicia in his arms, Aditya also flew off to the sky. Meanwhile the hundred thousands of troops who saw the princess being carried by an unknown man felt shocked. At this moment, without even knowing Alicia and Aditya's relationship has been known to hundred thousands which will later spread throughout the entire empire.

Noah, Aditya and Sylvie all three flew in the direction of north at a moderate speed. If in case the group is forced to fight, they were preserving their mana and stamina for it. The group was around 150 meters above the ground. While flying, the cold wind of the winter hit their bodies. But no one looked affected by this.

After flying for a few minutes, Aditya stopped while Noah and Sylvie continued flying. "Why did you stop?" Alicia asked in a low tone. Right now the goddess of Wealth was really embarrassed. Fortunately or also unfortunately, Aditya couldn't see her embarrassed face because of the veil. If Aditya saw her face, he would have been charmed by her embarrassed face.

This was the first time, anyone other than Sylvie had carried Alicia like this. Aditya was the third male in Alicia's life after her brother and father to get this close to her.

Being carried like this, Alicia was slightly nervous and strangely also feeling a little excited. Maybe she was feeling excited because she was flying or maybe there is a different reason for her excitement.

"Princess, please wrap your arms around my neck. I can't move at my full speed if you don't hold on to me. I might even drop you if you don't hold me tightly." The last part was obviously was threat to Alicia.

Hearing Aditya's shameless words, Alicia glared at him. For a powerful beginner 3rd-order, Aditya can easily carry her while moving at his full speed. 'This man. I swear I will get my revenge on you.' Alicia knew that Aditya was taking advantage of the situation. If Alicia had known that Aditya was this shameless, she wouldn't have bought him here.

'I should have believed in Julia's words.' Alicia bit her lips while moving her hands to wrap them around his neck.

Aditya nodded with a satisfied smile while saying. "Much better. You know princess, maybe you should try eating less. You're so heavy." Aditya began flying. This time his flying speed was faster than before.

"What did you say?" Aditya pretended to not see Alicia's cold murderous glare. Alicia looked like she wanted to kill Aditya right here. For some reason he felt he better not look at her eyes otherwise he will regret it.


Storm Flight!

Crimson Lightning Dash!


Alicia had to tightened her hold as she felt the sudden increase in Aditya's speed. Right now she couldn't see anything properly. The goddess was seeing things in a blurry motions.

Using Storm flight, Aditya had gotten [100+] increase in his agility. While the crimson lightning dash gave him [200+] increase in his agility by consuming [20+] mana per second. So Aditya had a total boost of [300+] extra speed which made him current agility reach [901+]. And for a 3rd-order this much speed wasn't normal at all.

Aditya soon caught up to Noah and Sylvie. Both of them were surprised seeing how fast Aditya was moving.

After catching up with Noah and Sylvie, Aditya stopped using Crimson Lightning dash to match Noah's speed which were somewhere around [700+]. While Sylvie could have moved even faster she didn't as she did not wanted to leave Noah and Aditya behind.

After flying for a several minutes, the group was finally near Blackwood city. Aditya, Alicia, Sylvie and Noah all four stopped. Right now they were approximately 700 meters away from Blackwood city.

Aditya used the Crimson flame to summon a 100 meters big orb of crimson flame which lit the entire area and making it easier for everyone to what was going on.

"What is this?" Aditya, Noah, Alicia and Sylvie, all four had a look of shock and surprise on their faces. Sylvie in her centuries old long life has never seen anything like this before.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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