Dragon Monarch System

213 Chapter 213

'Just like father told me, these idiots are fools. Give them some temptations and they will act like dogs.' Everyone failed to notice the look of contempt that Lucas was giving them.

"Let's test out this bad boy." Lucas went back to his cheerful self, pretending as if he never saw everyone's greedy looks.

"How does this cannon even work?" The commander of the Ageless Islands couldn't help but ask.

"Well, that's a trade secret, my friend. If you want to learn more about this cannon, then you will have to talk to His Majesty." Even if the Firestorm Cannon was a failed product there was no way Lucas would tell others how this thing worked. The plan was to use this cannon to make the Ageless Islands and the Storm Empire more dependent on the Southern Fire Dragon Empire and force both Empires to send more of their soldiers and resources into this war. But those all were reserved for later times. It was a plan for the future.

"Everyone, I will need you to move a few steps back," Hearing Lucas's words, the commanders of the both Ageless Islands and the Storm Empire and others moved back.

Lucas put his hand on the body of the Firestorm cannon. Even though this cannon was a failed product, it is one of Lucas's favorite toys out there. In fact, only Lucas knew how hard he had to work to convince his father to give him one of these Firestorm Cannons. Just building a Firestorm cannon costs somewhere from 40 million gold coins to 50 million gold coins and almost 3 months' time. Less than 10 people in the whole Southern Fire dragon empire knew how these Firestorm Cannons were made. Among those 10 people, Lucas and his father, the black Dragon King were two of them. Not even the other princes or royal family members knew the secret of the Firestorm Cannon.

As Lucas started transferring a small bit of his mana into the Firestorm Cannon, the whole cannon lit up. The golden marks on the cannon started getting brighter with each passing second. At the same time from the base of the Cannon, complex runes in golden color began to appear on the body of the Cannon. The mana that Lucas transferred into the Cannon was activating the Firestorm cannon and was preparing to attack.

In a few seconds, everyone was able to feel the rising heat of the Firestorm Cannon. In fact, due to the rising heat, even the layer of snow that was near the Firestorm Cannon began to melt. At this moment the Commanders of both Ageless Islands and the Storm Empire had a look of surprise and shock.

From the corner of his eyes, Lucas looked at them and secretly smiled. He then moved the Firestorm Cannon 45 degree and aimed at the sky. At the same time, a small golden orb of light began to condense at the mouth of the Cannon. The golden orb's size continued to increase with each passing second.


Under everyone's shocked gazes, a beam of golden light was shot from the Firestorm Cannon to the sky. Everyone including Lucas followed the golden beam of light while looking up. The golden beam penetrated the dark clouds. Lucas fully knew that this golden beam was seen by the Northern Frost dragon Empire's troops and commanders but he didn't care. This cannon wasn't the only weapon that their Empire had. Even if their secret was exposed before the war even officially started, it's not like the Northern Frost Dragon can come up with a counter.

Just as Lucas thought, on the other side of the central, in the north, more than millions of troops were forced to stop due to the snowfall. Just when the commanders were discussing how they can stop the snowfall, they all noticed a golden beam of light piercing the clouds and going beyond the clouds.

"What was that?"

No one had time to answer as the next second the entire dark sky was lit up. At this moment all the soldiers on both sides also raised their heads and glanced at the sky. It was very difficult for the soldiers to describe the entire scene in words. The entire dark sky started glowing in golden making one feel as if the sun itself had descended.

The next second, everyone heard the sky rumble fiercely. A sound similar to when a firework explodes in the sky took place. But compared to the sound of fireworks, this sound was way louder and more dangerous. Every soldier at that time had opened their mouths and eyes wide in deep shock as they watched a huge shockwave pushing all the dark clouds away. It was as if the golden flames in the sky were devouring the black clouds.

For a moment everything became so bright that some Peak 1st-order cultivators couldn't keep staring at the sky. Due to the bright intensity of the golden light that came from the explosion that shook the entire central region, some Peak 1st-order cultivators had to close their eyes.

If someone asked the soldiers what they had felt when they witnessed this scene, then the soldiers would reply that it was a moment of astonishment and their hearts were filled with fear and shock. The whole scene was unforgettable to them. When some thought of this explosion happening on the ground, they couldn't stop shivering when they imagined themselves facing this huge explosion.

When everything finally calmed down, as the golden light that made some temporarily blind and some close their eyes gradually dimmed down, everyone saw the clear blue sky.

Aditya and other hidden forces who were using artifacts to watch this battle were deeply shocked. Especially the Empires or the forces that previously mocked or looked down on the Southern Fire Dragon Empire.

Aditya and Watson exchanged looks of surprise. They hadn't expected the Southern Fire Dragon Empire to have a such powerful weapon with them. "To think King Brolbiner had such a powerful weapon. Your majesty, I think we should treat the Southern Fire Dragon Empire with more caution."

Aditya shook his head while looking at the screen that was displayed on the wall. It was all thanks to Julia's father that Aditya managed to obtain this kind of device that let him see what is going on on the battlefield. It's unfortunate that he cannot spy on the enemies using this artifact.

"I think Emperor Brolbiner knows that currently this war is being watched by many hidden forces. Since his son used such a powerful weapon even before the war began, I feel that this is just the beginning." What Aditya said doesn't have to be the truth but he felt that he wasn't far away from the true reason.

"Aditya, are you using that Emperor Brolbiner had managed to develop more powerful weapons?"

"Maybe, Maybe not. Both Dragon Empires are extremely secretive with their military. Other than knowing the total number of troops both Empires possess, nothing else is ever revealed or leaked outside." Meanwhile, Aditya secretly wondered just how much power or mana is needed to launch this big-scale attack.





"This has to be one of the most advanced and powerful cannons I have ever seen in my life."

Both Commanders of the Ageless Islands and the Storm Empire turned to Lucas. Lucas ignored their looks and calmly put his favorite toy in the storage ring.

"Now that the snow has stopped falling, time to march forward." Lucas inwardly was waiting for both Commanders to ask that question.

"Sir Lucas, if you don't mind, can you tell us if we can buy this Firestorm Cannon from the Southern Fire Dragon empire? This powerful cannon can double our Empire's defense and will help us in future fights."

"The Storm Empire would also like to have a few of these powerful cannons. Of course, our Empire is willing to negotiate for a fair price. What do you think Sir Lucas?"

Both Commanders changed the way they addressed Lucas. Now they added 'sir' before calling his name which they didn't do before. It was just said Brolbiner had told Lucas. Both Commanders now have seen what their Empire can do and will at least stick together till they win the war.

"I don't want to disappoint you two so in advance let me apologize." Lucas then put on a serious face as if he was going to say something very serious which made both Commanders slightly nervous. "Everything depends on father. Of course, I will try my best to pursue my father but in the end, the final decision will depend on his majesty. Knowing father, he will most likely to call both Emperors for a discussion on this topic."

The purpose was to show that Lucas was on their side and wanted to befriend them by helping them buy the Firestorm Cannons.

Just like Lucas and his father had predicted, both Commanders grinned like fools while nodding their heads.

While everyone in the Empire thought of Lucas as an idiot and as someone who is not fit to be the Emperor even though Brolbiner favored him, Lucas in reality was very different. Only a very few people knew what type of man Lucas was. While Lucas pretended to be a sheep but under the sheep's skin, he was a snake that was ready to bite his enemies at any time.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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