Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

"Dragon Ball?"

A suspicion flashed in Vegeta's eyes, and he asked calmly, "What is that, and what does Frieza want it to do?"

"Uh, this is a special task ordered by King Frieza. It must be kept strictly confidential and cannot be told to you!" Cui repeatedly shook his head and raised Frieza's name, expecting Vegeta to think about it.

The charge of divulging special secrets was not small, especially when it was leaked to Vegeta. King Frieza was not optimistic about Vegeta. If the King knew about it, he would suffer.

"Oh, Frieza?"

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth and his icy expression like frost. Vegeta approached Cui, his cold face pressed towards Cui, staring directly at him, "You can try not to tell, don't think Frieza can protect you."

After a shudder, Cui couldn't wait to slap himself twice when something was wrong, and how could he put his score in front of Vegeta. Well, Vegeta seemed to be going to ask the question.

Looking at the other's expressionless face, Cui didn't dare to die and whispered timidly, "I don't know. King Frieza ordered us to search secretly. The thing called Dragon Ball seems to have a peculiar ability. It seems to be able to grant any wish."

After getting the answer he wanted, Vegeta stepped back. He patted Cui on the shoulder with one hand and laughed loudly, "Yes, I'm very satisfied with your attitude, but Frieza doesn't what it has to be called the King of the universe. It's really worthless to believe that there is such an unrealistic thing as Dragon Ball in the world!"

Watching Vegeta leave with a big laugh, Cui was drenched in the heavy rain, cold sweat was swishing, and he looked around quickly, seeing that other cosmic people hadn't noticed them. He couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, so he swaggered away.

"Frieza is looking for Dragon Ball?" Vegeta muttered to himself, making his complexion look as calm as usual, but there was a scorching light in his indifferent and evil eyes.

He had heard the legend of Dragon Ball, but he didn't believe it. He had heard such rumors when he was on a mission with Nappa and passed through remote areas, but it was a legend handed down hundreds of years ago. Since the weather disaster of Namek, people who believed in the legend of Dragon Ball are getting less and less.

Now even the Universe King Frieza was looking for Dragon Ball, so the legend about Dragon Ball was not all absurd!

"It seems that Frieza still doesn't know the information of Namek, as long as I gather the Dragon Balls before Frieza, then my dream can be easily realized."

With a chuckle, his eyes gleaming with fiery light, and his cheeks trembled with excitement. Vegeta quickly got into the aircraft and flew towards the star field where Namek was located.

"Get to the starfield as soon as possible, and then check the location of Namek. I must get the Dragon Ball before Frieza!"

Frieza headquarters.

Frieza sat on the egg-shaped aircraft with a displeased expression, his long tail wagging constantly.

"Mr. Zarbon, the expansion of the new northern forces over there in Planet Leaf Spirit has started again. It is said that many planets in the central region have been occupied again. So if this goes on, our northern galaxy southern forces are in danger!" His scarlet pupils flashing dangerous light, Frieza licking his lips, His look was indifferent, but those familiar with him felt chills all over.

Slightly stepping forward, Zarbon smiled on his stern face and calmly said, "King Frieza, the forces in the north have acted like a broken bamboo since the change of ruler, and their arrogance is hard to stop. Although the King has many masters, when we face the New North forces, we still need to act calmly."

"Zarbon, you are too careful. The New North forces have nothing to fear. As long as the King personally takes action, the mob will not fall apart?" Dodoria disagreed. The fleshy thorns on his red skin flicked. For him, nothing was terrifying about the New North forces.

Zarbon understood Dodoria's character and chuckled, "Know your enemy, know yourself. A hundred battles will not be dangerous! The New North can not be underestimated."

"They were not a mob. The forces that depended on the Queen of the New North were unprecedentedly powerful. There were still many masters with tens of thousands of strengths in it. The conflict with our forces had intensified recently, and it is already a big worry for our southern forces!"

Frieza took advantage of Slug's death to occupy the territory that was constantly being eaten away. But, just as Zarbon said, it was already a confidant of the southern forces.

Dodoria pouted his lips and stopped talking. Although he acted impulsively and often did not use his brain, it did not mean that he had no brains. The strength of the New North was something that Frieza didn't dare to take it lightly.

"Mr. Zarbon is right. The New North forces should not be underestimated. Come here!" Frieza shouted indifferently.

Hearing the King's call, the cosmic people hurried forward.

"Send additional personnel to keep a close eye on the movements of the New North forces and record all their actions for me."

After thinking of something, he waved his hand. Then, he said, "Forget about ordinary conflicts, but if it infringes on our interests, give me a vicious counterattack!"

Frieza coldly ordered that the situation no longer allowed him to give in. He also hoped that the two sides would not infringe on each other, but his retreat would only make the other side worse. The activity of the New North had already made the southern forces started to feel uneasy. If the influence of the New North was not removed, he would be stuck in the throat!

Frieza was willing to kill the Queen with the Kurdish King, but the Kurdish King couldn't make up his mind after thinking about it. Without the support of the Kurdish King, Frieza would not even dare to fight with each other alone.

"Yes!" The cosmic man responded loudly and withdrew.

Frieza separated from the egg-shaped aircraft, rose a few feet, and floated in the air with both hands on his back.

"I heard that Vegeta has been hit hard recently! How is it going?" Frieza said flatly with a cold smile.

Dodoria shook his head disdainfully and said in a mocking tone, "It's the prince of Vegeta who returned the waste to the Saiyan! He was defeated on a low-level planet like Earth. I heard that Nappa was captured by others. Even against the low-level people on Earth, he can't win."

"Hehe, Vegeta's strength is still good. The strength is almost more than 10,000. If they can defeat him, then the Earth should not be underestimated!"

"Well, he was stimulated because of being defeated. He has been busy doing missions all day, very busy! Just now, someone saw his spaceship taking off again." Dodoria said with a sneer.

"Going again? Isn't his aircraft going to be overhauled these days? So why go out to perform the mission?" Zarbon asked in surprise.

"Investigate what task he was going to perform, why he was so anxious!" Frieza looked indifferent.

Little people like Vegeta didn't need Frieza at all, but now the time was special, and they were confronting the New North forces. So there could be no traitors in the headquarters.

Soon, the staff called up Vegeta's task list, and all the tasks above showed that they were completed.

"My lord, Vegeta doesn't have a mission!" the staff reported.

"Huh?" Frieza frowned. A flash of electric light flashed through his scarlet pupils.

Did Vegeta really want to betray him? When Vegeta was destroyed, Frieza was prepared for Vegeta's rebellion, but Vegeta was a wise man who would not rebel for no reason, at least not until he couldn't stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

"Track the Vegeta spacecraft's signal and investigate the reason for his trip!"

According to the cosmic man's report, he had contact with Cui before Vegeta's trip and then left in a hurry.

The problem lies with Cui!'

Frieza looked a little unhappy. But then, his face changed, "Cui is a member of the special mission. Could it be that he leaked information about Dragon Ball to Vegeta?"

"Go and bring Cui to this king!"


Soon, Cui came to the headquarters command room. However, although Cui's strength was good, the number of times he entered the headquarters command room was very few.

"King Frieza!" Cui shouted tremblingly.

"Hmm!" Frieza nodded lightly, staring at Cui coldly, which increased Cui's pressure. Then, waved his hand, Frieza asked straightforwardly, "Did you reveal the Dragon Ball information to Vegeta?"

Cui's heart burst.


How did King Frieza know?

Reminiscent of King Frieza's terrifying power, sweat suddenly wetted his back.


Seeing Cui's face in horror, Frieza already knew that those who betrayed him would never end well. He shook his head regretfully, Frieza said indifferently, "It seems that you told him! You know the fate of betraying me, right?"

Speaking of the latter, his tone became colder and colder.

Cui was immediately stunned silly, and terrified. He prayed anxiously: "My lord, I didn't betray you. It's Vegeta"

Before he finished speaking, Frieza waved his hand to interrupt. He didn't want to hear any explanation. He only asked the result.

A crimson electric light flashed from the fingertips, tremendous energy gathered at one point, and the entire command room was immediately enveloped by a frightening atmosphere.

"No, King Frieza, listen to my explanation" Cui shouted frantically with a bloodless face as he screamed.


The crimson light flashed like a deadly blade, leaving a reddish trail in mid-air.


Cui's eyes were about to split, his body was penetrated by the red light, and the huge energy firmly wrapped him. The terrible energy expanded and contracted, wiping out his vitality little by little as he continued to squeeze.


A loud noise erupted from Cui's body, his whole person turned into ashes, and the miserable shouts continued to reverberate.

Looking at the wreckage in the command room, Zarbon and Dodoria sneered again and again, and their awe of Frieza grew stronger.

"Mr. Zarbon, you go and pay attention to Vegeta personally. Don't rush. Vegeta leaves in such a hurry, maybe he knows some information about Dragon Ball!" Frieza said coldly.

"Yes, Lord Frieza!"

Zarbon straightened his waist and replied and then quickly stepped back.

Frieza floated to the side of the protective layer, his scarlet eyes looking at the deep dark starry sky, shining with strange streamers. His purple lips twitched a few times, and he smiled faintly, "Vegeta, now I hope you know more about Dragon Ball!"

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