Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka

Chapter 143

Chapter 143

Kame House.

Although they were tens of thousands of miles away from the plain where Son Goku and the others are, at this moment, the atmosphere inside the house was not at all much more relaxed than the scene.

With the arrival of the Turles Crusher Corps, Bulma and others were dumbfounded.

If the enemy were only Vegeta and Nappa, based on the trust in Son Goku, Piccolo, and others, they had the confidence to fight. But in the face of the Turles Crusher Corps, they were completely unable to comply.

More than 300,000!!!

Ah, even if only the leader of the Turles Crusher Corps reached this level, but the presence of such a strong man, was no less than the scythe of death had been put to the neck.

That kind of chill could not be described in words. It's as if asking a beggar to compensate for tens of millions of dollars worth of gems. What else could there be but despair?

After the six powerful signals, four more powerful energy sources appeared on the screen, second only to Turles.

At this time, Bulma, Master Roshi, and other's hearts were more becoming even more violent.

Son Goku, Piccolo, Vegeta, Turles Crusher Corps, Castro, and the Queen's personal guard.

If you count them down, there were 13 of the entire battlefield with a combat power of more than 20,000. Sure enough, it could be called a meeting of the wind and clouds, and there were few such lively gatherings in the entire galaxy.


Lightly landing on the ground, Castro and the others descended to the ground in an orderly manner.

Castro gazed toward Turles and his group. Then, he asked solemnly, "I thought there were only two Saiyans. Who are they?"

Son Goku was injured quite heavily, and moved his body with difficulty, and said with a bitter look on his face, "The leader is called Turles, he just arrived, and he is another powerful enemy!"

Nodding slightly, Castro and the three personal guards strode forward and stood in front of Son Goku. Years of experience on the battlefield made them see at a glance that only the leader, were very dangerous. The other five were not enough to worry about.

"He's called Turles, right? I haven't heard of him. I don't know about him." Castro recalled in his mind, struggling to find news about Turles, but unfortunately, he hadn't heard about a strong man called Turles at all.

"Haha, four more people have come to die, Kakarot. So you have a lot of friends!" Turles' tone was frivolous, from which it revealed his arrogant and cocky character.

Son Goku did not respond and wisely patted Piccolo on the shoulder, letting him slowly retreat together with himself. This level of battle was no longer what they were able to interfere with. Of course, if you say you had more than 100,000 combat power, perhaps it was a challenge. Still, with combat power of 30,000 and not to mention being severely injured that was just looking for death.

Moreover, Turles had 310,000 combat power. So there's not much they could do right now.

The most important thing was to have self-knowledge, and Son Goku was very clear-headed.

"Damn it!" Piccolo cursed angrily but followed Son Goku back together.

Unexpectedly, the dignified Demon King Piccolo turned out to be a drag in the battle, which made him both angry and ashamed. However, his desire to become stronger was even greater now.


When Son Goku retreated, Castro judged the situation and quickly arranged a strategy.

"Lanre, you and I will take care of that Turles guy. Antiski, Jamboni, you take care of the rest! Take care!"



The members of the Queen's Guard answered. Firstly, they were confident. Secondly, they represent the Queen to the outside world. Therefore, to defend the majesty of the Queen, they must win.

Turles watched coldly as the other side distributed the personnel, without the slightest intention to stop them, because he did not put them in his eyes at all, a turtle in a jar, not enough to worry about!

"Amond, later, you just hold on for a while. When I kill those two leaders, I will come to your aid!" Turles did not care. His words were full of dominance.

"Yes, Lord Turles!"

The five men of the Turles Crusher Corps were also heartless, not worried at all about their opponent's strength surpassing their own. They believed that with Lord Turles around, it would be easy to kill the other party.

"By the way, Lord Turles It seems like I've seen that white attire and red border of these four people somewhere." (See specifically the school uniform in IS, which is similar to it.)

Turles glanced and chuckled, "What? You think they look good and want to design a combat uniform like them?"

Amond grinned.

"Oh, when we defeat them, we'll go back and dress up in uniform!" Turles promised with conviction.


The personnel on both sides turned into several beams of light.

Castro and Lanre, with their golden lights glowing, pounced on Turles head-on. At the same time, Antisci and Jambouni also moved swiftly and instantly appeared in front of Turles' army.


Wind with amazing energy rampant across, the battle between two sides immediately fired up.

Vegeta looked at the two sides who were fighting in full swing not far away, with his arms in front of his forehead, trying his best to block the enormous shock wave coming.

"How can this be!"

He staggered back a few steps. His head was dizzy. Vegeta's gloomy face kept twitching in his heart, and a strong unwillingness surged in his heart. He thought he was strong enough, but he was repeatedly frustrated on this small earth, and now even the leaked energy made him feel irresistible.

What is this strength difference?'

"Damn, I'm the dignified Saiyan prince Vegeta! How can I give up? Be strongerI want to be stronger!" He let out an unwilling roar. The belief in becoming stronger was like a poisonous ant gnawing at his nerves.


On the side, Son Goku also resisted hard.

"This is the real battle!" Son Goku exclaimed excitedly as his eyes flickered. "I want to fight with them!"

Even just watching them fight from afar, he could feel his blood boiling.

"Idiot, you can't even handle their power and still want to fight?" Piccolo spoke scornfully with a sneer on his face.

Okay, this demon lord understands what that idiot means, but what's the matter with the flickering light in his eyes? It seemed that sparks were coming up at any time.'




A large swath of light fell from the sky, the battlefield countless waves of qi surged. The violent energy swept through.

Although there were five members of the Turles Crusher Corps, they were still completely suppressed by the two members of the Queen's personal guard, Antisci and Jambouni.

However, on the other side of the battlefield, things were not that good.

Noting the rapidly moving figure, Turles chuckled confidently, and his body flashed like lightning in the night sky. He raised his leg, closed his fist, hit directly, and hit a series of attacks in one go.


With a muffled sound, Castro screamed, and his abdomen was wounded, his whole body flew out, and an extremely deep gully was drawn along the ground. Then, when the dust dissipated, he saw half of his body sinking into the soil.


The next moment Castro leaped up again, but as soon as he landed, Turles' attack arrived again.

Again, a wave of qigong attacked him, a stumble on the ground to stabilize his feet. But, again, Castro hastily responded to the move, and his feet slid back a few meters, the muscles of his body twitched, his face became blue and white.

"Tsk, quite a fighter. I wonder how many more moves you can take!" Turles sighed in admiration. His figure suddenly blurred, and the man had already disappeared from his original place.


With a cry of exclamation, Castro's anxiety surged out and tried to dodge, but Turles's attack was too fast, and it was almost impossible to catch!

At this time, a figure appeared in front of him, blocking the upcoming attack

It was Lanre.

In the nick of time, she blocked Turles' attack. No, not blocked, but Turles changed his attack.


With a big wave of Turles' hand, the latter was like a kite with a broken string, and the figure flew diagonally!

"This is the chance!" Castros aw this rare opportunity and launched an all-out attack.


There was a huge collision sound, and the two light streams sprinted violently in the opposite direction. Turles landed peacefully while Castro burst out of the way.

With a cold snort, Turles' face was filled with a gloomy look, "Hmph, I forgot about another guy!"


"Thank you, Lanre!" Castro thanked Lanre. Without her, he would've been beaten to a pulp.

Lanre nodded but had to be alert immediately. Unlike Antiski and the girls, who very easily restrained the Turles Corps, the guy they were facing was simply terrifyingly strong.

Under the light of the rising sun, Ayaka carrying the child in her arms swept through the air.

A beam of air currents visible to the naked eye rolled up in the sky. Due to the low flight, where the huge wind bent the trees, chaotic chirping sounded in the forest, and thousands of birds of prey immediately puffed away from the treetops.

For a strong person like Ayaka, the distance was no longer a problem, so even without instantaneous movement, she could quickly reach the battlefield.

"Mama, the blackness over there is so scary, and the breath is so chaotic and confusing!" Reimu, in her arms, pointed to a dark, low dark cloud in the distance and exclaimed.

Ayaka nodded.

That was where the battlefield took place.

Thinking of this, she increased her speed and plunged head-on into the chaotic place where the demons were raging.

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