Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1972: Profound Heavenly Circle

Chapter 1972: Profound Heavenly Circle

Fate truly worked in strange and unpredictable ways.

Chen Xinjie was superior to Guan Yue both in cultivation aptitude and cultivation age, but it was Guan Yue who had made the breakthrough ahead of him due to these unique circumstances. In contrast with the true god Demon Sovereign, he was only slightly lacking in spiritual power, having still yet to reach the divine sense level.

Even so, he was still able to exert far more pressure upon Tang Wulin than the other Limit Douluos.

As soon as Tang Wulin was teleported into the circle of Limit Douluos, they immediately attacked without any hesitation.

Pristine white light shone down upon Tang Wulin, and he was instantly struck by the feeling that the light was adhering to both his body and divine sense. Even though his powers were of a far superior caliber to this beam of light, he was still momentarily immobilized.

A giant mirror was hanging in the sky above Zhang Huanyun, and it was the source of this white light.

Meanwhile, Yu Guanzhi rapidly swiped his Divine Brush through the air, conjuring up one inky-black spear after another, all of which instantly shot forth toward Tang Wulin.

At this point, Dong Zi'an had already taken on his wolf form, and he was charging toward Tang Wulin like a ferocious beast.

Tong Yu's entire body was enshrouded within five-colored light, and he was releasing one Five-elemental Divine Arrow after another, all of which were hurtling toward Tang Wulin at nasty angles.

At the same time, the two Limit Douluos of the Yuanen Family were attacking Tang Wulin from either side with their Divine Titan Fists.

Guan Yue was also flying directly toward Tang Wulin like a speeding arrow, and he was giving off a peculiar disposition as he flew through the air, as if he were flying directly through space and time.

Thus, Tang Wulin suddenly found himself being attacked by seven Limit Douluos, one of whom possessed godly power. In contrast with Shreks Six Monsters, the seven Limit Douluos were slightly lacking in chemistry and teamwork, but they were more powerful individually, and they were putting their powers on full display.

In the face of such immense pressure, dazzling golden light erupted out of Tang Wulin's eyes, and he slowly swept his Sea God's Trident through the air in a huge arc.

In that instant, a faint figure appeared behind him, and as soon as it emerged, Gu Yuena and the Great Beasts' expressions all changed ever so slightly.

The figure was very faint and blurry, but judging from just the outline alone, it was clear that this was Sea God Tang San!

Generally speaking, the projections that Soul Masters conjured up in battle were all related to their martial souls, but the projection behind Tang Wulin was depicting his father; didn't that mean that he was currently channeling the powers of the Sea God?

A circular arc of light swept through the air, and all of the attacks that entered the area encompassed by the arc instantly melted away like snow under a scorching sun.

The Five-elemental Divine Arrows disappeared, Dong Zi'an was sent flying by a burst of viscous force, and all of the other attacks also vanished without a trace.

In that instant, Tang Wulin felt as if he had returned to the trial of the Sea God where he had faced his father in battle.

That was a very arduous and memorable task, and it was also the first time he had been able to spend any prolonged period of time with his father.

Even though it wasn't a very enjoyable experience as he was constantly being beaten, the pressure that his father had exerted upon him allowed him to truly integrate all of his abilities.

Of course, suffering one crushing defeat after another was a very sobering experience, but Tang Wulin managed to persevere, and at the conclusion of the trial, he was even a little sad to have it all come to an end.

He certainly wasn't saddened by the fact that he would no longer have to suffer one-sided beatings. Instead, he was saddened by the prospect of separating from his father.

The one thing that stuck out to him during his battles against his father was just how insurmountable Tang San seemed.

In the eyes of Tang Wulin, Tang San was like the very heavens, and there was no way to transcend beyond him.

Just now, as he was sweeping his Sea God's Trident through the air, he finally managed to capture that feeling for the very first time. He finally understood why he was no match for his father even though his father had restricted himself to his pre-god form.

In that instant, he was the heavens! Profound Heavenly Circle; that was the name that Tang Wulin decided to give to this technique.

No matter how powerful an attack was, there was no way it could contend with the heavens. The heavens didn't just equate to this plane; it also encompassed the power of the universe.

Tang Wulin had faced his father's Profound Heavenly Circle on countless occasions, and it had been firmly entrenched in his mind, but only now, in the face of such immense pressure did he truly manage to capture its true meaning.

The seven Limit Douluos immediately retreated in unison.

Their autonomous will had been taken away, but they still had their instincts, allowing them to react to danger.

Just now, all of them had been struck by the feeling that if they had continued in their attacks, then they would've fallen into Tang Wulin's control and been completely crushed.

Thus, their only option was to retreat.

As a result, from the perspective of all of the spectators present, as well as the citizens of the Douluo Federation watching the battle from all over the continent, they were greeted by the sight of Tang Wulin forcing back seven Limit Douluos with a single sweep of his dazzling Sea God's Trident.

All of a sudden, his status was elevated even further in everyone's eyes.

Standing alone before Gu Yuena and the massive soul beast army, as well as thousands of controlled Soul Masters, Tang Wulin had appeared completely outmatched.

However, during the course of these two battles, he had shown everyone that he had the ability to sway the outcome of this entire battle on his own.

The Douluo Continent had never been a place that where individual heroism was championed.

After all, all Soul Masters possessed different skills and abilities, and only when working in teams could they maximize their powers; this concept was best exemplified by none other than Shrek's Seven Monsters.

However, Tang Wulin seemed to be completely rebuking this concept through his actions He was able to contend with so many powerful beings on his own, and every single one of his opponents was currently standing at the pinnacle of this continent!

After unleashing his Profound Heavenly Circle, Tang Wulin remained still on the spot with a contemplative look on his face rather than pursing his opponents. This instant of enlightenment had undoubtedly elevated his control over his own powers to a higher level.

Gu Yuena had been appraising him this entire time, and she couldn't help but internally praise him.

As expected of the son of a godking; such exceptional learning ability definitely hadn't been bestowed upon him by the power of the Golden Dragon King. If he could completely absorb the power of the Golden Dragon King someday while still maintaining control over himself, then he would definitely be able to outstrip her in the future.

Even in the Divine Realm, he would at least be a first-rank god.

The seven Limit Douluos retreated to several hundred meters away, and there was a brief pause in the battle. In the wake of Tang Wulin's Profound Heavenly Circle, none of the seven Limit Douluos unleashed any follow-up attacks. Even though Tang Wulin was only standing on the spot, they felt as if he had disappeared, and he was displaying no weaknesses for them to target.

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